ValhallaRapixOnGaming1 year ago

GG! Nazza

Nazzareno piace questo
discussione: Dino Crisis 2
ValhallaRapixOnGaming1 year ago

Yes (Only due to the impossibility of proving/disproving the use of the tool in case it was banned)

discussione: Detention
ValhallaRapixOnGaming1 year ago

Great finding. Good job!

Sasam piace questo
discussione: Dino Crisis 2
ValhallaRapixOnGaming2 years ago

Just wanted to highlight how another Mod was put in a position to leave the moderation and the community after a public lynching.

Liked or not due to his prickly character, If_and_while helped the community to grow and become what it is today, passionately took care of the board and rules, and helped new runners get started. It seems like people easily forget what the leaderboard looked like just over 18 months ago. My personal shout-out to While for his work and dedication, for what that matter.

I think having at an intransigent moderator in the board to be counterbalanced by other moderators when decisions need to be made would have given more stability and continuity. He can be really stubborn at times, but he has always acted in the DC2 community interest in his mind.

I wish the board would go back in time before a moderator took charge, maybe people would respect more the work done.

discussione: Dino Crisis 2
ValhallaRapixOnGaming2 years ago

This is blowing out of proportion, i don't get all this drama now. The rule was meant to be flexible and forgiving for cases like hitching nose, small emergencies, changing game settings, joypad battery dying etc... Not for things like phone calls, having a number 2 and so on. The rule was left open to interpretation and not defined to keep it flexible and open to Mods discretion.

Whatever the final decision, all this should have been solved between mods (with mods I also mean verifiers) without the need of public drama. I don't know who to blame here, but when I was part of the Mod team we used to have a Discord group between us and decisions were taken together by majority. Not always all Mods agree, so eventually the minority needs to accept the decision. This seems to be just a public squabble between two mods which should have been avoided.

Symm piace questo
discussione: Dino Crisis 2
ValhallaRapixOnGaming2 years ago

Oh well. This is a four topics in one post thing.

  1. What to do about that time pause rule
  2. What to do about the mods
  3. Personal disagreement with one other mod and Xtra leaving moderation.
  4. What Mods should decide on their own and what the community should decide with votes

I will start with number 3 just saying that @xtra2Ez you should not really leave the moderation just for this small misunderstanding with if_and_while that can be solved. I hope that you change your mind. You contribution to the community is absolutely valuable.

  1. My two cents about the rule. I think that was me writing that rule in the first place specifically. There were no other indications about pauses before that. That came out after a discussion about pause buffering and the rule was agreed with the community at that time (even how to phrase the rule). It was a good idea to have a ballpark rule to avoid abuses. I also feel it would have been and it will be a bad idea and a mistake stating how much exactly is too much (5s 10s 20s etc..), leaving it instead to a free interpretation from the Mods team because every case is different. Let's assume the limit was 60s... Would 10 6s pauses allowed? What about 60 pauses by 1s etc.. etc.. you get my point. To many gray areas and countless reasons for a pause. If I were still a mod I would probably consider 41s too much to be honest. That kind of long pauses are usually allowed only in RPGs such as Final Fantasy etc.. That's my opinion.

  2. I can agree Wolf has been absent and if_and_while too severe with rules. Tho i can tell you that if_and_while made massive progress in terms of flexibility compared to the past 😅, while Wolf I don't even know if he is still interested in modding at all. Maybe it would be a good idea just asking, probably now that he can trust the current mod team he would move on. Wolf was instrumental in driving a revolution for the better in leaderboard/rules/community, I cannot thank him enough for that.

  3. I love democracy, but not always everything can be voted. In a small topic like this one it is easy to simpatise with the runner who got the run rejected asking for a "grace" without considering all the nuisances, domino effects and precedents such a decision can generate. I would leave these kind of small decisions to the mod board putting my trust in them. The community should vote for bigger topics.

discussione: Detention
ValhallaRapixOnGaming2 years ago

Personally no. I was using the original HDD.

ValhallaRapixOnGaming2 years ago

I don't know. Just it feels weird to have a category for just a section/split in the middle of the game. I'm not super hostile to the idea, but I would anyway vote it down if voted personally.

nigelleong, xtra2Ez, e Kaladere ti piace questo
ValhallaRapixOnGaming2 years ago

I may be wrong, but it seems to me that this is just a spur-of-the-moment thing. Everyone in hype today, within two weeks from now nobody is gonna attempt this ever again.

Also didn't the community say No to much more "typical" and obvious categories such as "Easy Any%" and "Hard 100%" in order not to have too many categories in the board?

My vote is No for this. If this happen to be a thing at least put it under Miscellaneous please!

nigelleong piace questo
ValhallaRapixOnGaming2 years ago

Impressive! GG!

Setyan_Chokdee piace questo
discussione: Dino Crisis 2
ValhallaRapixOnGaming2 years ago

I think there is just a bit of misunderstanding. If I'm correct with "I'm caring too much about a nuance" Nazzareno just means stating clearly somewhere (maybe in the rules) what are the best console to use for runners that aim for competitive times and WRs as well as what model of every console is best. Basically keeping all community knowledge available, written somewhere and updated every time there is something worth remembering. I agree this doesn't hurt to have written clearly somewhere in order to avoid cyclical similar conversations. (Even though many people barely read the basic rules most of the times) @Nazzareno am I correct?

@if_and_while I don't think Nazzareno is pushing to have a PS1 or PS3 category.

Kaladere, xtra2Ez, e Nazzareno ti piace questo
discussione: Dino Crisis 2
ValhallaRapixOnGaming2 years ago

@Kaladere Nice to have this finally tested. Thanks for dedicating the time. The result had not to be taken for granted in my opinion. Nobody fully knows the behaviour and frame counting during room and camera transitions.

Anyways, what is left to decide is either to have PS3 separated (even if with less than an handful of PS3 runs in total) or, as Nazzareno mentioned, just stating somewhere that PS3 is allowed but with all caveats and disadvantages, so ultimately discouraging the use of it for speedrunning.

Personally I'm for option number two. Yes it adds cost for the potential PS3 owners/runners, but not a massive one. If someone wants to speedrun using a disc buying a PS2 is needed for competitive times. If someone wants to speedrun using the digital PSN copy they need to buy a PSP/PSTV/Vita. If someone doesn't want to spend additional money on a retro console Emulators on PC are available in the board. Legacy for low hand PC, DuckStation for a little more than a potato PC. Plenty of options already available. I'm against a dedicated PS3-only board.

Kaladere e xtra2Ez ti piace questo
discussione: Dino Crisis 2
ValhallaRapixOnGaming2 years ago

I can agree with that (assuming there is really a difference in terms of IGT), but this thread in particular is baseless, and the fact the runner deleted his runs proves the point. Running a game only to get free WR, complaining when beaten by 30 minutes and finally delete the run is just a waste of everyone's time.

discussione: Dino Crisis 2
ValhallaRapixOnGaming2 years ago

@Nazzareno What is the proposal though? What should the moderators do more? I mean we are gonna be in this situation forever. PS3 Runners for a PS1 game are super rare. Nobody was able to definitely prove the IGT differences (and by how much) between PS1 and PS2 as well as between PSP and PS3. A balance need to be found between number of categories and number of runs in each category. I would argue there is already a good balance and there are multiple ways to run this game competitively.

As for this post in particular we are talking about a runner complaining: "cause it's really UNFAIR" for it's "WR" been beaten not by 3 seconds, not by 30 seconds, not by 3 minutes, but by a whopping 30 Minutes IGT (1 hour RTA)!! Before complaining a runner should show a minimum of a grind and interest, providing and proving that a decent run is still really far from PSP times. People in this community like to complain too much without basis and content.

Kaladere piace questo
discussione: Dino Crisis 2
ValhallaRapixOnGaming2 years ago

Then I don't understand either the point of the post or the conclusion.

discussione: Dino Crisis 2
ValhallaRapixOnGaming2 years ago

PSTV is known to be generally slightly faster in terms of RTA and PS3 by far the worst in terms or RTA across PSN console. However, different RTA doesn't necessarily mean different IGT! PS3, PSvita, PSP and PSTV all use the same software emulation, and IGT time in this game is extrapolated by the frames count not by some sort of real time counter. Theoretically there may be no difference between those stated consoles. You can achieve the same times with an equal quality run.

That may also be untrue, I don't want to be disrespectful to you or other PS3 runners in this board, but there is not a single PS3 run that can be considered competitive quality speaking in the DC2 leaderboard. @Rei_Leo I watched you run when I was interested in running the PSN Any% Hard category, and you cannot possibly think that your run and xtra2Ez are comparable in terms of quality.

I wish we had a top runner running both PS3 and PSP to give us a definite clue, but we don't have it at the moment.

P.S. Some people think PS1 is slower than PS2 (fast disc load speed), however, for the same reason of the frame counting timing extrapolation, I personally believe you can achieve the same times with a PS1. Farmery kinda proved that theory using a PS1 and smashing all records in Dino Crisis 1. The only runner in DC2 who has ever run both on PS1 and PS2 is Roxy_Rose and she achieved similar IGT times in the two console.

discussione: Dino Crisis 2
ValhallaRapixOnGaming2 years ago

PS3 with disc should actually fall under PS. PS3 digital is PSN.

I think this is how it is managed also in the RE community.

Kaladere e Rei_Leo ti piace questo
discussione: Dino Crisis 2
ValhallaRapixOnGaming2 years ago

FYI There was a small update on this topic yesterday, but mothing has really changed:

""Twitch will remove any VODs and Clips that contain unauthorized music from the creator’s channel. If a live stream involves one of several specified flagrant music uses, Twitch may also issue a warning or penalty depending on the creator’s history of that kind of music use.""

I would personally suggest anyone not to use external music during streams. Alghoritm will be smarter and more sophisticated in detecting licensed music even during live streams not just in highlights and VoD.

xtra2Ez piace questo
discussione: Dino Crisis 2
ValhallaRapixOnGaming2 years ago

So after thinking about it, I decided to remove myself from the Moderation.

I hope the ones that have been around long enough can appreciate the amount of time and work, improvements and care the board has received in the time I was Moderator. So many changes have been made in a short period of time.

You can't make everyone happy when you are the one either setting the rules or the one making runners stick to it, so I would not expect everyone to be thankful, but at least everyone to be respectful. I tried to be impartial and unbiased as much as possible when decision were taken even if I didn't agree to it.

I came to the conclusion some people think the Moderator role is like a reward of some kind and I'm not worth.

I was happy and honoured to moderate one of my preferred games of my childhood, but I won't stick around at all cost. I know the board is in good hands so it's easier this way.

If runners want me back in the future or just need my help. I'm always happy to help.

Either way, I will keep being part of the community and brag on Discord every time I receive a new item of my collection of course. 😄

Nazzareno, xtra2Ez, e Kaladere ti piace questo
discussione: Dino Crisis 2
ValhallaRapixOnGaming2 years ago

I don't know all the caveat of YouTube Analytics, but just for curiousity I random checked some of my videos of every game I ever speedrunned and all stats say zero hours watched......

I don't know what else to say. I have personally nothing more to add, but I think you should once and for all write a separate post about the moderators "problem" because I keep believing that this is 99% of the problem here. it is becoming annoying that the topic is brought up in every other post and never cleared out.

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