New Category Please
5 years ago

Hi, i am intrested in running this game and have been dabelling with some run attempts the last few weeks.

Am wonderring to if the MOD is stil active on speedrunslive ?

I want to add a Any% NO Creative Category. Basically Any% but not run in creative (5Min runs are not intresting to do or see)

Rules would be as followed: -Time starts when u can controll your character. (lets say, at first input) -New save file every run (so no Save setting to get a specific seed or system) -Time ends when ship goes into centre of universe -All glitches/bugs/exploits/... are allowed. -creative mode is disabled.


Add rule:

-Single Player Only (to stop multyplayer spawning abuse)

Ontario, Canada

I'm all for it. Heck, I've been doing offline attempts for fun with this idea in mind, though I've never completed a run yet. I'll even post my general ideas I've gleamed:

  • preferably start a run spawned on a planet with Albumen Pearls; hike around and get enough to sell for ~300k Units (25 or more)

  • find a Minor Settlement, or other location that land ships, and buy it/exchange it (Class Cs should be in the 300k range), preferably with a Hyperdrive

  • you need to eventually find a Monolith to also get you to a Portal, while also gaining at least 100 nanites to locate 1 Glyph (i think you need to go down the Artemis quest line a while before Travelers start spawning)

  • it used to be the case that using the Portal using the only the first glyph you gained gets you about 5000LY from the centre, but I don't know if this has been changed

That's all I've worked out so far, Might be useful to end up buying a weapon with a Terrain Manipulator. Whether building a base first is mandatory or not I cannot say. Rest of the run is upgrading your hyperdrive to get closer to the center?

Modificato da l'autore 5 years ago

Euyyy, glad to have some support and potential competition :D

So my findings so far:

Glitches im using: -Duplication glitch -Jump Boost -Wisperring Eggs to nanite's

Glitches im experimenting with: -Getting Portal open without gliph -Wrongwarp via the hyperdrive

Main runtrough: -Go trough the main Quest untill u get your hyperdrive +1st warp fuel.

-Get yourself a system respective relic

-Duplicate: Blue/red/yellow recourse for Glyphs

-Locate portal with relic and jump to nearest teleport to center.

-Jump to center to end run.

Timedrain warnings:

-U don't need a new ship -> so no need to farm credits and look for a better class -Only a couple of techs are actualy viable for runs, but i am wonderring about the timeloss to obtain them -Speed module -> Dupe glitch 3x max in suit -hyperdrive module -> depending on the system we recieve wth portal, if we can find a 1jump one, we should be ok ?

This was a quick write trough of the run i am planning. so prob need to be alterred and still filled with mistakes. Also i will post a recource list of every item needed for a complete run.

I will experiment with doing some runs starting tonight, Hit me up if you see me online, id be glad to discuss :)


So the current pathing and problem i am at :)

Start Run: Farm

  • 125 Ferrite Dust
  • 15 Sodium
  • 30 Oxygen Locate Ship Build Refinery Dupe Upto 250 Stacks -> Handy for Storm Recharge Aswell) Repair Pulse engine
  • Metal plating 50FE Dupe Navigation Data (U get a free one) Build Signal Booster -100 Ferrite -50 Carbon (Nanite tubes) -15 Sodium Create 1 Di Hydrogin jelly Recover Hermetic Seal -> Jump boost to get there Repair Launch Truster -Magnetized ferrite 25 -Di Hydrogin 1 Duplicate Nav Data -> Sell To NPC (NOT To SpacePort) Create And duplicate Launch Fuel Go to space Station -Sell Nav data to NPC -buy pyrite -Buy Microprocessor Go to anomaly -Build Terrain Modifier Build Base -80 copper for 40cromatic mats Dupe Cromatic For stack Build contruct terminal -25pure ferrite -40 cromatic metal Hire Overseer Build Blueprint analyzer Scan for burried tech Buy Teleporter + build teleporter Spacestation teleporter -> Repeat code Go to Distress signal Build Hyperdrive Go into space -> Scan -> GO to Broadcast Build Warp Cell and dupe Start jumping for travlers. Obtain 1 glyph from travler Scan For Monolyth Ask for portal incase of relic, otherwise solve puzzle and repeat previeous step Open Portal
  • 125 oxygen
  • 150 sodium
  • 250 dihydrogin Use Code 12 Time Wave (1 glyph total needed)

Next problem portal interferance ??

Iglum e D_Winds ti piace questo
Massachusetts, USA

Thanks for all that. working on adding it right now. sorry for the delay. Upload the run to center%, with your game mode. I hope that is satisfactory :)

Modificato da l'autore 4 years ago
Cathedrall piace questo

Long awaited comeback (yokes obv) last hurdle has been solved. i will be doing some test/practice runs in the next couple of weeks. i hope to be able to post a sub 2hour run

Edit: I need a new dupe glitch :(

Modificato da l'autore 4 years ago
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