how to do bank glitch?
1 month ago

i was watching this video and at the bank section 4:50 i saw some sort of quick save/quickload glitch and i was wondering if somebody could explain this? thank you

Tennessee, USA

this is a trick called save deletion, where you saveload once on the map you wish to do it on, execute a bind to trigger save deletion (in the case of postal 3, the source engine version it uses requires the version where its trying to save a file named over the letter limit for a save file, and then its the reload command), and that restarts the map like you just input the map command or started a new game from that level


thank you bro

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Leaderboard Changelog (3/21/23)

Hello everyone! Just here to inform everyone about some new changes that have been made to the boards.

User and runner SpectralPlatypus has developed a new autosplitter/load remover for use for runs. For those paying attention beforehand, the old one was SourceSplit, which is used for almost ever

1 year ago
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