Disable particle effect
10 months ago

While grinding Collapsing, the particle/death effect at the beginning is super annoying as it obstructs my view of the first two spikedges, the main place I die, a lot. Would deleting the costumes to disable the particles be considered cheating?

Krackerz piace questo

Note - you guys probably already know, but the particle death effect does not disappear after Q+R.

Krackerz piace questo
United States

Many other runs have happened without removing the particle effects. I dunno tho, it isn't my call. Maybe Michael can help you?

Hong Kong

Interesting. Does annoy me sometimes as well when in a bad mood. I would say you can, since I can use the replay code anyways (and I don't think the particles effect disturbs that right? don't have a rich knowledge on that)


ok :) well ig it doesn't matter since i beat it with particles on today LOL

MichaelChan e CAKEC0DER ti piace questo
United States

Good Job!


Try deleting the "Particles" sprite. That also saves some FPS (i tested).

Hong Kong

Trust me, it becomes so weird without it. If you really need it, you can do it yourself and the replay code will be presumably working as intended.


What I do its just delete the actual squares and rectangles that are in the costume, not the costume/sprite itself

United States

Both would work, but the latter has consequences...


mine? it does not, i tried it, it's literally just spewing out hidden particles. they're there but you can't see them

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