Wart Kill Glitch?
2 years ago
New York, USA

Is there a known glitch where if you get a double hit on Wart's last two health points that he goes flying off screen immediately? I was playing on my Raspberry Pi when I got the last hit during the previous hit's animation and it seems like he just flew off screen and didn't have the hit animation.

Basque Country

oh yea i think i have heard of this in the comunity before indeed it saves some time, but i think you cant get in the fastest posible cycle of the game for some reason or something not sure

KumaKhan22 piace questo
Nova Scotia, Canada

You can see it at the end of this run by Andrewg https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rVM4mLVBdb4

GustavoShrapnel e KumaKhan22 ti piace questo
Massachusetts, USA

it can save time over WR if you play the end perfectly basically. just happens to work out timing wise on veggie spawns... 2 frame window to hit it as well.

HappyMar10 e KumaKhan22 ti piace questo

I've got that kill very few times because of the brief frame window and specific position you the veggie has to hit Wart (I actually thought it was one frame though).

KumaKhan22 piace questo
New York, USA

Thanks everyone for all the confirmation. I wasn't recording so I couldn't be entirely sure, it all happened so fast and I was confused. But I am happy to hear that was indeed was happened, I don't think I will be getting that in a run any time soon :)

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