California, USAZachoholic3 years ago

Sorry if this has been addressed elsewhere (if it has could someone link me it?) but when and why did the site implement ads? Before ads only appeared when you weren't logged in, but now they appear regardless. It makes the site a massive pain to use on my phone. Is ELO that strapped for cash or is there some other reason?

KomradeKontroll menyukai ini
California, USAZachoholic7 years ago

Before I start this, I want to say I'm not trying to insult speedrunning nor the site with this thread. I don't want it to turn into this thread. It's just some things are annoying when speedrunning, like maybe an annoying chat spam, or when you lose a 5 hour run to a crash. By no means is this meant to be a drama thread either. I also am not attempting to call anyone out. These also aren't meant to be problems that need to be addressed (at least with my reason), but just general annoyances you might have.

For me personally, I don't like how some people think that speedrunning is an elitist thing. The "you suck if you have a bad time" aspect.

A1ex, Julz dan 4 lainnya menyukai ini
California, USAZachoholic7 years ago

Is this happening for anyone else? (the characters in between "Roman" and "s") https://gyazo.com/bb6a861d41dc7af9fa5992bf6521b40e

California, USAZachoholic7 years ago

GTA V https://drive.google.com//file/d/0B-Kqr_JDY-gCeGs3cmkybUp4UnM/view

Max Payne 3 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-Kqr_JDY-gCaTFWcWZmNVozUXc/view?usp=sharing

As you can (hopefully) see, the mod names go outside the box. Is this a game specific thing? Or can it be fixed by the site? IMHO it just looks ugly. Presents no real problem though. :p

California, USAZachoholic7 years ago

For example, in Discord you can say (for example) @Pac. I've seen people do that, but it doesn't seem to work (unless it does).

Or maybe I'm a dumb and there's already a place for it. :p

If there isn't a way, I do think that it should be implemented (if there's time of course).

California, USAZachoholic8 years ago

Kind of a n00b question, but I noticed there is a post in the resources section that say "Saves before every mission", posted 7 months ago. I was wondering what would happen if I downloaded it, what it would do, where the file would be located, and what it even does. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

California, USAZachoholic8 years ago

What will happen once this game is discontinued?

f1 menyukai ini
California, USAZachoholic8 years ago

Can I get a link to the game? I searched it up but I don't want to download something that's not legit

IvanderLatidjan dan Galla menyukai ini
California, USAZachoholic8 years ago

Hey Gallamaster, i want to do a quick run of the game, but am unsure of when to stop the timer. In your run you stop the timer after you respawn (after the "cutscene"). However in the rules it states you are to stop once you get the treasure. Which is correct? Thanks!

Galla menyukai ini
California, USAZachoholic8 years ago

how do you do the jumping glitch lol

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