Minimum Appels Speedrun
1 year ago
Hong Kong

i'd say no - at least not yet.


I've been doing this and it's really fun, I think it should be added.

Hong Kong

I'd say still no. The actual minimum apple number is probably scouted out already, but it's still tideous, notwithstanding its speedrunability. Leave it as a challenge first.

United States

The first problem is beating the level... I sure as heck am not gonna compete to speedrun to get 1 less apple than somebody else on a hard level. (10+) While, I agree that this move might only be possible for levels 1-3, it still is some effort.

MichaelChan piace questo
United States

The one level I might actually enjoy speedrunning is level 9. :)

CAKEC0DER piace questo
United States

That's true. It is quite fun. :)

United States

the level 9 minimun is 11

United States

@Swskrei, isn't it 12, according to Michael's Minimum Apples video?

United States

When? Or should I say, where?


That corner clip is pretty tough...

Modificato da l'autore 10 months ago
United States

Oh, I see now

United States

lol i've known about this for months- here's a speedrun with it: 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

MichaelChan piace questo
United States

@Swskrei, you presented some interesting ideas that no doubt could be used in possible future TAS's. Some examples include the end, where you didn't get the checkpoint but instead died, using iframes to secure a possibly faster time rather than just falling down.

MichaelChan piace questo
United States

Yeah! Now it seems that there are so many skips! Also, @undeterminstic, are you not gonna retire anymore?

Modificato da l'autore 10 months ago
Statistiche del gioco
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Livello: Level 3 - Wall Jump Parkour
Livello: Level 2 - Speedrun Challenge
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