When Are We Getting Proper Guides?
1 month ago
United States
He/Him, They/Them
1 month ago

Seriously, I've been running ULTRAKILL for 6 months by this point and the only way for people to get any proper speedrun guidance is through guides for some of the individual levels like 4-2 & 6-2, or the (currently invite-disabled) ULTRAKILL Discord server.

I get it, not everyone (or anyone) has the time to dedicate every speedrun strat that is currently available in this game (because that would get tedious), but isn't there a way to spread all of our strats that is easily usable with proper explanations?

Yes, I know that StratDB exists but with how strats are currently being submitted to it, they are still roughly confusing especially for newcomers. I know this because not only were people I would try to introduce to running this game be confused, but so was I at first! The majority of strats being sent onto there are confusing, and without written explanations or proper explanations in the video, it's just not easy to get into speedrunning this game. (which, we all should know by this point)

tl;dr: Is there any way that MAYBE, we could all collaborate to make a list full of speedrun strats and finally make this game actually easy to get into? StratDB does not help all that much for newcomers except for a few niche guides.

Modificato da l'autore 1 month ago
Humblenoob935, Chipsuu e 2 Altri ti piace questo

trust me, i've been advocating for more guides for a very long time at this point, but admittedly its a lot more complicated than it seems. this games speedrun scene is still in its infancy, the game is constantly changing, and people are still figuring the game out for themselves, let alone teaching it.

things are getting better, and im certainly doing my best to be part of that, but its gonna take time unfortunately.

one day i'd love to see a series like averageimposter's "WR pace:" videos for this game, a resource that made celeste an absolute breeze for me to get a handle on, but its hard to commit so much time to a guide like that when it can so easily be outdated within a month or so.

Octoegg, shiro_ver1 e 2 Altri ti piace questo
United States

I personally think we will see more guides when the game is finished and strats won't change as often as they do right now. Like for example with all the reworks coming out levels are most likely going to have slightly different strats.

BusyClown, Just_V, e Darknn ti piace questo
Vatican City
She/Her, They/Them
1 month ago

You reminded me that I wanted to do a 1-3 guide when the update comes out...

GoofyGoobSnort, G95_7Seas, e Darknn ti piace questo
Ohio, USA

any guides that were to come out (or already have) have a very high chance of being either outdated or straight up impossible to do in even a years time. Guides for smaller things that arent ever changing are good however full levels could very easily go from one optimal strategy to another with a simple new feature or fixing certain pieces of geometry (untagged walls for example). I dont expect many really well made guides until post 1.0 or at least until everyone knows no levels/weapon mechanics are being adjusted.

G95_7Seas e Darknn ti piace questo
United States

We have tried multiple times to get comprehensive guides going for the game. The obvious issue being the game is still in early access and one minor update is enough to make a guide out of date. Its difficult because you cant just open it up for anybody to edit because you will get people who mess it up. (anyone who checks out the old guide can see the plethora of shitty comments it has on it even after its been cleaned out multiple times since its been irrelevant)

Even if you start a new one right now it WILL be out of date with the next update. I too would love for there to be a guide for the game. Having a guide is an objectively good thing. Back when the old guide was up to date was when Herb made his videos using it which is what got so many people into just playing the game at a higher level. But anyone trying to get or more importantly keep a guide together quickly realizes that its a sisyphean effort, for now.

The hope is this will change when the game leaves early access. There is nothing stopping anyone from making smaller guides on select things as these tend to have a higher chance of lasting longer, nor anyone from starting another full guide but its unlikely a full comprehensive long lasting guide will be done until after 1.0.

Modificato da l'autore 1 month ago
DevilHunter, G95_7Seas, e Darknn ti piace questo

Fully agree with ya, as someone who got into speedrunning literally today, I see a severe lack of Level guides and stuff like that. @Phycogenetic's tech guides are really well made and useful though, so I'm glad someone is actively working towards it. Also the guide for 4-2 is VERY high quality. Still, most other guides are YEARS old and need drastic improvements and such

Also, Although this isnt technically a "Guide" but Raitro's video explaination on p-2 is great for explaining p-2 strarts.

Modificato da l'autore 1 month ago
Darknn piace questo

hi yes i know this is a bit late but i've actually started making Any% guides for ILs :3

they're more intended for people who aren't very familiar with the game, but i'm trying nonetheless :3

and yes i know they'll be out of date by the time the next update comes out which is why i've only made one for 0-1 as of writing this

Modificato da l'autore 1 month ago
grimDelegator, Darknn e 2 Altri ti piace questo
United States

Even just OOB Explanations would be pretty nice. They can look pretty intimidating if you don't know what's happening.

Darknn e _a31 ti piace questo
Statistiche del gioco
SRC Series: Ultrakill All Secret Levels (Inbounds)
11 months ago
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Rules Change
  • The top 3 session recording requirement has been removed.
  • Now top 10 runs require Steam Overlay's in-game FPS counter to be enabled and visible in the recording, preferably with high contrast.
  • If you have problems with the overlay disappearing, try running Steam as administrator.
  • If using OB
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