First to Billionaire???
4 years ago

I think this would be an interesting category to see. Money making is a very popular topic for content in this game and there are so many different methods to do it... I’m curious to see how fast someone can get from 0 to 1 billion with a brand new save.

The rules would have to be properly crafted though since there are so many different ways to glitch this game.

Wondering if anyone else is interested in the idea.

United States

The one big issue with this is that most glitches for making money tend to focus around multiplayer features, which we've largely locked out of most speedruns. We do already have a speedrun IL set up for the Magnate milestone, though this is significantly easier to achieve (2MM vs. 1B). What would you envision this run looking like that would differ from some of the methods already used to run Magnate? Meaning, what glitches are you looking at to get you to a billion units?

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