run: Knack 2
FranceSpyrunner131 month ago


Start with a dodgekick;longpunch on right twice and dodgekick on left;dodge+somersault+bodyslam the relicbot.FULL GAME:spam the green light shot like at the end of the previous level.Teleport+rapid DJ+teleport and you skip the next fight.

Don't miss the crate.End the dodgespam with a kick towards the wall,you barely need to drag the doors,they are almost an illusion,always check how much you need to drag.JAS over the shelves,you don't even need to levitate before shrink (the fastest DJ is lower),useless Ejumps make you look stupid.After the QTE:dodgefall;dodge+tornado;JAS;drag barely and jump far to the exit which is not completely easy.

TWO teleports.End with a tornado,dodgekick between the flames but kick towards the wall,diagonal jump+lateral dodge and you kick the lever.You can bodyslam in the elevator for energy and you quit it with one early jump.The isolated teleport in the virage is not really faster.You only need to slash the two last enemies.

The fastest chain on the end spider is a spam of somersaultkick while you are golden,it took me long to find,she's more resistant to magic apparently.

run: Knack 2
FranceSpyrunner132 months ago


Start in blue:bodyslam,dodge and paralyse-shot on the crate (hold left);multipunch+dodgekick for speed and somersault over the ledge before the OOB and at the end of the road.2 teleports for speed,you land in front of the mines but you don't get hit.Dodgespam to the duo and somersaultKick it.

The mined platforms:you can dodge+somersault to them which is risky during a spam,a dodgekick will stop at the before-last extremity,dodgekick+somersault+shrink to the end.

3 teleports for speed.Turn green at the before-last fight and spam the ligt shot rapidly for a spawn kill,you'll be able to attack the next one very early,finish the giant with the heavy shot.You cannot dodgekick when you're golden but you can dodgeslash.

run: Knack 2
FranceSpyrunner132 months ago


One dodgekick.Teleport without jump;somersault and delay your bodyslam:it will kill the clone next to the crystal if she's on the ground.

You don't need to shrink on the deploying brick and the previous player knew it,dodgekick the short distances to the levers.Take the relic crate under the transporter and you can jump high enough (the fastest DJ is lower).

Stop the dodge spam with a paralyse-shot;dodge and PS.Enter the door with a levitation+shrink;jump and grow out of it;fly and teleport to the duo that dies in a single somersault.

Turn green out of the elevator and spawn kill the next fight.A major TP shortcut before the last interior section,from very far,the furthest in the game.A major Lshrink before you TP to the last enemy.

One color change to green before the final QTE begins.The last fight is a spam of light shot until the two last giants and the next group where you use the blue explosion (one at the time).

run: Knack 2
FranceSpyrunner132 months ago


2 dodgekicks to the crystal.Airkick the first button;grab (more precision) the pink lever and Ejump to the section.Earlier growing+somersaultKick the second button,jump to the bridge immediately which is risky.

You can jump to the other side of the QTE without somersault but it helps;paralyse-shot the button,the reason you need to heavy shot a few balls.Paralyse+teleport+multipunch the enemy.You remember that it increases your attack rapidly?

Paralyse-shot the button from the right of the brick,the middle of the screen;Ejump to the pink section.Turn green and spinshot (heavy),don't hit the enemies more than necessary.You'll be able to light-shot the balls and the protoss after the PS on the button;bodyslam+red.

JAS to the last button.Useless Ejumps make you look stupid.

run: Knack 2
FranceSpyrunner133 months ago


Start in brown.2 dodgekicks;multipunch+airkick+longpunch.He blocks the multipunch if you're too close.

2 dodgekicks+bodyslam,be sure to not kick a sbire.The slash can hit Rothari,DO ONLY ONE and that's enough.Run a bit when the portal opens and slash for a maximal range.

Interrupt his attack with one slash,he will climb and you slash the pillars,the sabers may hit behind you because you want to avoid the scramble.Do it twice and you can KO him with a multipunch+jump+QTE.

run: Knack 2
FranceSpyrunner133 months ago


Start in blue and spam the dodgekicks.Bodyslam+red the crate,teleport to the middle ennemy.Teleport+sommersault+kick the duo,the third on left may require an extra punch.

You can Ejump to the upper place with a blue goblin,jump to avoid a shot and paralysing shot on the crate ,you'll be able to do a second Ejump to the QTE.DETAIL:you can go out of bound even more but it's not good.

Two "teleport+longpunchTornado".Two relic crates.Sommersault+shrink early,bodyslam on the highest point.Two Ejumps on right,delay the sommersault for more height.Jump from the destructible blocs.You can GE before the triple crate,just let it go a bit before the jump,before that:a simple JAS and you don't grow up..A group of goblins beaten with two slashes.The super crystal is useless,jump to the right.

run: Knack 2
FranceSpyrunner133 months ago

I GOT 42'13 ON BASE PS4.

Start in brown.2 dodgekicks;multipunch+airkick+longpunch.He blocks the multipunch if you're too close.

2 dodgekicks+bodyslam,be sure to not kick a sbire.The slash can hit Rothari,DO ONLY ONE and that's enough,run a bit when the portal opens and slash for a maximal range.

Interrupt his attack with one slash,he will climb and you slash the pillars,the saber may hit behind you because you want to avoid the scramble.Do it twice and you can KO him with a multipunch+jump+QTE.

run: Knack 2
FranceSpyrunner134 months ago

Is this on a PRO console with a better framerate?I got a result of 16'76 with the green form and superior to blue for me.

Bodyslam;two heavy shots:he looses his armor;a third HS and some light shots when he evades;a fourth HS on his armor;you let him enter his state where he cannot be knocked back:multipunch and you finish with a sommersault.

It may be better for a full game run.


My best is exactly that.Start with "dodge+teleport+multipunch+bodyslam+blue".17 hits,he escapes and should re-armor itself while you're not too close (no dodgekick),an aerial explosion hits him (invisible radius) and he enters his last phase where you beat him with 3 explosions.

Here is the subtlety that makes all of that possible:the explosion's damages depend of their altitude,the rythme of the spam,nor too fast nor too slow.That's a phenomenon in 2-1 for exemple:you need a double tap against the goblins,you won't break the crystals if they are too low-fast and you won't beat the second duo without the presence of the first explosion or a third one more easily,too high-slow.

I would like to thanks LegendariusA for his mysterious score of 5 seconds and half,i suppose he used the full run's advantages:maximal attack and energy,no "multipunch+bodyslam".

FranceSpyrunner135 months ago

Frankly,it's a monstrous run to learn and do fully:the first hour is different from the second,from the third and the 40 last minutes.

The bombo spam is the equivalent of a "no sphere grid" run in X,"no forge" here,it's not easier nor faster but it's easier to learn at least,nothing else.

run: Knack 2
FranceSpyrunner135 months ago

Start in blue:3 dodgekicks;dodge+bodyslam+red.I got 27'78 on a base PS4 (perfectible),i may show photos on the PSN trends rubric.

Before the jump far+sommersault:2 dodgekicks,dodge-kicks.By the way:you can end your spam of dodge more fluidly with a kick or an underpowered tornado,that's a global advice.The tornado will aim at the crystals next to the ziplane and in front of the before-last crate of relic.

It is funny that you found this far jump but haven't thought of it in the previous and following section.The same solution three times in a row and you do it only once.

The major shortcut with a dodge after the first ziplane is still useful,the platform won't disappear soon but you'll still get the speed bonus like from any dodgefall,i remind you to mash the jump button if done successfully.EDIT:in NG at least,cancel the dodgespam fluidly and you can jump before they reappear since you reach them earlier.After it: (grow up early)GE+diagonal jump,reshrink and regrow rapidly.

The second shrink:you can quit earlier on the left.

How to kill the insects:the tornado will aim at the second one.Hold the trigger during the longpunch and it will finish the biggest one,another use against the armored goblin of the next level.It's exceptional from this underpowered thing,the combination with the airkick and longpunch may be the explanation but the cost is too high.

Rush into the goblins and brownslah them;2 longpunches on the robots (i don't promise a single slash success);longpunchTornado on the 2 armored goblins.

run: Knack 2
FranceSpyrunner135 months ago


Dodgekick and fall at the beginning.Teleport+sommersault+bodyslam+blue+Ejump+3 dodgekicks+somersault+bodyslam+Ejump+dodge+somersault+red.Don't miss the relic crates.

Ejump a second time over the door.Green heavy shot on the first fight.Dodgekick and grab on the left before right,one color switch when you hold the hold the bloc,the second before you release.The tank:there's a bug if you move too early,dodgekick towards it and double explode.After the super crystal:you can EJump over the right side of the barrier,change color during the burst,double explosion on the ennemies before a heavy shot on the tank,don't forget to release the trigger.

When dragging the bloc:you can change color rapidly,also before a QTE starts or under a zipline.The crate will blow up by itself at your approach.

The previous time misses some EJ uses but not some useful teleports (it can be done during a dodgespam).The fastest attack on the first armored goblin is the longpunchTornado like in the previous level.The before-last EJump is good only if you don't have to change color,remember you can grow up early,i noticed some useless uses in 8-1;9-2 and 5-1.


At the beginning:go right and jump to the metal crate from the wood crate.For a magicless run,NG+very hard is more captivating than NG.

Don't use the transporter:jump far from the bloc and add the somersault to reach the other side,dodgekick+somersault the following ledge.For scoring,i never use the exploits.

run: Knack 2
FranceSpyrunner135 months ago


Dodgefall+dodgekick to the elevator.The dodgefall isn't faster because you fall straight for too long,the flight is always faster than the fall,the infinite dodge makes it more ambiguous."SUBTLE".EDIT:a single jump rather than a flight,the dodgekicks are still important. You can shrink or bodyslam in blue to quit the elevators one half second earlier only in this chapter,it's not good in the fourth (only 50 points in score).

Teleport to the armored goblin:blue form+2 explosions and 3 dodgekicks.Explode the ennemies before the elevator with 4 (your refusal to use it is very strange).Jump out of it earlier and teleport+air kick,the previous time does it with a second T which is wrong and you should have gained more than 6 seconds.

Chased by the titan:you cannot jump over the first virage,there's a second chase where you can do it.Dodgefall and run,not "airkickfall".

GE:grow up early and get out of a small section.MUUUUUCH earlier.Haven't you noticed the progressive growing by yourself?The titan can bug if you quit too early,he must use his missiles towards you,eventually,he punches and destroy only the previous building:you can still descent with a DJ.

Before the cutscene:earlier growing AS USUAL and you dodgekick the crate.After it:you can land inside the vent instead of in front."MINOR"

When climbing with a JAS:a levitation may be necessary to land the highest "JASL".For exemple:at the end of 3-3 or bfore the TP shortcut of 6-4 (you ignore the yellow platform as i have already said).

You can GE under the building for a superior speed,infinite dodge or not.

run: Knack 2
FranceSpyrunner136 months ago


Bodyslam on the duos,longpunchTornado on the armored goblins who are isolated,a blue explosion spam on the rest,the aerial version is bigger,the gold version is slower.

No dragging:Ejump+shrink;kick the duo;Ejump+jump and shrink "JAS".

Color switch at the super crystal and before the QTE starts.Somersault+JAS to the end.

(The 4-4 comment doesn't work)


Start in blue and spam the dodgekicks.The first fight:teleport on right and multipunch+the shockwave on a different ennemy,a second TP on left.The longpunch is enough on the cyclops,grab the one behind lasers.Jump out of the elevator.Turn blue at the super crystal and spam the explosion like a caveman,you don't need the dodgespam from there.

After the three buttons:the longest TP in the game,from the previous screen pretty much.

The last explosive jump:a JAS is possible but i admit that it's a precise one,rapid DJ+shrink without wait,the success depends of the moment where you start from.It should be done before the final QTE but not instead of a JAS or JASL (with levitation,i should'nt have to precise it).

run: Knack 2
FranceSpyrunner136 months ago


You drag a collumn to an upper vent for too long:try to jump far.Teleport+sommersault+kick on the previous ennemies (common against a duo,many things are in my magic guide since 4 years).EDIT:just do a shrinked Ejump to the vent.

At the beginning:climb immediately and (grow up early) GE+jump far to the left,add a somersault+kick.You can grow up prematurely for speed to the point of skipping 2 bricks.

The shrinking is more fluid during a levitation,through the laser doors in particular.Paralyzing-shot on interrupters.It's a strange oversight because you learn that in its tutorial.EVEN MORE:you can ignore the transporter and you do it from over the column.On the next one after the first lasers and you descent with a dodgekick.

A major TP shortcut in the super crystal room.ERROR:it works only against the reinforcement.You can still teleport for speed.The first guard requires a dodgehit before the somersaultKick,longpunch the others,kick the last one after a somersaultKick (they disappear to anything at level 1 and 2).

You can take damage and recover your attack bonus in the following level without forcing,it's not an exigent part since you're giant.

run: Knack 2
FranceSpyrunner136 months ago

Theoretically,in order to keep a high level of attack:you can trigger the explosives with the tornado,yes,the worthless move.You would easily remove the two last ennemies with a GLS from far while running:i take that over a difficult shortcut that reduces your attack (because you take hits).

The second bodyslam is wrong:teleport,dodgekick and teleport to the upper ennemy.

run: Knack 2
FranceSpyrunner136 months ago

Grow+dodgefall at the beginning,spam the dodgekicks,including to the QTE's,the kick has more range than the punch (and more with a target which is almost everything),they are faster with the blue form that can remove the scorpions easily in one explosion by the way.Jump far out of the first elevator,you can enter it early but it's not consistent for me.

Dodge before fall and you run faster,still better than the slow air kick.

The second bodyslam is completely wrong:jump far over the bridge,you land in front of the useless crystal and not earlier.

The growing is progressive which is advantageous:try to do it the earliest at the end.EVEN MORE:you should enter these sections with a shrink during levitation.

Teleport to the bomber on left and sommersault+kick to the right.T to the archer as well.EDIT:i have tried the "double tp+dodgepunch" technique you found in 9-2,Knack is not strong enough,except maybe at full power.The explosion is fast and consistent.

The super crystal is a waste of time.

run: Knack 2
FranceSpyrunner136 months ago

In general:always verify the maximal range of the teleport for a gain of time,it's certainly faster to an isolated ennemy during a platforming,the archer (dodgespam on the ground and teleport not too late),also one in the following level or in the chapter 2 that i have already commented.It's better than a shrinked dodgespam in the ship and you jump out of it earlier,anything is faster than it,including the shrink during levitation.

The dodgekick goes further than the punch to the crystal that opens the route,even to a QTE where you mash square.

Quit the chains a bit earlier.

At the super crystal 1:the (green) heavy shot but earlier,aim at the weaker ennemies first,FULL GAME AT FULL POWER:the light version and you don't bother with the crystal.2:a spam of blue explosions (switch during the gold animation),you refuse to use these overpowered things.

run: Knack 2
FranceSpyrunner136 months ago


Dodgekick the targets on short distance,dodge before fall and you run faster.Levitate before shrink to keep a good speed.You can sommersault over some ledges.Remember the teleport,even during a dodgespam.

Activate the circular mechanism withe a multipunch+doddge out of it.Be precise with the electrical chain,don't bypass the moving carpet,it's not very hard to do.

Use the metal punch and nothing else,the multislash is ineffective.EDIT:only paralyse the first bretteur (Dg+TP+Dg),a full chain on the second one;2 punches+sommersultKick,you want twelve hits to reach the level 2,from there;bodyslam for energy+sommersaultKick the bretteur and longpunch the future cyclops.

Jump far+sommersault to the moving carpet,descent with a airkickTornado towards the button,stick to the deploying platform and you'll reach it the fastest possible (don't forget the first relic crate).Climb with 3 somersaults,a metal crate right before you teleport+longpunch the cyclop (he may survive depending of the angle-timing.This game has a damage's localization system?).

You can jump far from a deploying platform,skipping the two others.The 2 relic crates allow you to longpunch the last bretteur at level 2,EVEN MORE:turn green and shot him,one color change before the QTE starts.

Teleport+Ejump where the last cyclop is and jump over the laser.The button in the shrinked section:you can use the paralysing shot on it right at the enter,Knack must stay straight,he won't target it.

(the chapter 14 comments don't work)

1)TARGET AROUND 1:55.when dragging the door or anything:always check how early you can move out.Do it with a dodgefall and some dodgekicks between the explosive jumps,no ennemy will come,you can shrink if needed.The teleport against the mace after 3 TP's for speed:sommersault immediately.Kill the last duo with a green light spam.

2)TARGET AROUND can interact with the gears at distance thanks to the PS.You don't need an explosive jump before the cutscene,only a jump and shrink "JAS",except that you should use the blue explosion on the previous ennemies (only the aerial version to save energy) and you EJ higher.Change to green under the following zip line,a combination of light and heavy shots on the skelets,the two relic crates will help you (not the previous ones,your size and hit counter are always the same at this point).

You'll need the blue explosion or the more economic green heavy shot that has more range obviously.I don't understand why you never use them with the light version.If you want to train your spinning,spinshot (alternative names for the GHS):go in the colosseums 1 and 2,it's harder than every use in the main adventure,(a full run allows you to use the L even more).

run: Knack 2
FranceSpyrunner136 months ago


I remind you of the teleport+sommersault+kick technique but the bodyslam may hit the two first ennemies at the same time (delay it,no jump before).

No shrink to the platforms after the first lever.The relic crate under the second transporter increases your jump's height.Dodgekick the short distances to the levers,right at the beginning while we're at it.

End the first dodgespam with the paralysing shot on the button,dodgekick and PS on the second.

Shrink and you can dodgespam through the lasers without damage,so you keep your attack bonus.The previous level is the only one with a damaging shortcut (it can be done with a blue bodyslam without dodgespam but it's still in a NG+) .EDIT:anythimg is faster than a shrinked dodgespam,shrink during a levitation,jump and grow up early "GE",teleport+soomersault the duo.The second laser door:two teleports,jump the virage and dodgekick,one jump over some lasers and you fly through after.Dodge+teleport.

Green light shot on the fight after the first elevator and at the last fight,finish with the blue explosion the three last giants and clones (of Katrina).One color switch before the QTE starts.

A major TP shortcut before the last interior section.

run: Knack 2
FranceSpyrunner136 months ago

Favor the blue explosion against multiple enemies (bigger from the air).Teleport to the isolated ones,sommersault+kick if they have a shield.

The green light shot can hit the first gard faraway so you don't wait in front of the portal.If you do a full game run:you can spam it immediately,even against spawns from the sky.

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