very easy should also be the default difficulty imo, though I dont think we should disallow runs on higher difficulties. Difficult to optimise higher difficulties as more RNG will be present. Higher difficulties will also increase the amount of luck involved, and no one wants to go against a run with god rng. Makes player skill a little more meaningful, and removes clutter from the leaderboard.
Nah dont apologise, Im just trying to provide insight from my experiences moderating games, more specifically my time as a mod on MKX. I think its better to start with a couple categories. The game is still being fleshed out, and generally its easier to get into a speedgame when everyones on the same page (as in if someone is playing the game casually and want to maybe run it, they might be turned off by 10 or more categories, especially if those categories are empty, if that makes sense). Also, I think it might be better for you guys as well, so you can focus on optimising the main categories before branching off into side categories, like different difficulties. As an early runner you may feel obligated to run the category just because its on the leaderboard.
Just my opinion, as i wont be running the game for a while. Dont take this as marching orders or anything lol.
Id say start with a couple categories and work from there. Add more if people show interest in them, otherwise you get a bunch of empty leaderboards and thats not appealing to look at.
Good job starting this JerQ_Q, I was gonna do it but I figured theres no point since I wont actually run the game for a few months at least, not until the Tournament season is over, so like December probs.
Oh, ill have a look then.
Thats not the answer I was expecting lol.
Im not in the loop, no real access to discord and been busy last 2 days. Noticed the leaderboards are split. Was this just because of loads or a new skip thats PC exclusive?
btw ive decided that my 100% playthrough isnt going to be 100% because some parts of the game are either too difficult (world 4 minecart) or I just cant (when ur missing that 1 quill).
Ill probs finish tomorrow and ill start routing and doing test runs and stuff right after. Again, sorry ive hijacked this thread. Dont want to start a new thread for this pointless trash post, and I cant use discord cuz I dont have anything that works with it.
Yeah, i understand. Not trying to force a rule. Just wanted to know if my run was better than a PC players but they have better loads if theres would be considered higher. Doesnt matter if im 1st in a filter compared to a few people. Its probably weird to some but that little icon next to the top 3 is a pretty big deal to me. Though itll probably never happen, my execution is questionable lol.
Just wanted some concrete info before I got started is all.
Edit: its not me wanting to have my name with the other consoles. I dont want to have to have a filter to prove im the best. Even if im not, im too competitive to have something like load times get in the way. It probably sounds really selfish lol. But if theres no other way Ill have to make do. I hope im not coming across as a prick.
Incentives the wrong word. I need an end goal is probably a better phrase. Sorry im burdening this thread with offtopic garbage. Id just like to know before im done with my casual playthrough whether im going to be taking the game seriously or not.
In previous games weve split leaderboards if one version is faster as to not give that platform an advantage. I dont have a PC. Though granted we did those splits well after the game was established. This is still really early. But im a competitive guy. If i get a top 3 time that isnt top 3 just because a PC had faster loads, then im not gonna want to run the game. Everyone has their reasons for running, i need an incentive. Sorry if this souns melodramatic or something lol.
I didnt know that. Just didnt want to compete in a game on a platform that cant keep up with PC is all, wanted to get that out of the way early in case i was the only runner on console :P
That would mean a separation betwen console and PC leaderboards right? Cuz PC loads ive noticed are much faster.
Im not even halfway through the game, but im already theorizing routes. Just wanted to find out what the rulings were gonna be like beforehand though. Ill probably finish my 100% playthrough in about 3-4 days.
Im just patiently watching how u guys sort out timing options. If i run the game itll be on console, so I cant have a splitter.
Ah ok, I see now. I wouldnt know cuz I still use the old strat lol.
Yeah, its cool. I just dont see the reasoning for doing this over just ignoring them.
Whatever you are comfortable using, preferably something that doesnt hinder your own performance.
Tutorials are under the Individual Level leaderboard, as they dont fit in with a "full game" leaderboard. has seperate leaderboards for IL's and full game runs, and Evacuation is Evolve's closest thing to a full game run. Whereas the tutorials are Individual levels, and are generally run in a similar way to other games tutorials (which are classed as IL runs). The reset heavy nature is implied with IL's. Its a good way to clearly define what is classed as the main game speedrun, and what is a short, focused run that is generally more reset heavy.
Thats why I put them in separate leaderboards. There is no real reason for the tutorials to be classed as a full game run, as the tutorial is not a part of the evacuation mode. But Im not an active Mod of the game anymore, so its up to Ultronimus to decide whether he wants them to be together. Also whether he wants the arena run or not. But I thought id give my opinion on why I originally split them to begin with (went on a bit of a tangent there, sorry)