run: Knack 2
FranceSpyrunner136 months ago

I GOT 1:25'34 ON BASE PS4.

Blue bodyslam;dodge and paralysing shot on the crate (hold left);multipunch+dodgekick (you spam it for speed and you somersault over the stair).

Teleport during the dodgespam twice and you fall in front of the mines but don't get hit,the cannonier is beaten with just a hitdodge.The teleport doesn't work well on the duo,dodgespam and somersaultKick them both at the same time.

The mined platforms:you can dodge+somersault to them,a dodgekick will stop at the extremity,dodgekick+somersault+shrink to the end.Only one dodge is enough to the first,you can end the dodgespam with a kick,to the second extremity or the first because it's very risky.

SommersaultTeleport to the human,PunchJumpfarShrinkDodgespamGrowupTeleport to the robot and to the next one during the dodgespam.

Turn green before engaging the fight and spam rapidly while you run,2 dodgekicks+a delayed one and you can already attack the second group,heavy shot on the giant.You cannot dodgekick when golden but you can dodgeslash.

run: Knack 2
FranceSpyrunner136 months ago

I GOT 50'78 ON BASE PS4.

Bodyslam and attack with the green heavy shot that ignores the protection,dodge the projectiles+kick and multipunch him until he flinchs.Dodge forward+multipunch+dodge backward before the shockwave.Heavy shot+the light version on the balls.The third flinch is almost immediate,one danger is to shot while the QTE is available.

run: Knack 2
FranceSpyrunner136 months ago

(the 1-1 comment doesn't work)TARGET AROUND 2:37 ON BASE PS4.

Start with a dodgekick+sommersault+dodgekick+dodge+bodyslam,teleport during spam,turn green and attack only the giant with "one jump+two shots" three times,turn brown and bodyslam.Two diagonal dodgekicks;dodge+growing and you will receive a speed bonus,a "growing dodgefall".After the fight:"grow up+red" and you may skip the exit jump.

Green light shot on the first ennemy and the faraway giant(second time i say it by the way).You should grow up earlier (the effect is progressive).You can dodgekick the stairs but the most important is that you can jump over the virages,the third in particular.Enter the vent with "dodgekick+shrink+airdodge".

The duo after the vent and some crates:dodgekick+teleport to them and sommersault+kick.After the next ennemy:kick the crystals and jump earlier,diagonally as well,remember the dodge+kick "DK" for the short distances.

Turn blue under the zip line.After the QTE:2 blue explosions (the aerial one is bigger) one on the left of the trio.EDIT:you can Ejump out of this room and after 3 dodgekicks,turn green and DK+sommersault (it cancels the kick,a faster jump on a very short distance,remember it).I'm not always sure why the giant survives but he always does if i don't let him do anything.EDIT:the beginning of his animation is the shining eyes.

I thought that the teleport on the before-last ennemy was impossible,good job.You missed the less important use on the duo and other things.

About 2-1:you can end your dodgespam more fluidly with a kick,the tornado is even better at that,costly but not too much in this level.One jump over the long virage after the zip line (you can change your form there or before a QTE).Teleport to the 3 archers above your location,you'll need to jump against the highest one after the waterfall.Solve the two fights with blue explosions.Earlier growing when climbing.Shrink during levitation in a open space,it's better than a shrinked dodgespam.

FranceSpyrunner136 months ago

Right at the beginning of the fourth post,extremely easy to say and do,easy to verify in the end,it still got ignored.Any difference with the emulater?Okay,i know this is a provocation with zero honesty.The HONEST WR on this boss is 37'53,second place at 56.I suggest to write the in-game ranking on paper because the consoles can die.Good bye!

EXTRA:in order to get 48 seconds and half on WHE;you need to know that the Ybounce allows you to attack the maggot immediately,DJ at the right moment and you will do a extra bounce for a rapid kill,don't move lateraly during the following burst.

That's good to know in the tutorial as well as "jump over the ledge AS USUAL" (first repeat).I've found the CYBERSCORE ranking where the champion named Martin posted his old WR's (some are very wrong and some are still legitimate,FF3 is very strange because Weeber has no prescence elsewhere,the 8directionnals lack competition i suppose),Brandino got second on the tutorial with super Sonic.He has written "world record" on the video's title?

run: Knack 2
FranceSpyrunner136 months ago

Start in blue:"3 dodgekicks+bodyslam+red".

Always check how early you can move out of a drag,earlier than what you did,the doors are almost an illusion.To remove the shooting insects?The green light shot from far or a spinning with the heavy one because it's cheaper and precise but you can go too fast for them.

Teleport to the ennemies the earliest possible for a gain of speed,you can do a sommersault over certain ledges and it helps to reach the final archer.

You can change color during a drag and a transportation,you'll need the second for an explosive jump,invlnerable during it hopefully.

In the next level when dragging a column:don't move the central bloc,you can jump far enough from it with a delayed DJ,"a far jump",position the column next to it and you'll reach both sides with far jumps,by the way:they are free unlike the explosive jumps.EDIT:you can jump far enough from the ledge on right,the collumn is skipable.Even in NG?No,because you need the somersault.Ejump;turn red while holding;descent with a dodgefall+dodgekick+somersault over the cube.TARGET AROUND 2:33.

FranceSpyrunner138 months ago

While we're at it:how can you beat the depressive in 37 seconds and half?Curious like you aren't!Fall close to him precisely and roll until victory.Do the smallest backspinjump+recenter(of the camera).

I would like to correct my second guide:from the cage of the bumper not teleporter:you can do a normal DJ and that's easier as well as faster.Normal means without roll,also useful in WH2 on the second burst capsule and in TC2 to kill 3 ennemies at the begining(rolljump to the second but without bounce).Roll2jumpsbounce+release(of the directions) on the head.Ledgegrab the grey blocs further and do the HA for a faster landing+SD.You can JAF to the platforms but it's slower than the small jumps that go less far lineally,the game is very sensible to their height and to the lateral movements.

In FF1:the previous WR(not by me) wasn't aware of the jump spam?Many things to say but no enthusiasm.Niczur,champion of SA1,is my initial inspiration to come here.He wants help on WH1?Go to the left but wallrun to the right.2 smalljumps+JAF to the speed shoes.

I go to the left.Jump over the ledge AS USUAL and jumpHA to the bumper because you're close enough:the roll is a waste of time.

Stop the projection of the cloud with a jump "SPJ".Asteroid to absord the last bloc of the bridge without falling,jumpbounce the 2 clouds and SPJ.Do nothing when you fall,only jumpbounce+SPJ the last cloud,2 jumps to the bumper and he should detransform during the second one.Transform as you hit the final bumper for a closer landing.

FranceSpyrunner1311 months ago

All of that from someone who doesn't have the game.E​xcuse me:who did nothing else than a miserable boss run long ago.

I had full game runs in mind,you can do an inferior but easier version of the shortcuts where you avoid the tornadoes and the giant rings,it's obvious enough in action when you play the game for real.

I got the WR in SILENT FOREST 1,you may prefer this shorter level but it starts with something horrible:you can move while the camera is in front of the flower,go to the right,a lot of variance in time,my best is 3'76,73 happened only once.EDIT:A lot depends of the moment where you smalljumpHA since it guides you,70 happened more often but still not in my WR.

2 spinjumps may be better than a SD,not at the beginning of SF1.Spin to the téléporters:it's faster despite the short distance.

FranceSpyrunner1311 months ago

I got 1''30'53 and that's visible on the in game ranking.

A delayed DJ will go further,same in SHINOBI 3DS and KNACK 2,that's logical,programmed without much thinking.I​ will call that "jump far".

Only 2 rockets,a burst capsule between mines.No HA to the bumper,they are bad in this game.My fastest time is 39:30-3-6.

Start the burst immediately,you want the fastest rythme and the earliest landing.Take the propulsion rings in front,WJ to the lowest bumper,WJ beyond the first tornado-panels and prepare the spindash,smallJ to each plateforms,the tornadoes from the third don't hit the sides.

THE STRANGEST SHORTCUT:spam the WJ's,one jumpbounce over the ledge,spin to the right:Sonic will bypass the rings and land over with immediate SD,he will not land if he's not close to right before the spin.Fall on the bumper without HA.

Prepare the SD,2 jumps to the rocket,the rolling on the ground is faster than the HA.E​arliest quitting+SD,you can't bypass a liberated rocket.Burst when you ride the rocket on left,you can jump over it but it's not faster or barely.Bounce over them,you'll need medium jumps under the laters.At the end:3 burstes and you wait before 2 extra ones.You should be projected right to the bumper(a lot of variance in time).Follow the virages and take the fire shield.

Jumpbounce and over the ledge.P​repare the SD before the descent.A spam of jump after fall:"JAF".Jump far over the long virage and on the left of the cage,take the virages on the ground and jump far.You don't have to jump over the small gaps.

run: Knack 2
FranceSpyrunner131 year ago

TARGET AROUND 1:20 (base PS4).

Green light shots on the early ennemies in a full game run,like at the end of the previous level,no worry about switching form or energy.Dodgekick+longpunch+dodge+longpunch;dodge+sommersault+bodyslam on the relicbot,teleport to the second and multipunch for a better power level.

You don't have to drag the doors a lot,they are almost an illusion,always check how early you can move out.After a super crystal:you have every attack,slash the last four ennemies,the fastest attack on the last ennemy is the chain: "sommersault+kick+multipunch+sommersault+kick",no magic surprisingly.

TWO teleports.Diagonal jump instead of shrink before the elevator,lateral dodge+kick the lever.

I forgot to say that the 2 explosive jumps are useless obviously enough.Dodgekick and climb to the first door,enter the next room with a dodge+grow up+dodgekick,delay the kick and you won't get hurt,climb with a JAS that levitates before shrink (let's say "JASL"),grow up early before the next jump (that's very common during an escalation) and jump far to the door ('not a completely easy part).

FranceSpyrunner131 year ago


Xpoint the right bombo,Vpoint the second leader to provoke the second group which you survey from the map,then,you direct him to the berries precisely:they'll come closer to you and your spellchain.T​he third will be automatically provoked after the KO of the second and immediately targeted,you don't bother with the dance but with the defense reductions.P can scavenge the blue stone.

What to do with a second sapphire?The water wand M-H-L,a +27 on the bosses and nowhere else because of the +24 in speed.A +10/12 may be good enough for the final gang beatdown(the attack speed is the same).

8-1:2 Xpoint to the archers killed by V,K to the middle fairy with 2 spells,F to the second raw of djinns,L to the first,A to the middle cactus.No invisibility to the crystal,V can bait the fairies to your SC.

FranceSpyrunner131 year ago

THE VOLCANO JUDGE:especially if you don't wait for his attack buff to dissipate.

Provoke Chaos with atomoses protected by F,he's not immune to the slowliness.The célérity on your whole army including A herself.

Press Y+X,engage with the anti magic barrier+absorption+Ftrap gambit+celerity at surround,add the spellchain if possible.The secret is to give every monster to F despite the inferior attack:they will receive the protection several times and the Q.

The barrier from Bash...It brings us to the forged sword with 2H-M instead of 3H:it's a PLUS EIGHT!It can be done that early despite the randomized quality.You can always buy the superior bow because Fran and Balt are the most damaging during the final gang-beatdown(her best code is always 2H-M,3L for P,the most complicated one is M-H-L for the water wands).

Level 33+trance gambit,it's better to not miss it but it is not fatal.


C4:plus extra reward,the life crystal gives you 2 good material for both the saber and the lance.

C6:forge 11 weapons:go to the right and never to the middle,V provokes the dogs while the fliers scavenge the everburn.The saber uses the same questionnary as the previous one,you'll need the liana morbol from 4-3 which is not fun.EDIT:you can buy a variant or you'll get it from the second mission given by Penelo(extra item),weaker but faster to collect,i wonder if it's usable for any% counting the skybandit M-2H:+39 of force minus the bigger radius and +24 in speed.

Hashmal should be easy to take down with the anti inertia,he's not immune to blindness for no reason,remove the previous ennemies except the golems,you really need the spellchain.

FranceSpyrunner131 year ago

It's 7-4,also called the aerial battle:I suggest segmentation for this game,chapter by chapter but this one is very scary in a easy one.

About the equipement:a new armor for L and K with the saber.

Point L to go north,press A and buy Shiva,drag down the portrays and direct his exceptionnal wyverns to provoke the south leader(they escape after their flames)welcomed by Balt and Fran,don't forget their gambits.Jump to provoke the one behind démons,during it:order a déplacement close to the other one,jump on the central one or come back before for safety.I​t should end with a big frozen group.

THE FASTEST AND SAFEST APPROACH OF MATEUS:provoke the judge with a sprinting V who comes back a bit more on left,so M will go close to Balt,that also means you beat the judge first and with the physical dance+trap,he will follow M if you engage too late.Previously:you provoke the shivars with the 2 bulb-heads.

Against Balt himself:no characters except the spellchain,you're behind the third portal that you don't need,Ifrit is more in front.

FranceSpyrunner131 year ago

In 1-2:V needs to kill 2 ennemies in order to not miss a level if you don't know.There's the Y button for the previous level.

I'm here for 5-1:You don't need to fight.Xpoint the dogs,then,Lpoint a mushroom at the exit,gambits will be ignored if there is a focus and that's their only purpose.Dismiss every monster.F removes the dogs rapidly,the small fliers in one spell.How do you get rid of the golems?Sprint in front of them,they should follow V.

A more subtle one is the water saber that should be ignored.Shopping only after 4-1(V is safer than F in my guide instruction:middle chest+crystal+south),in particular:you can add the Varmor with fire résistance.'still need the electric wandH-M-L before Belias.The quality of the fire saberH-M-L will probaly be worse but you can use it on Bag(7/9 is enough).

In 4-3:(equip the last weapon of P and K)you can ignore every ennemy before the cutscene.Xpoint the up chest,the first dog should follow V while L opens the first chest,FKPL to the second (remember the sprint and the accélération).Provoke Bag with the poison on the dogs and defense trap+jump.

FranceSpyrunner132 years ago

I have reached a segmented IGT of 1hour 58 after finishing the chapter 15 and it's perfectible.

the hourglasses can restore an agent or do a global restoration "GR",they can be used diagonally like the screens but it requires one extra panel,you may need to collect more money in order to buy it in any part of a chapter,the frozen ones from ennemies are always collected at the end.

Collect every gear until 5-2,reduce at 2 until you get the ninja pack,F is the only user eternally.The exception are:2-2(1),3-1(0),8-1 and 2(3) and the chapter 10(3).

Reinforcements arrive with no energy for ambush like in 7-1 and 16-1.

1-1:J bombs the gold+right obstacle and goes on left,GR next turn,blow up all the wood so he can reach the right crate.Push twice and screen rapidly,to avoid the ambush completely is very hard but the stun is not granted.

2:go on right,rifle+bomb on the guard in front of the HG.Take the last screen diagonaly from the left.How to avoid the last ambush:run one panel forward,then,diagonaly to right,push the guard,it freezes it.

3:bomb immediately,J must wait in front-right of the objective with at least 2 steam left,shot the red barrel next turn.

2-1:(H-J,to validate with A is faster):H shots two kamikazes,never in the weakspot of the first,J goes the farest and look at the second panel of the stair,push by the K and attacked by two guard,he shots the weak of the K on the gold and collect it,H buy a GR,and push him before restoring himself,do it enough times and J can collect the third gear before exiting.

2:ONE TURN,H shots the chandelier and use the screens to reach the end,L jumps twice to the gear,push him with 2 grenades and he can collect the two others.

3:J is the one who collects the gear in front,the spray allows him to buttshot.

3-1(invert J and L)ONE TURN:L restores and exit by jumping twice but rapidly.For all gears:eagle the lion statue and the guard at the same time.

2:ONE TURN,jump the virage,push,eagle,restore,roarstun,jump twice to the screen and to the crate on left that is kind of hidden.

4-1(invert J and H from the previous formation):jump and wait on the gold,to the gear before the spray,turn the tank before exiting,J buys a GR and that's two turns.

2:rescue,punch,restore diagonaly,rescue,J get stunned,heal him,break,rescue,screen,hammer,break,rescue.Next turn:he restores only to get stunned instead of T.

5-1(chronologic order with T):you don't need the wings:push T and buy a GR next turn,L collects the third gear.

2:ONE TURN,penguin the left push J to the HG.

3:L finally equips the hearth and shurikens "SK",he goes in front of the stair and get pushed,eagle the prowl,SK the two others and one helix before descending with a jump on the stair,you'll need a GR when you can attack the leader,you can do jump+roar+jump with double damage.

6(H-L-Q)ONE TURN:take back the initial equipement of L,S takes the ambushes because he can't be stunned,pumpkin shot the flying guards,eagle one worm,remove two red barrels,kill the queen from the front of the third HG,one PS behind,at the end:the weakspot is down-left.

7-1(H-T-J-S)TWO TURNS:S takes the ambush and SK from behind,heal,close SK on the next guard,the damage may be critical if you don't look at him,the third one with two shots far+close,bomb+side buttshot,punch the obstacle,run lateraly and punch guards on your way.The second gear after the door behind the crate.

2:replace T with L and his hearth,jump through all of this.

8-1(Q-S-R-T)TWO TURNS:penguin the central crate and the right route for S,crossbow two berserkers.

2:ONE TURN:SK the three central parts.

9-1(H-S-T-L):L takes the damage,punch the helix,no mine field.CB for S and SK for T.

2 ONE TURN:push them with rockets,H eagle the leader after the screen.

10(T-R-S):evacuate to the right with a special provide,R uses the lure and the screen,kill them at turn 3 to buy the GR,T hops,punches the wood and two ennemies,he hops the virage and punch the big door,attack the queen from behind,no risk from the panel in front of the spray (the shotgun is faster minus the menu selection),S kills the other with CB (one restore at the second turn).

11(Tin-F-C-S)ONE TURN:S takes the cannon with SK and get provided by Tin,rocket the crates and gold with a guard,F walks SLOWLY to the coins,backward as well,rocket the obstacle between her and Tin.

12(speed team with F instead of R):the rush is the special of D,through the grey bloc,look back,shotgun the artillery,it can push back a patrolling guard.Snipe the second prowl.

2:double GR and two turns if done perfectly.Rush to the door and laser the prowls;penguin the gold,two prowl on sides and the red queen,the harpoon aimed at the lower part will hit her twice;snipe+punch on the way of T,mine field behind the cannon you use on the queens,the special ambush can acheive the blue one,T can finish the remaining prowls.Reinforcement arrives if Q goes too far.

13(T-D-H-F):ONE TURN:H shots the crates,D bypasses the leader and buy a GR,T will have to act rapidly.

2:TWO TURNS:replace T-D with C-Tin,don't forget to equip the flags.F can kill everyone.Eagle and rocket on the ennemies below.

14:(T-Tin-F-L):ONE TURN without hearth,before the screen and tank,SK the gold,you will have to blow up the flying guard:press when the gauge disapears,provide F,so she can reach the HG and shot the target,L uses the first one and collect the gold,he jumps twice and acheives the target.

15-1(C-T-H-L):ONE TURN with hearth,C rockets the obstacles on her side,T restore,SK the stalactmite and takes the spray:rapidly punch the stal and run through the ennemies and stop at the begining of the stair,punch everything after it including the flyer.Eagle the bloc and statue,push,screen,GR,push L with punch,the SK removes the stun status.

2:ONE TURN without,jump on the right of the artillery,one push with rocket.

3:ONE TURN with hearth,replace T with D and laser the bloc,2steams weapon and screen,descend before jump.

16(long range team invert C and H):the first room cleared in one turn.Tin and F go on left,C and H go on right and should attract the titans.Feels like merciless scoring...except for all these HGs and screens you can profit of.Oh,and you can go through the reinforcement immediately.

2:rocket the target until the back weakspot appears.

EDIT ZONE 1: 1-2:push H with 2 grenades and that's a one turn win.

3-2:it's easy to collect the first gear,my mistake was that i jumped too far on left.

4-1:J-L-LL-H,ONE TURN,eagle the gold way and push L once.J buys a GR.Roarkill after eagle,jump in front of the third gear before on the spray,explode the gold on left,turn the tank before exiting.

2:only replace LL with H,ONE TURN,T buys a GR,H takes the spray behind the elephant and eagle the second small flyer on the way of J,run through the ambush,you'll need the screen in order to collect the gear.L jumps twice to the civilian,the GR removes an eventual stun after the first one,rapid rescue after the second.

5-1,chronologic order,invert J and H,ONE TURN with Lionhearth pushed by H.J bombs H and the first gold,eagle the second one,T only collects a gear and some coins for 5-3.From the spray:L can jump to the screen,GR from the second HG.Roarkill the kamikaze,not too close.

3:FOUR TURNS,closely group them on the stair and push with a penguin.L will restore and jump twice to the stair below,J runs rapidly to the HG and buys the GR,from there:he can 2shot the guard and collect the third gear.Descend in the basement with a 5PJump,2)2jumps to the gold+1P forward,3)you want the leader to look at you so you can kill him with two melee shurikens.COMMENT:the crate doesn't contain a spray for a three turns win,"roarstun+meleeSK" without hearth could have been enough.I wonder if it's a dirty move or a honest error.

1-3:ONE TURN,bomb immédiately,J should be next to the tree before the GR,one push forward and to the other tree,remember that it freezes the guards:lateraly collect the gear and go back to behind J,he runs diagonaly behind the guard,only one ambush taken.Minus 2G but plus one in 3-2 and 5-3 thanks to the fourth turn.

HOW TO PUSH IN 2-1:J should be on the last P of the stair before the Hrestoration,ignore the virage and push forward twice,look at the ground with 3steam left,J goes behind the obstacle with 2:the kamikazes will remove themselves to disloge him.One push to the left of the message+one forward.


run: Knack 2
FranceSpyrunner132 years ago

Destroy the ennemies with the brown slash and use the shortcut i told in my magic guide.I'm talking alone,hmm?


Start in blue.The normal goblins aren't obligatory.Dodge to the right and multipunch the armored goblin;jump out of it to avoid the boulders;a second multipunch where you move the stick to kill the two giants;dodge and punch the two other armored goblins.Quick and damageless.

Spam the dodgekicks.You don't have to beat the tanks,JASL to the lever immediately (jump and shrink with levitation).Turn red before the QTE starts;teleport+2 dodgekicks+dodge and bodyslam+dodgespam+explosive jump.

2 dodgekicks and dodge+sommersault the ledge before you attack the isolated tank with a airkick+longpunch.Double explosion on the last ennemies,be sure that the third is beaten.

The dodgespam is not maniable enough.You can slash the civilians for points.

run: Knack 2
FranceSpyrunner132 years ago

From the photo:this ennemy should already be dead thanks to the green form.I don't even want to watch it.Two détails:he may not die if he doesn't transport a car.The strong shot is usually the best against a big ennemy but not here.

FranceSpyrunner132 years ago

It's hard to watch a 5 hours 10 run when you know it can be less than 4hours,my last segmented time is 3h57 and still not perfect.I have edited my guides a lot.The Atomos is stronger than the wyverns or the bombos,slower than the W but faster than the B with more range on the secondary,discreet but damaging,the spectacular flame breath does almost nothing. Ordered chaos...Just Lfocus the crystal,it's a joke.In 2-4,you often get bad result if you do it differently(add the jump).

FranceSpyrunner132 years ago

Against BT:Xfocus the portal and dismiss every monster except the horses.Buy Ifrit+H for V and L. F doesn't take the portal but goes through the ennemies which will provoke a fight between them,she's on right and aims at FR. The fight is kind of random,it is not always faster but my initial problem was the inconsistant final attack.

FranceSpyrunner132 years ago

In the temple of 8-2:when you press the last button,the boss appears but every previous ennemies disappear.

Aim at the right ennemy,V press the first mecanism instead of fighting.Regroup and use the invisibility,no sprint,F press the next one which is sacrificial,A and K go to the middle,no gambit or he's gonna provoke someone.You'll need to reorder a VL pression mysteriously.

It feels logical:a combat série is out of place in this chapter filled with quick escape or kill.

FranceSpyrunner132 years ago

It can be found in a irrelevant site named GAMEFAQ since thirteen years and it's only a few days since i discovered it.It's a garbage-lazy-amateurish strategy that isn't fast,like camping in BINARY DOMAIN,the boundary between amateurs and speedrunners should be bigger. I have reached an IGT of 4hours 01 before the end and wroten 3 guides to explain many things,it's segmented but perfectible.No extra reward,i'm furious it has a random quality. What a weird thing,the weirdest is to use it for winning rapidly,maybe it's a cheat code against a target too strong but not necessary at all.Against Zodiarch maybe? Early runs of ASTRAL CHAIN spammed the sword but a good exploitation of every aliens(protoss)is more effective.This game runs need a revolution too.

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