Idea for new category
1 year ago
United States

Was thinking of a category where the objective is to get the One in a Million badge. Since storm would likely be the quickest to get it, it could be divided by schools. It would be same rules as most of the other categories (fresh wizard, no crowns items, no transferring items between wizards, etc.) but would be more open-ended and allow runners to come up with routes that differ from the same route like in most categories. obviously the beginning would be much like the current categories but would branch off and runners could decide the most efficient way to acquire cards needed as well as which enemy to fight for the actual badge. I think it would still be wise to ban the bazaar but allow treasure card shops. Thoughts?


As much as this sounds pretty cool, I am skeptical about the time it would take from a fresh character. We do have a way to submit category ideas but it does require an example run so if you would like to try it out and submit it we will consider adding it.


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End of Year Tournament Qualifying Information

Hello all!

Welcome to the beginning of the first ever end of year Wizard101 tournament. Today begins the qualifying phase which will last until December 6th 2023 at 11:59pm EST. The goal of this phase is to seed the runners based on speed before the bracket begins on Dec 9th. Your qualifying time

1 year ago
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