California, USAmaxylobes11 months ago

Hey there PC Runners! I asked my friend TheDementedSalad to make an official load remover, and after testing/runs, I can confirm that it works very well. Almost like an actual In-Game Timer. It can be used for Story Mode and Character Episodes currently. I will leave it available in the Resources page! As for the moderators, please change the rules accordingly, and separate PC and Console from each other. Thanks!

Thaijun piace questo
California, USAmaxylobes1 year ago

Official Discord Link: https://discord.gg/X82X7cbjeC

Please read the rules, and have fun! Feel free to post your Demo Speedrun PBs in the designated channel. No Spoilers in main chats, there is a channel specifically for that.

Alzzeth, Zack4343 e 5 Altri ti piace questo
California, USAmaxylobes3 years ago

All Active Cleaners, feel free to join the official B4B Speedrunning Discord! Link: https://discord.gg/fYFqnaFynv

California, USAmaxylobes3 years ago

Storfrag has an Any% run of 1:06:47. Unfortunately, it has been taken down due to not having a video anymore, and it's not archived anywhere. This post is simply for information, and to verify that it was, in fact, legitimate.

Cryoshotz e BugsyTheCat ti piace questo
California, USAmaxylobes3 years ago

After some help from a fellow speedrunner, Hippo, we have found how to play the PC version with DPfix and the 4GB Patch to the .exe, and have it actually work in our favor. Upon hours of testing, we found the most common crash spots with the settings we had enabled, and were able to save and quit to avoid them. We used the GOG Version, but I'm pretty sure the GOG and Steam Versions of the PC port are the same. The first run I completed was already almost 5 minutes faster than the current fastest time on Switch, making this a pretty big milestone for the game and community.

For those of you who are interested in joining in on PC runs, here's what you need to know.

DPfix must be added to your game folder, and the DPfix settings we used are as follows: aaQuality 0 aaType SMAA filteringOverride 2 shadowMapScale 2 improveShadowPrecision 1 reflectionScale 2 improveDOF 0 addDOFBlur 0 ssaoStrength 0 ssaoScale 1 ssaoType VSSAO2 enableTextureDumping 0 enableTextureOverride 0 forceWindowed 1 borderlessFullscreen 1 fullscreenHz 60

We also applied the 4GB Patch to the .exe of the game in the game folder, which can be found quite easily via the PC Gaming Wiki Website: https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Deadly_Premonition:_The_Director%27s_Cut

I also used Rivatuner to cap the game to 60fps, as unlocking Framerate is BUSTED. I ran the game's .exe as admin, and had to use Display Capture in OBS. Do NOT use the DPLauncher. Make a shortcut to your .exe directly so you don't launch the game through the launcher. I also suggest going into Hex, HxD, and removing the intro videos via the tutorial on the PC Gaming Wiki Website.

If your run is going according to plan, these are the spots that should consistently crash, where you will need to save and relaunch the game beforehand.

  • Save and Quit before following Nick to the Art Gallery
  • Save and Quit at the Art Gallery after following Nick
  • Save and Quit after investigating Thomas' Apartment

I would also like to add that I ran this on Windows 10. I did not use compatibility mode at all.

If you follow these steps, you will be able to finish a full run like I did. Obviously, this is theoretical, based on Hippo and I's findings and testing. Hopefully, this will lead to runners from Switch/PS3 to move on over to PC. I've also re-arranged the leaderboard to reflect the fastest versions, as well as remove Director's Cut as it's own category. All Quests is also being removed until someone actually does a run lol.

Anyways, I look forward to seeing what you all think of this! I'll be trying to go for sub 3:15 here in the coming weeks. Please feel free to contact me for help on Discord, Twitter, or DM me here on SRC.

Partycles, Jadeithe, e Droogie4Ever ti piace questo
California, USAmaxylobes3 years ago

These won't be set up for a little while, as we still need to keep on top of the current Main Game Board verification queue, but let's talk about it now.

Currently, the categories that are seemingly a good fit for the Extension page include: Karambit Only, No Duke, and "100%".

I'd like to hear thoughts on this. I already know there was a lot of interest in being able to run with the Karambit on Casual, following Clairebere's guide to achieve what we'll say is "100%", and not using the Duke.

Considering how many categories there already are, and how many runs are still awaiting verification, we won't be doing this anytime soon. This is simply to encourage people to run the game how they would like, without feeling like you're not a part of the community or somethin. Your run is valid, even if it doesn't have a board to submit to. In time, we can work on making these different ways of running the game available for submission.

Share your thoughts, and we'll jot em' down.

nyiddle, FI3RY e 4 Altri ti piace questo
California, USAmaxylobes3 years ago

Hey there! The official Discord is now open! https://discord.gg/QEvpZ5yHeM

Xxcilo, Denathor e 12 Altri ti piace questo
California, USAmaxylobes3 years ago

Hey there! As we get closer to the release, I'm writing this up as an introduction and update for everyone who may be interested in Speedrunning Village.

First thing I would like to address, is that there will be absolutely no submissions until May 28th. This 3 week period will give the community an idea of how the game works, and how it will be categorized. Upon the 28th, the moderators will take all of the info gathered, and set up the categories based on community interest, as well as the basic rules and regulations. During this period, we ask that you all be patient, and simply enjoy everything the game has to offer.

Next up, is the Discord. The Discord is already made, but will be open to everyone a few days after the release. This will help us format it correctly, as well as ensure that it's impossible for important things to not be pinned or archived.

Third, the game. How does it work? Will there be the classic RE Engine FPS quirk? Is sequence breaking possible? Is Knife Only possible? These are just a few examples of things we simply won't know until it's been thoroughly played by many different individuals. Let's all do our best to be on the lookout for things, archive it in the appropriate Discord channel, and see where it goes.

Fourth... this forum right here. I can't stress enough how confrontation seems to get out of hand, and has caused a lot of topics to go off the rails in the past two RE releases. I'm asking that you all try to be respectful, try to talk civilly, and don't bring any personal beef into these forums.

Fifth and final thing. Have fun! We're all here to go fast and have a good time doing so. We're all excited, so let's uplift and encourage each other while things are fresh and fun. Good luck to you all, and enjoy Village!

DaintyMalice, Xxcilo e 65 Altri ti piace questo
California, USAmaxylobes4 years ago

A fellow speedy friend of mine, H1pp0__, has found some pretty cool new skips for this game. He's very good at finding skips in general, so these may not be the last of them. Here's the new School OoB + Nurse's Office Skip, as well as the Climax Skip.

School Skip:

Climax Skip:

If he finds any more, I'll post them here. Big thanks to him for finding these.

Snowfats e Interfector ti piace questo
California, USAmaxylobes4 years ago

Hippo and I have been discussing things a lot. We've both been quite busy, so apologies to the runners who have been submitting without concrete rules to abide by. Luckily, this is just the beginning of your ventures, so you'll be PB'ing a bunch after we've solidified things. Here's a bit of an update as to what we've been discussing.

Full Game Rules Any% and Any% No Major Glitches will remain as the two Full Game categories, as they are both quite different after recent discoveries for the new Any% skips/route. (Skip videos will be provided in a separate Forum post soon.)

Major Glitches include Mobile Skip in Chapter 2 (acquiring the Vinyl early without picking up toys for the cradle mobile), Rakan Skip (skipping the Rakan chase sections by floating straight to the Psych Ward), and Ward Skip (clipping into the electrical room to turn on the power to the elevator early.)

Non Major Glitches (Exploits) Tutorial message skips using the beer can, and interacting with things through walls/doors. (These are VERY easy to do, and still provide a unique run without the need for a long, purely Glitchless category.)

Individual Level Categories Chapter 1 timer will now start upon skipping the opening cutscene, and end when you've picked up Lucy's Jaw from the sink. Chapter 2's timer will also be starting upon skipping the opening cutscene. Timer ends when picking up the Hand Mirror. Chapter 3's timer will also be starting upon skipping the opening cutscene. Timer ends when picking up the Eye.

PC Load Remover We have someone currently working on a load remover for the game. Upon success of it's creation, it will be implemented to help everyone remain on a level playing field, without having to worry about PC specs as much. Console runs will unfortunately not have this option, and will remain RTA. (In which an SSD might be the best option.)

End Again, apologies for not being able to get this update out sooner. It's really cool to see more people interested in running this game, as Hippo and I were really the only ones who put in a lot of work when both Early Access chapters became available to play. Thanks for your patience, and keep up the good work!

Unhollowed_ piace questo
California, USAmaxylobes4 years ago

It's been brought to my attention that FPS changes the run more than we may have thought. Higher framerates allow Point Man to move faster. (I can't believe this wasn't tested earlier)

Considering some people are not able to achieve 300+ FPS, it would be unfair to allow uncapped framerate any longer. I've decided that 144 FPS will be the cap, and that 3rd party software to allow you to show your framerate, and toggle between 144 and 60 with a hotkey, will be allowed from now on to accommodate the new rule.

As of today (9/27/20), all runs must show FPS on screen, and must go no higher than 144.

Thank you for understanding, and good luck on your runs!

AndroSphinx12, Tron_Javolta, e Clowns ti piace questo
California, USAmaxylobes4 years ago

Edit as of 11/8/20

It's been a little over a week since the full release, and Hippo and I have been fiddling around with the game, trying to find optimal routes/strats, skips, and attempting to make a fair set of rules for Full Game and Individual Chapter runs. Will update in a separate post when we've achieved this. Thank you for everyone who has been interested in running/submitting. We appreciate the interest and patience.

Original Post: Please disregard now that the full game is out.

After almost two years of Visage's first Chapter releasing, the speedrunning scene has been very inactive, with only a handful of people doing runs. Some of them are on YouTube and aren't even submitted here. With that said, my initial Discord forum post here has been deleted, simply due to the fact that the channel itself was deleted. I'd be open to remaking it if the game picks up activity from the full release.

Which leads me to my next topic. The full release. When that does happen sometime this year (hopefully), I am grandfathering in Lucy's Chapter and Chapter 1 & 2 as Misc. categories, and renaming the Glitchless category to No Major Glitches, as there are some exploits that some wouldn't consider glitches in the run. Any% and Any% NMG will be available to everyone, and the rules will probably stay the same, unless something really crazy is found from the two new chapters being added. I will also be open to making a 100% category for collectibles, minus any Easter Egg ones that may not be applicable.

Anyways, that's about all I have to post here. Just wanted to get this out there because I find the game is quite popular, yet lacks activity in speedrunning. Hoping to see that change with the full release.

DANNY_RAWFIELD piace questo
California, USAmaxylobes4 years ago

With the PC release out, I've gone ahead and separated Console and PC into different categories. Very Hard is now available, but I have yet to add it to the board. We have no idea how it plays, or how tough it is compared to the Hard run, so I'm holding off until someone routes it and presents a run. If anyone wants to present a Very Hard run, please contact me here or in the Discord and I will go ahead and add it to the PC categories.

It's possible that the console version is still faster, due to the v1.00 Air Walk, but I would be very interested in seeing how fast PC version can get, or if any new version specific exploits are found. I encourage anyone who will be taking this run up now that it's available on PC, to post their discoveries or updated strategies here in the forums, or in the Discord.

Meant to make this post a week ago but have been very busy. Anyways, that's about all I have to say. Keep on keepin' on.

California, USAmaxylobes4 years ago

Hello fellow Deadly Premonition runners. This game has had a lot more activity since the release of Origins on Switch, and it occurred to me that this board needs an update. Deadly Premonition 2 just released, so I assume some of you will try that one out, but I'd like to clear some stuff up here as well.

Rules - The rules didn't matter all that much with there being only two runners on the board for years, but now the game has some competition, and I think that calls for some new standards to the rules. Things such as requiring game audio, a clean video without cuts (especially quitting the application to prevent crashing), agreeing on the official time to start and stop the timer (as I see differing times for some people), and including the main menu before the start, as well as final results screen at the end.

Versions - It seems like Origins is the fastest version at the moment, due to framerate, loading times, and general performance of the game. Lazerlong made a good call on making each version it's own category, as they all perform very differently. What I'd like to do is make Origins the Main Category displayed up front, and also encourage people to try to optimize it with the Quint's Car Route. Buying Quint's Car before heading to the Art Gallery allows for much faster car travel when the game doesn't force you into a police vehicle. You can also fast travel to the Junkyard to get to the Graveyard faster during Harry's mission. I'll be trying this out myself on the Director's Cut and Origins versions in the future.

Discord - Is there a Discord? The Discord link in the tab seems to be expired or invalid. If there isn't a Discord, making one for DP1+2 Speedruns would probably be a good idea.

Feel free to share your thoughts. Happy to help reform things a bit here, and encourage some more activity.

California, USAmaxylobes4 years ago

It's been brought to my attention that runners are finding tricks and animation skips in the game recently that are illegitimate. Upon attempting the door animation skip on the Sewer Door after crawling through the vent, 7rayD discovered that it's only possible with the Trainer open. Despite him having everything the Trainer offers turned off, it ONLY works when it's open. It seems the Trainer may allow other various animations to be altered in the game, or skipped entirely. Considering this is directly altering how the game works, it's not up for discussion whatsoever.

Therefore, everyone who uses the Trainer for practice must turn off the Trainer when they're doing attempts. If your run attempts are done with the Trainer open, you're invalidating your run by default. This rule is being implemented immediately, and I suggest everyone adjusts to this. Thanks to 7RayD for bringing this to my attention.

redz0ro, Squirrelies e 15 Altri ti piace questo
California, USAmaxylobes4 years ago

Hey everyone! We're happy to announce that the boards are officially open for submissions! Please make sure that you read all the rules before submitting! Please be patient with us mods during this time. Your run could take anywhere between a couple of days, to a couple of weeks to verify. It all depends on how much activity there is. Have fun everyone!

Shadowist_, RezurrectJohn e 11 Altri ti piace questo
California, USAmaxylobes5 years ago

EDIT as of January 2022: Steam updated the Configuration Settings, and removed the feature entirely. (wtf Steam) So, the alternative is to set the Controller Config specific to the game, which Martin explains in the latest post here in this thread. Please refer to Martin or DiamondDogez setup for Steam. Joy2Key still works with Martin's method, theoretically, it's just more out of the way.

Upon popular demand, I have created a video explaining how to set up everything that's needed to start speedrunning the PC Door Skip category. A simple Door Skip explanation, as well as a faster and more comfortable way of stair skating, without the use of turbo or macro. No longer will you have to destroy your hand/wrist to run this category. Enjoy, and have fun!

MartinTheDog, Raathiaan e 6 Altri ti piace questo
California, USAmaxylobes5 years ago

This game may not have much activity, or active community members, but I'd like open up a discussion here that introduces a Load Remover for the future (used in my current run), and the possibility of considering the "Sound Acceleration Error" as a separate category.

I learned this game in October, in order to submit to a contest held by Monolith. Upon looking into the game, I noticed that the Any% category allows for something called the "Sound Acceleration Error" to be active during runs. Despite the argument of "It's free time save, and anyone can do it", I think this is probably the main reason why people might not care to run this as much as the first F.E.A.R., as we don't allow audio to be muted in that game. I'd say it's a bit discouraging for someone to check the WR, and realize that they might not be able to get that time without muting the entire game, leaving out a huge part of what makes it even remotely entertaining. After seeing Snowfats comment on his submitted run, I felt that it's something that should be re-opened for discussion, as he even thought it shouldn't really be allowed. I know the community isn't very active, but having a World Record for almost 3 years because nobody wants to compete in a game with no audio, is a bit silly.

I think I've proven that this game can be much further optimized, without muting the entire game. I personally think that it should be moved to another category along the lines of Any% SAE (Sound Acceleration Error). I'd like to think this will help prevent any potential runners from being discouraged by having no audio, and allowing people who DO want to use the SAE, to further optimize that category.

As for the Load Remover, well that's just to keep everyone on an even playing field from now on. It works quite well, considering a lot of the flags are finicky in this game, and the person who worked on it did a great job. I'll provide the version I used in my run in the Resources tab. Only thing that is a bit weird, is the need to pause and unpause when you're waking up after the first mission, as the Load Remover will stay paused until Becket puts on his glasses. (An example of a weird flag) The Load Remover also makes the boards even more viable for a PC/Console split, as PC already has an advantage in RTA in the first place.

That's about all I wanted to say, and I'd love some past and present players to share their thoughts.

Tron_Javolta piace questo
California, USAmaxylobes5 years ago

Hey there. Since Handgun Only is a relatively new category, I thought I'd just post a run here to showcase how quick it could actually be. I didn't really give it a ton of thought, since it's pretty simple routing. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

I hope all you Handgun Only runners take notes and improve the time for Leon. It's a slow, but fun category.

ReportWroteByLeon, Reavez, e Zoft ti piace questo
California, USAmaxylobes5 years ago

Here's the discord link. There are a few channels in the DMC5 category, so feel free to post any info/discoveries in their respective channel.


Info su maxylobes
9 years ago
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