Wizard101 Release% Viability
5 years ago
New Zealand

Hey everybody, I'm a new Wizard101 speedrunner and I was interesting in doing a long run which would be known as "Release%." Essentially, the run would entail completing the entire game up until the end of the game on release, hence the name. I understand this run would be insanely long though it could be done as a 'charity' thing with a marathon stream or for people who for some reason have enough time to do so (like myself). Thanks for the read anyway, excited to see what you think. ~ Zed eS

United States

I wouldn't say that could be a real category, given the extreme length of the game (one person did an Arc1% once and it took almost 40 hours). Esp with the current ruleset and ever expanding length of the game. Plus, anytime the game would get longer, it would invalidate all older runs, as they would no longer beat the whole game anymore. So while that kind of run could be a fun experiment (NOT done in one sitting though), I don't think it could be a full fledged category sadly.

New Zealand

Oh, I was meaning up until game completion on release, meaning until the end of Malistaire fight (I believe). Not until the Level 130 cap, back when there was the Level 50 cap meaning invalidation isn't a problem. I definitely do understand the concerns with the length of the run though, I feel it would be a challenge to conquer it in one sitting.

(After some research I have realised that my suggestion was quite literally just Arc1%, I had no clue this game followed "arcs" so obviously, but I understand now, thanks for your time!) ~ Zed eS

United States

No problem! Always happy to hear new ideas.

United States

@Zed.eS No, it's not quite Arc1%, the initial state of the game excluded Dragonspyre which was the final world of the first arc.

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