New York, USAKumaKhan222 years ago

Thank you for the excellent insight CrabbyCrab101. I have been hearing about the recent goings-on with Mesen so I am glad to have all the information from someone who is up to date on everything.

polsvoice e CrabbyCrab101 ti piace questo
New York, USAKumaKhan222 years ago

I am in favor of this as being the updated ruling, it uses more clear language and touches on more points than what is currently listed. The game rules will be adjusted as appropriate to the categories but this will be the basis for each category.

I'm sure polsvoice will back this up but I will wait to hear his thoughts on what is presented above before I start editing.

Thanks again to the community for being a part of the ground-breaking of this games board.

polsvoice, Zarc0nis, e CrabbyCrab101 ti piace questo
New York, USAKumaKhan222 years ago

That's exactly why I am more than happy to allow Zarc on-board if he has a more trustworthy method of getting the absolute frame counts then that would be even more of an asset to the team.

Zarc0nis piace questo
New York, USAKumaKhan222 years ago

I have had some communication with him regarding the board so hopefully he checks in within the week if not sooner.

Zarc0nis e Thee_Deadguy ti piace questo
New York, USAKumaKhan222 years ago

Okay, as polsvoice said we need the supermod to add a mod. Just wanted to see for myself and now I know for the future.

Thee_Deadguy piace questo
New York, USAKumaKhan222 years ago

I think we can all agree that the main point of all this is the timer should indeed start on control of Nick. Whether you use a delay of -5 or whatever you are comfortable with then as long as you start the timer on control of the character the run/time is valid.

And as far as the timer ending condition, I agree with Zarc and his more detailed explanation that he provided. When I first started editing the rules it seemed as though the first frame of the green light not moving was a fair end point, but I am in support of using the true end timing.

I am in favor of adding Zarc as a moderator, especially if he is more knowledgeable than myself on the technical aspects of frame counting. I definitely trust polsvoice and his ability to determine the correct start timer for the -5 delay, but it sure doesn't hurt to have two tech wizards on board.

New York, USAKumaKhan222 years ago

Also, I will try and get these ruling figured out today/tonight but forgive me if it takes upwards of a few days.

polsvoice, CrabbyCrab101 e 2 Altri ti piace questo
New York, USAKumaKhan222 years ago

And I will say that, for the most part, if I see the split timer at the end of the run reads one way but the submission is a lower time in milliseconds that I assume you all have done the frame count yourselves. I am more than happy to trust you all with your own frame counts, but I often will try and see if I can find a few more milliseconds to save in the runs. Usually the submitted time is right on the nose or closer than I can get with my timing methods so usually I just check time start and time end (for any%, other categories require more confirmation) and call it good.

Let's keep building this community, now we are at #9 out of top 10 NES games with active runners!

polsvoice e Thee_Deadguy ti piace questo
New York, USAKumaKhan222 years ago

I agree, it would be best to clear this up now/ASAP. For the most part I believe some/most of us use a -5.00 second timer from the start press on the title screen, but I just looked and realized that is not stated in the rules.

For the most part I do try and look to see if split timers start/end when they are meant to but will go back and double-check the current board as I know I haven't myself approved every time. I will also be sure to have a chat with polsvoice about this so we can both be up to date on this.

Is everyone comfortable using a -5.00 second timer on their splits and starting the timer at the title screen? I don't know if there is any delay between the start press and actual control of Nick (especially between PC/emulator versions) but if this works for most everyone then perhaps we will amend the rules to go with that ruling from that point on (stating that runs before the date of the new rule will be grandfathered in).

I hope this meets with the communities approval, as always questions/comments/concerns can be directed towards myself here or anywhere we have already established communication.

polsvoice e Thee_Deadguy ti piace questo
New York, USAKumaKhan222 years ago

I'm not quite sure either if I'm being honest. Out of the few games I moderate this one has the most activity, and so far we are picking up steam as far as total runners. How about if we don't have one by the time the schedule for Retrothon comes out (should be in the next week or two) then we can see where we are at then. The reason I say wait for Retrothon is because I submitted 2 category runs for the marathon (any% & 100%) so if either run gets in then that will certainly attract more attention and facilitate the need for a discord.

In the mean time I will talk to polsvoice about it, maybe he knows more about establishing a server. I could give it a shot but would like to look into our options first but I'm definitely open to this!

LadyGalaga, Beardstrength e 3 Altri ti piace questo
New York, USAKumaKhan222 years ago

If there is enough interest in people running IL's I will be happy to add the function. Let's see what kind of response this gets and we will go from there!

polsvoice, SteveZero, e CrabbyCrab101 ti piace questo
New York, USAKumaKhan222 years ago

Just added a new guide to help people find all the hidden items. Thanks to everyone for spreading the word about this game and shoutouts to all the new runners!

New York, USAKumaKhan222 years ago

After I had given up much too soon on this category it was shown to be possible by the homey SteveZero01. (current WR holder of every category as of this posting.)

This does make me wonder if low% is possible if someone can figure out how to avoid coins in 2-1 & 3-1 (and possibly beyond as that's where I stopped.)

SteveZero e polsvoice ti piace questo
New York, USAKumaKhan222 years ago

As far as 100% is concerned, you must collect all coins and power-up items as well as all the hidden items. Please refer to the appropriate guide to learn the location of the hidden items through all the stages (coming very soon).

New York, USAKumaKhan222 years ago

Not currently but if there is enough interest then we will organize a server.

polsvoice e SteveZero ti piace questo
New York, USAKumaKhan222 years ago

Okay, so I have conducted a search of every area I could reach in the game. I actually found some interesting places you could reach where you wouldn't think to go, but for the most part I discovered that SOME stages have 2 hidden items. To be more precise, Stage 1-2 has two items and Stage 3-1 has two items, with all other stages seeming to only have one.

I will do some runs and try to get another 100% run in so others can watch it and maybe do some more searching if they think it is needed. Will confer with the mods and post my guide when it is finished. So far I just need to enter the exact locations and methods for revealing the items then I am done with it (for now?).

LadyGalaga e polsvoice ti piace questo
New York, USAKumaKhan222 years ago

Regarding my recent WR in 100%. Turns out there are even more hidden items than I thought as I just found an additional hidden money bag in 3-1 right before the end of the stage. I deleted my run on the board and will continue searching until I am satisfied that we have found all items. I will also attempt to make some sort of coherent guide that shows the locations of the hidden items and how to reveal them.

LadyGalaga, polsvoice, e grescokit ti piace questo
New York, USAKumaKhan222 years ago

I would certainly be glad to help out with modding if need be.

LadyGalaga e polsvoice ti piace questo
New York, USAKumaKhan222 years ago

A friend of mine mentioned that the rom was released (last week-ish?) so I found the website and grabbed it so I could try it out. Found it fun & charming immediately and decided it needed much love so I submitted any% & 100% runs to Retrothon. I will keep you all updated on if this gets in (I feel like it might, at least one run.) Glad to see it is already picking up steam and we have so many runners off the bat. Thanks to the mod for getting back to us, and shoutouts to polsvoice for the added push!

MagicK, LadyGalaga, e polsvoice ti piace questo
New York, USAKumaKhan222 years ago

I was actually in the process of requesting the NES/PC category split as well.

LadyGalaga e polsvoice ti piace questo
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