An Explanation of Speedglitch
An Explanation of Speedglitch
Aggiornato 9 months ago di HoonGoons

What is speedglitch?

Speedglitch, the shortened name of the catnip speedglitch, is a bug exclusive to versions 1.0, 1.10, and 1.11 that keeps the state of the Postal Dude while in catnip mode. The TL;DR is that Dude just runs incredibly fast and is much harder to control compared to normal, but again is version specific and changes the dynamic of the run, especially having to go out and buy a key for the Russian version compared to buying a Steam key and activating the DRM there.

How does speedglitch work?

Unfortunately, we aren't entirely sure what goes on code wise, but what shows up in the game is just enough to explain it. If you know how the catnip works in this game, it basically slows down the world around you, but Dude is "unaffected" as he is "normal speed" compared to everything else around him. This is unless of course, you interrupted it by other means, where then the world around him is now in the normal state, but Dude is still sped up from when he was in catnip.

The quotations are there for a good reason. If you know how the Source Engine works, it's pretty much the host_timescale command, where it can make the game run much slower or faster than intended. Normally in games like Half-Life 2, it's pretty much just used for cutscenes for dramatic effect, but other games (like source mods) use it in different ways, and can do a thing called "state preserve" to keep the host_timescale state throughout the entire game. Or if you speedrun Left 4 Dead 1, it's just either loading in on a map or killing you and your entire team and then the game runs faster, similar to host_timescale commands.

But if the game is in a slower state, how is Dude at normal speed? The developers just made his animations speed up and gave him faster walking and running speed. However this does change a lot, which in normal cases outside of speedglitch usage, you can use catnip to sprint for longer, and you can no longer do stuff like trimping/the fireaxe or hammer speed glitch (a different speed glitch that's NOT version specific and is allowed in both No Speedglitch and Speedglitch categories) due to how Dude acts in the catnip state.

How do I trigger speedglitch?

Like was mentioned before, it only works on versions 1.0, 1.10, and 1.11. If you're on v1.12, the Steam version, or even the infamous No DRM patch (that is also used in the ZOOM Platform release), it won't work. Now, if you are on a supported version, what you need to do is:

  1. Get catnip (in the run it will always be after Porn World).
  2. Snort it by pressing alt-fire.
  3. When the catnip is right at the peak (pretty much a bit after it reaches Dude's nose), pause the game for a second or two and then save and load.
  4. Wait for the game to finish loading and hope you got good speed.

What's that? Hope you got good speed? That's right, depending on when you exactly do it, or how long the pause is for, you could get slow speed out of it, which means you aren't going at the fastest possible speedglitch speed, which means timeloss and having to do the setup again. Most of the time anyway in the run, you would be doing trimping instead.

How do I control myself with speedglitch active?

Now that you have it activated, the main thing to notice is that you are now incredibly hard to control. The main way to control yourself unless you want to dedicate going into a straight line is to hold down the slow walking button (ALT by default, +walk is the command) or the aiming mode/ironsights, which makes you walk slower and can properly adjust yourself. Another thing is that you cannot vault over anything without dying immediately once the animation completes. Normally, with the world slow around you, this wouldn't be a problem, however it's absolutely busted if its ended abruptly, as you gain enormous height and then fall down to the ground really quickly. This can be avoided in very specific circumstances, like a ceiling that isn't really too high up that you can bonk your head on and then you land without killing you, most notably seen at the end of Champ Rescue. Other than that, if you get softlocked, you're basically done for unless you want to setup speedglitch again after you can vault over it.

How do I get rid of speedglitch?

For versions 1.10 and 1.11, speedglitch actually stops once you hit a transition into the next map, which means you have to do the setup again. For version 1.0, this is not the case, and you can keep speedglitch throughout the rest of the run after Diseased Cat Roundup, but if you want to drop it before hitting a transition or just in general, snort catnip again and then press alt fire to end it early and everything will be back to normal.

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