- The top 3 session recording requirement has been removed.
- Now top 10 runs require Steam Overlay's in-game FPS counter to be enabled and visible in the recording, preferably with high contrast.
- If you have problems with the overlay disappearing, try running Steam as administrator.
- If using OBS' game capture, make sure the option to capture third-party overlays is enabled in properties.
- This rule does not apply to runs made prior to this rule addition and it will be in effect in 3 days.
- During those 3 days you may submit a run that was rejected for not having a session recording, even if it did not have the FPS overlay.
Edit: Added image's for steam fps overlay and enabling it on obs.
Come Speedrunners near and far! I already made this announcement in the discord but due to some issues this message was delayed.
In case you missed the incoming flood of new runs, the new boards are available to be submitted to. However to keep things from being patchlocked immediately, any tech or strategies removed on or before patch 16c are banned for post-revamp runs.
Top 3 runs on the main board (both multi-level and IL) require a session recording now.
- Top Multi level runs must submit a minimum 10 minute long recording of the play session.
- Top Single level runs must submit either twice the run length or a minimum 3 minute long recording depending on which is longer.
- (please make sure to read the rules for further clarification)
ILs now have the ability to include an extra subcategory. Currently only weaponless and inbounds are options but more may come in the future.
2-S now requires a hand cam for top 3 times and also has 3, no, 7 new categories!?
Over on the categories extensions page we have added rocketless, all levels, and Newgame categories any% P% and Gold%.
And more that I probably forgot to mention. Please remember to read the rules to keep up to date with changes.
Now onto future stuff. We are still working on cleaning up the rules for the various categories so that will be switched out as we finish with that. We are also still working on a definitive ruling for pause buffering. And lastly a Speedrun Discord is underway and will be rolled out as it's ready.
As always let me know if there are any issues (because there already have been and I’m sure there is still probably more) and we will try to get things fixed up as soon as we can.
Now that Hakita has made the official announcement, the update is here!! Go play it!!
The poll has been closed. Thank you all for your responses, all 189 of them!
There will be a week long submission embargo while we finish getting the rules together and to give everyone time to enjoy the updated levels and new content. So relax, enjoy the update, see you again in a week. You will still be able to submit runs that were completed during this time as long as they still follow the rules.
Finally with a new update on the horizon it is the perfect time to address some of the concerns that have been brought up since the last one of these.
First thing is first I am happy to announce that we will be doing a pseudo board refresh following the update. One of the reasons for waiting for 1.0 to wipe the board was the expectation that it was going to be when older levels would receive their reworks and touch ups. Since that is occurring with the upcoming update, the current boards will get a new separate sub-category, with the reworked option being the “main” boards that will be submitted to from here on. You will still be able to submit to the old boards, but it will require downpatching, and the boards will still be fully wiped when 1.0 finally drops.
Secondly we a running a poll to try and make as much use of this refresh as we can. It is a bit long but take your time, test things in game by practicing or doing runs, you can go back to change your answers later. Please keep in mind that many levels will see major changes and the fact that ALL of the boards (full game, layers, ILs, etc) are being refreshed when considering your opinions.
The poll will run from now until the update is out whenever that is. Also this poll is just to start an open conversation and get a feel for where the community is at on various topics. Not all of the topics of this poll will lead to changes for this update.
Let me or one of the other speedrun mods know if there are any issues or anything we missed.
If you have not seen ULTRAKILL is finally having a speedrunner competition for real money!!! It starts in about four hours from the time I am making this news post, in fact its probably already started when you are reading this so click the challenges widget on the right and read up on the rules and get a run in!
Speaking of reading up on the rules since today is the day the competition starts what better to do than to completely rework the entire base game rules!!
Fret not. No rulings have actually been changed.
Everything will still be moderated the say way it has been for months. This is only to improve the readability as well as clarity of the base rules for the game. This is also only for the base game rules, the rework for all of the category rules as well as IL designation will come later. Maybe. :)
Be sure to use this opportunity to refamiliarize yourself with the base rules before the competition starts. Also I will probably continue to make tweaks to improve things further so let me know if there are any issues or further improvements that you feel could be made.
Good Luck! I am looking forward to seeing those competition runs!
At long last Violence is here!!!
- The boards have been updated.
- Inbounds is now on the main board.
- Rocket race now has a rocketless option.
- And lastly the timing tool in the discord has been update to include act 3
There will be more updates to things on the board in the coming days and I will try to keep yall posted with the stuff as I get it updated. As always please let me know if there are any issues with anything so I can get them fixed asap.
Have fun and remember to reach heaven through violence!
The update is out, and the poll is closed!
With a grand total of 82 votes (68 of which are from verified runners) the Any% and NoMo categories will be refreshed with the old boards moved to the secondary categories tab; However, they will still be available for those who want to submit for some time (labeled ‘Zoomies Patch’). Only votes from people who had verified runs were counted. (non-verified votes would have been used in case of a tie)
(See Discord for the data results)
Aside from the poll changes the IL leaderboard has been updated to include the new levels as well as the Alt exits for 5-1 and 6-2. The extensions leaderboards for 100%NG, All Bosses, and All P-Ranks have been reset since those runs are no longer valid (Please make sure to re-read the rules as a new rule has been added to clarify 6-2). And lastly, Rocket Race and HankJr% have been added to the category extensions board.
I’m super excited to see all the runs for all the new categories and levels and I hope you all have a lot of fun running them! As always if there are any issues or errors with the board let me know so I can get them fixed asap. -B.G.B.
We are running a poll to determine whether the full game boards should get wiped for this upcoming update when zoomies (rocket clipping) are patched. This does not include act, layer or IL runs.
If the board does get wiped then it will, of course, get archived as per usual.
There is an option for determining whether you can still submit to the old boards. I am not doing a restricted/un-restricted thing because its way more of a hassle for effectively the same result.
The poll ends when the update is out which could be tomorrow or it could be in a month. I have no idea. Feel free to debate with each other about the poll topic in the #speedruns channel in the discord until then.
Thank you and looking forward to seeing those 5-S and P-2 speedruns! -B.G.B.
- The top 3 session recording requirement has been removed.
- Now top 10 runs require Steam Overlay's in-game FPS counter to be enabled and visible in the recording, preferably with high contrast.
- If you have problems with the overlay disappearing, try running Steam as administrator.
- If using OB