ValhallaRapixOnGaming2 years ago

So after thinking about it, I decided to remove myself from the Moderation.

I hope the ones that have been around long enough can appreciate the amount of time and work, improvements and care the board has received in the time I was Moderator. So many changes have been made in a short period of time.

You can't make everyone happy when you are the one either setting the rules or the one making runners stick to it, so I would not expect everyone to be thankful, but at least everyone to be respectful. I tried to be impartial and unbiased as much as possible when decision were taken even if I didn't agree to it.

I came to the conclusion some people think the Moderator role is like a reward of some kind and I'm not worth.

I was happy and honoured to moderate one of my preferred games of my childhood, but I won't stick around at all cost. I know the board is in good hands so it's easier this way.

If runners want me back in the future or just need my help. I'm always happy to help.

Either way, I will keep being part of the community and brag on Discord every time I receive a new item of my collection of course. 😄

Nazzareno, xtra2Ez, e Kaladere ti piace questo
ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Hello runners, I have been thinking to ask this question to the community for long time.

As you know Easy mode cannot be run at the moment. I think the original rationale behind this was that either “Easy mode” is considered a meme difficulty or that Easy difficulty is not present and cannot be selected in the PAL and NTSC-U versions of the game.

Personally I don’t see why we should be barring runners to have a go with Easy mode which is an integral part of the game. It’s up to the individual runners to decide if something is “meme” or not, running it or not, and it’s up to the runner to decide to buy and use a NTSC-J copy or not. Additionally, going forward NTSC-J will become the new Meta for PC when we will finally receive the ReBirth patch, making Easy mode widely accessible.

Another pros I see is that "Easy" mode may succeed where other categories have failed in attracting runners. As you all know, Any% Hard, Low% (both Normal and Hard) and 100% are all tedious categories for different reasons, while Easy mode Any% and Low% (at least psychologically) would have no entry barrier. At the moment runs, runners and effort are really concentrated around Any% Normal only.

You may have concerns about Easy mode becoming the new norm or standard, but I assure you that Normal mode will continue to be the standard, so much so that we would anyway default to Normal mode when you look at the leaderboard. Just like this happens in the Resident Evil 3 Remake leaderboard https://www.speedrun.com/re3r (defaulting to Standard) even though an easier mode exists (and Standard has more runs than Assisted). Another example is Metal Gear Solid 3, where the leaderboard defaults to the European Extreme category https://www.speedrun.com/mgs3#HD_Edition_PS3 and that category has indeed more runs than all other difficulties.

The only cons I can see is that, someone may argue that the leaderboard would start to become cluttered. Adding Easy as difficulty means adding de facto 10 new categories due to all permutations. However, I have already a plan to modify the structure of the leaderboard when we will be adding Rebirth and/or DoorSkip which itself would exponentially increase the amount of categories. The change I have in mind will make the leaderboard less clattered, keeping all categories but just organized differently. This is not the time to do that job yet, but I hope you can trust me on this one. The restructure will require a lot of work and so I rather talk about this and do the work when ReBirth finally materialise.

That’s just a coincidence, but recently “Easy mode” (called Light) was finally added also in the Resident Evil 3 og main leaderboard after the community demanded so: https://www.speedrun.com/re3/thread/0z1sk . That category partially existed already, but it used to be relegated to the “category Extension” until few days ago and limited to only for PC runners and limited to only Any% Taiwan, probably because considered a meme category or so. From having only 1 category now they have 24 separated Easy mode categories in the main leaderboard.

What’s your thought about this?

ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Just wanted to share a time save I wasn't aware of until yesterday. This was particularly important for Console and Emulator runners, but now it's relevant also for PC runners.

Basically the IGT keeps running until the FMV with Regina entering the portal begins. Between that FMV and the last door there is one FMV that can be skipped. I'm talking about the FMV showing the mainframe falling on Paula. If you skip that cutscene you can save up to 6 seconds.

Watch this video below as reference: You can see at 51:07 the IGT is still running and that cutscene can be skipped.

I hope this is useful for someone.

Kaladere piace questo
ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

A massive thank you to everyone who has voted and expressed their opinion either in the community Discord or the forum ( https://www.speedrun.com/dino2/thread/ip46g ).

As for my surprise, nobody voted for the status quo, and so keeping the RTA timing method and the PC board as it is. Zero votes were also given to the proposal of keeping the RTA as main method, but locking the board when the Rebirth leaderboard gets opened. The proposal of using IGT as timing method won with 11 votes (Including 3 votes from Non-PC runners). 2 votes were given to the proposal of removing the board altogether and restarting from scratch with the PC ReBirth board. Additionally 1 vote was unclear between proposals 3 and 4. Either way that would not change the final outcome. The results can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MsE4jF-UmW53yMPkGwc7XCSUB2S1o8RPVekpNlQSl44/edit?usp=sharing

What will actually change now? Not much. We will allow 2 weeks (until the end of the month) to change the LiveSplits settings. In this two weeks you area allowed to submit runs either using the RTA Autosplitter (common setup) or the IGT Autosplitter (we will explain how to setup this). The IGT Autosplitter will become mandatory from the first day of next month, so please keep this in mind and start migrating now! As member of the community, please if you see someone speedrunning on Twitch/etc. using the RTA timing method (after the end of this month), let them know that the run would be rejected. The final LiveSplit time must be consistent with the IGT End-Screen of the game, otherwise we need to assume there was some sort of splicing going on.

In the meantime the Moderators will work on the board, unifying the two timing columns in one (finally showing only the IGT time in every category), and updating rules, guides and resources.

If you have any question please do not hesitate to contact the Moderators.

Farmery87, Klumpackis e 4 Altri ti piace questo
ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

FILES/BLUE DISKS (17) DINO FILES/RED DISKS (11) Support File Mission Data (missing file in USA PS1 version and EUR/USA PC version) Inostrancevia (file) - City Front/Haul Road Triceratops (file) - Comnd St./Outer Perimeter Shop Owner's Papers - Drug Store Oviraptor (file) - City/Living Quarters ① Allosaurus (file) - Dock/Suspension Bridge Incineration of Plants - Control Shack Velociraptor (file) - Water Tower Tyrannosaurus Rex (file) - Military Facility/Entrance Doctor's Papers, Time shift - Medical Room Storage Room Items - Hardware Storage Management of Keyplates - Control Room Giganotosaurus (file) - Data Control Room Superintendent's Will - Facility Entrance Noah's Ark Plan - Superintendent's Room Researchers Records - Power Source Room Researcher's Notebook - Research Lounge Compsognathus (file) - Research Lounge Report on Unidentified Body - Precision Lab Pteranodon (file) - 3rd Energy Facility/Storage Space Soldier's Papers - 3rd Energy Facility/Storage Space Mosasaurus (file) - 3rd Energy Control Room Managers Diary, Mechanics - 3rd Energy Control Room Elevator Security Code - 3rd Energy Facility/Walkway ③ Mechanic's Note - Sub Level/Elevator Preventative Maintenance - Water Cir. Sys. Control Rm Plesiosaurus (file) - Inside Cooling Aqueduct

MAIN WEAPONS (11) - [231.000 EP]:: Hand Gun (Regina) Shotgun (Dylan) Needle Gun (Regina) Anti-Tank Rifle (Dylan) - [38.000 EP] Flame Launcher - [8.000 EP] Heavy Machine Gun (Regina) - [35.000 EP] Missile Pod (Regina) - [50.000 EP] Rocket Launcher (Dylan) - [50.000 EP] Solid Cannon (Dylan) - [18.000 EP] Submachine Gun (Regina) - [12.000 EP] Aquagrenade (Regina) - [20.000 EP]

SUB WEAPONS (6) - [17.000 EP]: Large Stungun (Regina) Machete (Dylan) Shockwave (Regina) Signal Bullet Chainmine - [12.000 EP] Firewall - [5.000 EP]

SUB WEAPONS UPGRADES (2) - [30.000 EP]: Power Battery for Large Stungun (Regina) - [15.000 EP] Heavy Blade for Machete (Dylan) - [15.000 EP]

TOOLS (4) - [115.000 EP]: EPS Gold Card - [40.000 EP] EPS Silver Card - [20.000 EP] Inner Suit - [20.000 EP] Light-Weight Armor - [35.000 EP]

EVENT ITEMS (6): 3rd Energy Disk Plug Diving Suit Starter Battery Gas Mask Mechanic's ID Card

KEYS (6): 3rd Energy Facility Keycard City Keycard Key for the box Key Plate Living Quarters Key Research Facility Keycard

Ammo cartridge upgrades are not considered objects and so they are not required.

EPS Platinum Card is not required, since it can only be obtained post run.

xtra2Ez, Setyan_Chokdee, e Vendettavic ti piace questo
ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Hello everyone, some specific questions came out in regards of the Low% category lately. In order to avoid any confusion I thought to write down some specific examples of what invalidates the run and what doesn't after consulting with the Moderators.

At the moment the rules simply state the follow: "Main weapons cannot be used (except for destroying obstacles during the underwater section and the tank section)."

I wanna make sure that:

  1. Accidentally picking up Dino Files is not a problem. The run is still VALID.
  2. Missing the column/glasses during the underwater (without hitting any Dino) is not a problem. The run is still VALID.
  3. Missing the containers (during the tank section/T-Rex chase) is not a problem. The run is still VALID.
  4. Shooting with a main weapon at any other point of the run (even not hitting any Dino) INVALIDATES the run.

Additionally, I would like to ask the community to express an opinion regarding the upgrade of sub-weapons. Someone believes it should not be allowed because It doesn't respect the definition of Low%, which doesn't allow upgrades:. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speedrun "Low%, or minimalist completion, requires the player to complete the game by obtaining the fewest key items or upgrades possible.". Someone believes it should be allowed anyway, giving a bit of flexibility. The category would become de facto a SubWeapons% (even if the name remains Low%). What do you think?

ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

All runs need game audio, if your run has portions muted due to copyright music your run will be rejected. Music also must not overpower the game audio.

LiveSplits or broadcasting elapsed timing on Console if capture card is not available are both recommended but not mandatory. Submissions with dropped frames may be rejected.

Submissions must contain all footage for the runs provided. Any missing footage could result in the run being rejected.

The run starts when "New Game" is clicked and ends when the screen is total white before the Lobotomy explanation. Time without loads field is dedicated to PC runners with validated and shared LiveSplits load remover.

Usage of Turbo / Macros in runs is not allowed. Mods are not allowed.

Please specify what route was used in the 100% and Glitchless categories between RATIONALISM, DEPRESSION, DISASSOCIATION, OBSESSION. If you don't know what route you are following check at the end of Chapter 12 what animation you obtain:


In the 100% category collect all 8 pages and see all 17 pictures in the school (make sure you actually clicked every picture and the counter updates every single time).

ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Hello there, Benjamin Rivers agreed to host our small community in his Benjamin Rivers Inc. official Discord server. We have a dedicated channel #speedrunning https://discord.gg/RwaUFkW

f1y piace questo
ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Hello there, Benjamin Rivers agreed to host our small community in his Benjamin Rivers Inc. official Discord server. We have a dedicated channel #speedrunning https://discord.gg/RwaUFkW

ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Hello there, I have some questions regarding the PSTV. Doees anyone know if the PSTV is a valid option for speedrunning? Did anyone test it and compare it against PSP/PSvita? Do you know if there any difference in speed between store versions? Should I buy from US or JP store? Any other info is kindly appreciated.

ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Hello there, any reason why this game doesn't have a PC/Console sub category separation? All games I run have that separation. It's clearly more appealing for a console runner to enter this community. It's almost impossible to compete fairly PC VS Console in any game, but especially on this game. Keyboards/mouse VS controller, lower Frame Per Second and so inputs lags on console, slower load times, etc.. Darkwood is having a special PS4 edition phisical copy soon, I was thinking to buy it and run it eventually, but not if the leaderboard is like this. Does it make sense?

YuriNikolai piace questo
ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Hello everyone, me again 🙂

I appreciate there is a bit of work involved, but wouldn't make more sense to move all "Chapters" categories under "Individual Level Runs"?

That would make it more consistent and coherent compared to other games on the site and it would also make those categories less "meme" taking them out of "Misc.". I have never seen single chapters as categories before.

It should be pretty straight forward to move all runs, isn't it?

What's your thought?

ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Hi everyone,

I recently started learning Detention. Unfortunately, I immediately noticed how the PS4 version is way slower than the Switch version. Only in the Prologue (first two splits) I was already behind over 25 seconds despite a clean try and the fact that the WR holder goes to the wrong door in the first classroom.

I tried to compare the videos side by side and noticed that PS4 loses time vs Switch basically everywhere in the game, but mostly in the loading between rooms.

One example: http://www.youtubemultiplier.com/5f086d0135994-detention-comparison-switch-vs-ps4.php I lose 4/5 seconds only from the Auditorium to the blood river.

Another example: http://www.youtubemultiplier.com/5f0869df7cff2-comparison-switch-vs-ps4.php Despite the WR holder goes the wrong way in the first room, she arrives 8 seconds before me to the Auditorium.

I was excited to run this game, but it makes no sense to learn it and try compete against Switch. No way I can beat that time.

Is there any chance you would consider a Sub-Sub-Category under "Console"? "Switch" and "PS4" basically separated under "Console".

Many other games separate console when they are different in loading and no IGT. One example: https://www.speedrun.com/re4console

Please, please consider this change. Thanks!

ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

In date 19/06/20 a new update for PC was released:


The new update brings a brand new game mode called "Modern-Take" with:

  • faster movement
  • easy reload (no ammo management)
  • puzzles skips As well as two new maps for H.A.D.E.S. Dead End and other adjustments!

The leaderbaord will change accordingly, all the present runs will fall under the name "Classic 90s" (as te in game new naming) and a new category will be opened for the "Modern-Take" mode.

ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

For RTA calculation, the runs begins when the first cutscene starts and ends when the last boss is dead and the cutscene start. IGT is showed up on the final screen.

The IGT of this game is somewhat peculiar. If you either "Load Chechpoint" at any time or close the application and "Continue" from the main menu or save a file and load the saved file the IGT goes back to the time you had at that Checkpoint.

For this reason RTA is chosen as main timing, however you can try to achieve the best possible IGT, all these are allowed:

  1. Continues after deaths are allowed, but the run becomes Segmented.
  2. Continues after application crashes are allowed, but the run becomes Segmented.
  3. Load checkpoint is allowed, but the run becomes Segmented.

Submissions must contain all footage for the runs provided. Any missing footage will result in the run being rejected.

LiveSplits or broadcasting timing on Console are both strictly recommended.

ValhallaRapixOnGaming4 years ago

For your info, Dawn of Fear is about to be releaed on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1244860/Dawn_of_Fear/

All the improvements and bug fixes of the patch 1.02 wil be available only on the Steam version. Due to the Covid19 situation developers had no access to the Playstation development kit. No date or further info about a possible patch 1.02 for PS4 at the time of writing.

ValhallaRapixOnGaming4 years ago

Hello everyone, I thought it was a good idea starting a new conversation around this topic which I believe to be important for many. Please Console runners come forward and express you opinion.

Just to explain the current state of art.There are proven differences (advantages/disadvantages) between consoles due to an inherent flaw in the IGT based on frame rate. That's the reason why Mods, after discussing how to represent this difference, decided to create a filter "Console type" with the XboxOneX and PS4Pro being together and all the other versions of the consoles being grouped together. Basically Eighth generation Console vs/or 8.1 Gen. which makes sense because same generation console have the same pro/cons.

What I believe to be wrong is the use of filter rather than a Sub category for many reasons. As proven by Mods, 8th Gen console have a disadvantage vs 8.1 gen. and both will have disadvantage versus 9th. gen. console (PS5/XboxOneSeriesX). This denaturalize the very essence of a leaderboard.

Someone can say, "x amount of categories is enough, new sub-categories make the leaderboard ugly" The beauty of a leaderbaord is not important and not even the amount of submissions, fairness and compete on a level playing field is what matters. If there is a PS4 runner, it's important he has it's leaderboard to compete equally. Someone competing for WR will never beat a time made on PS5. (It's not only about WR anyway, even the last person in the leaderboard deserves to compete fairly).

Someone can say, "if you want to see who has WR for a particular Console Type you can use the filter", this argument is not valid because if you look the personal page of that runner, its run won't be showed as WR. Just to make an understandable example, SpeedIdol has the 2nd place on NG Console Hardcore at the moment of writing, he is actually 1st among 8th Gen console, but if you go in his personal page it says 2nd.

If you leave the leaderboard as it is right now, you make this game board a pay to win board. All runs made today are gonna be easily beaten in 8 months when 9th gen console are out, and so people are absolutely wasting their time running this game today.

To make another example, if you leave the board the way it is, it would be the same if you allow infinite FPS on PC, the decision to force a cap of 120FPS is exactly to maintain a level playing field. If there wasn't that cap people with the best most expensive computer would win, this is what's happening on console right now. It's sadly a pay to win. Don't look the leaderboard today, in few weeks it will stabilize with PS4PPo/XboxOneX at the top and next year will all be PS5/XboxOneSeriesX at the top.

Please consider the Sub Category as an option just like, RE0, RE1o, RE2o, RE3o, RE4 and many other games.

kibowman, Blucker12, e Kantokid003 ti piace questo
ValhallaRapixOnGaming4 years ago

Hello guys, today I tested the route and feasibility of a possible Knife Only category. I was able to finish a segmented run, the hardest part is not what you may think, that is the 2nd Boss the Witch and/or the 3rd Boss the Demon, but rather those big fast animal-like enemies you find in the game after killing the Witch, lots of First Aid Boxes get wasted becasue of them. You need to spare at least 1 for the first boss, 2 for the Witch and 2 for the Demon. it might be frustrating, but I think it's surely possible to end a run in a Single Segment. I have recorder my boss fights:

The Witch:

The Demon:

I would not open the category until someone proves this possible. I may try in the future... maybe. I hope someone will eventually.

ValhallaRapixOnGaming4 years ago

Hello there mod and runners.

I would like to propose a new category "100%".

What I believe the objectives should be for 100% this game are:

  1. Find all 20 main objects (Including Solvent not needed in Any%)
  2. Take all 4 weapons (Including Knife and Shotgun not necessary in Any%)
  3. Read all files, notes and letters (13 in total)
  4. Solve all puzzles (Including the use of the solvent in the wall for the safe code)

N.B. Collect all ammo and healing items is not needed to complete the game 100%.

N.B. Kill all enemies is not needed to complete the game 100%.

N.B. The runner has to show all 13 files and 4 weapons in the inventory before fighting the last boss. If the runner does not show the inventory before the end of the run the submission will result in a rejection.

I run Dawn of Fear 100% following my/these rules this morning: At 32:04 of the video I showed my inventory.

What do you think?

If you agree on my rules and add the category, I will submit this as my first run.



ValhallaRapixOnGaming4 years ago

Hello Mod @Duders and runners, I would like to suggest a couple of changes in the leaderboard:

  1. Can "PS4Pro" be added among "Console" selection? Most of games came out in the last 2 years have this choice. There may be some differences in glitches/FPS/Menuing time etc..
  2. Can "Europe" be added among "Region" selection? Only US is available right now... I'm in Europe :)
  3. Most important, can we choose a different end time? and so re-time the submitted runs few seconds after? It's a bit arbitrary at the moment ending the time somewhere when the boss dies, wouldn't be better to time the end when the cutscene starts?

What's your thoughts? I will wait to submit my first run until feedbacks.

P.S. If you need help with moderation I'm available / Also tried to get in touch on Discord, sent you an invite.

Info su RapixOnGaming
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