discussione: The Site
GermanyBambooShadow3 years ago

Thank you kindly Pac for all your efforts! I wish you the very best for your future!

piace questo
discussione: The Site
GermanyBambooShadow4 years ago

Name: StruggleThon 2020 Venue: Onsite Dates: 22nd September - 27th September 2020 Length: 6 Days Hompegage: https://strugglethon.​de/ Twitter: https://twitter.​com/StruggleThon Twitch: https://www.​twitch.​tv/germenchrestream Moderators: @BambooShadow , @RealCritical

We don't need the donation-system, only the webpage. We'll be raising funds for WEISSER RING, but we'll add that into the description by ourselves. Thanks!

GermanyBambooShadow4 years ago

Do you even have a japanese 1.0 version? If not, rather just play on emulator and capture that, it's way easier and the cheapest way to go...

Zanum piace questo
discussione: Secret of Evermore
GermanyBambooShadow4 years ago

Bizhawk is a great choice (if your PC can handle the software, because it takes quite some resources :D). Snes9x or BSNES as core are both totally fine, though BSNES is said to be more accurate. And yes, maybe some mods could update that section @Cliqz ;-)

Zockerstu e JohnnyGo ti piace questo
discussione: Asterix (GB)
GermanyBambooShadow4 years ago

"BGB" or "Gambatte Speedrun" are the preferred Emulators for speedrunning GB / GBC-Games. I personally prefer Gambatte Speedrun (current version "").


Gambatte Speedrun:

adrianus e GrizzzzBear ti piace questo
GermanyBambooShadow4 years ago

Hey @Samsoroth

welcome and thanks for your question. The forums around here aren't pretty active, so I'd recommend asking this at our community discord - you can find the link to the left.

discussione: Kirby Super Star
GermanyBambooShadow4 years ago


discussione: Demon's Crest
GermanyBambooShadow4 years ago

I guess it should be OK. Note though, that the japanese version is the fastest - I don't know if this version is available on VC (virtual console).

I asked the same question in the ALTTP forums. They are a huge speedrun community, maybe somebody did already do some testing there and has more experience regarding this matter.

Having said all that, if you're just starting to speedrun DC, I guess it's definitely OK to start practicing and getting your first runs in on VC.

Myloe piace questo
GermanyBambooShadow4 years ago

Since this is a huge SNES speedrun community, I thought I'd ask here: any experience regarding the Switch Virtual Console for SNES games, and whether it's suitable for ALTTP or let's say SNES games in general?

It seems it's already allowed, since it's listed for legit consoles, iirc.

Thanks for your feedback!

GermanyBambooShadow4 years ago

@Samsoroth - welcome :D

What Emulator did you use? All allowed emulators should be properly supported by autosplitter. I'd recommend using LiveSplit, I guess WSplit doesn't work at all with autosplitter.

I'd also recommend joining our Discord and maybe contacting @Spiraster about this issue. He's the creator of this awesome tool and might be interested, if there's a bug.

discussione: Asterix (GB)
GermanyBambooShadow4 years ago


..soon! FeelsBaguetteMan

Chancool, normalizecurlyfries e 2 Altri ti piace questo
GermanyBambooShadow4 years ago

According to our AC-Ref Guide ( ) the blob has 510 agility - so if you can boost the AGL of Arty e.g. over that value, she'll / he'll attack a fourth time (and/or lower the blob's agility as well, as shown in the video).

junkyard_dave e Soulblazer ti piace questo
GermanyBambooShadow4 years ago

It's very likely gonna be waaaaay better (accurate!) than WiiUVC, so my guess would be, that's it's gonna be allowed.

MrButternuss piace questo
discussione: Tetris Attack
GermanyBambooShadow4 years ago

Dear mods,

could you consider making "VS. V-Hard" the standard-tab, when opening - since it's the main category with the most runs.

best regards bamboo

afaelr piace questo
GermanyBambooShadow5 years ago

@DemataPyro : -->what spicefather said. Be active in the community, in the discord, show that you are an active player of the game and that you care and have knowledge about the game, the speedrun, the glitches - then it should be absolutely no problem to include you within the mod-team.

If you have absolutely no reference towards the games that you request, I understand why the SRC-mod team doesn't accept those requests - it's just saver for them! --> to avoid trolls and stuff. And if there are mods, that are already "trusted" because they take care of other communitites and leaderboards, then ofc they go with them.

JSR_, BubbleBass e 2 Altri ti piace questo
GermanyBambooShadow5 years ago

Alrigthy, better late than never: my feedback towards SC 2019.

  • new location was very nice! I really liked that one could practice / hangout in the practice area, and still follow the stream and current run. When crowded though, the middle "corridor" was maybe a bit small, with people walking by, sometimes having to squeeze through the people sitting around a CRT.
  • there were (2?) more NTSC CRTs - very nice! PAL CRTs are almost useless to speedrunners, since most Speedruns on analogue consoles are on US/JAP NTSC-consoles. More NTSC CRTs would be great still. I took the liberty, and marked them with a blue marker (regarding whether they can handle NTSC and whether you need a remote to access the AV-Channel) - I guess/hope you guys don't mind ;-)
  • Chat monitor with ESA chat for the runners/comms: if there's not too much going on during the run, one could at least check and answer question from chat - nice feature!
  • 10:9 layout for GB/GBC games :D thanks for making it happen (even though, the resize without the SGB-Borders then happened during the run ;))
  • that we were allowed to bring our own beer :D at ESA Summer the location was a hotel, and they didn't allow you to bring your own food or drinks (except for water) to the event area... that sucked :-/
  • Some of the organizers went around the area and asked people whether they are alright and have everything they need etc - that was a really pleasent and nice gesture :)
  • only 2 headsets with mics / only 1 additional handmic without headset: if there was a race for a high-execution game, it's likely that the runners who wear the headsets, aren't capable to commentate (in their second laguage!) while running. The quality of entertainment at these events also highly relies on entertaining and informative commentary, so it would be nice be able to provide at least 1 more mic - and preferably headsets for the commentators.
  • talking about mics: I remember commentating the MegaMan X race and having a really hard time to understand what the racers said, because i only had the handmic and had to listen to the sound coming out of the speakers. It was quite crowded and loud in the back, so with that ambiente I had a hard time... Also the mix of the mics seemed to be really unbalanced at times, where the handmic was waaaaay louder than the headset mics (this might've been only in the streaming room though and not on stream) - so it would be nice, to also have a proper mix in the streaming room.
  • there was some sort of ventilation thingy next to the couch (behind the courtain or so) which might be nice, during the summer. But running at 3 AM in the morning in april, I was freaking freezing sitting on the couch for like 2-3h during the run, with the ventilation breathing cold air all around me as well. Maybe there's a better way to place that thing...
  • I agree with Urinstein: the camera angles were just not that well for a lot of runs this time. The camera should show the runners, couch and a few rows of the audience. I know, that with some layouts, there's just not a lot of space for the camera, but you don't have to be steven spielberg to find a nice angle and frame to capture the players and audience nicely. good: bad: or here: 2player race-layout, small spot for the camera in the layout, but it captures also a lot of "empty space" behind the couch and audience...
  • say NO to composite video :D seriously... it just looks fucking crappy: -->usually there are enough people on the event who have (modded) consoles to provide s-video, component or RGB signals (looking at NES that natively only outputs composite at best).
  • making a fuss about people hanging around and (casually :D) drinking beer. There are only grown ups there, so if there's no drinking games or hard liquor going on, I guess one can assume that it is fine. After all, it's a small group of people at the event and everyone should be able to look after each other...
  • yes ... that one time where the camera filmed all those empty beer bottles on the table in the back was quite unfortunate (again, bad camera angle Kappa) but with just agreeing to keep the tables clean, we were able to solve that problem instantly, so no big deal :).
  • maybe a few more places, where people can hang out... i know the area wasn't thaaaaaat large, but maybe some more chairs in the back wouldn't hurt.

I guess that's about it. Once again, I wouldn't mind if you guys decide to raise the event-fee to get more money to buy more equip, or improve the event at some other places. Everything <=50€ would be totally fine for me.

After all, I really enjoyed the event again - thanks for your amazing work and effort. Looking forward to SC 2020 Kreygasm

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Info su BambooShadow
8 years ago
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Demon's Crest
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