Tionic3 years ago

So, having heard about rolling in Tetris for the NES that has been all the rage lately, I decided to ask around to convince someone in the Tetris community to try it on the wall, and by sheer coincidence it turned out LeKukie has devised a method that involves "bolt-tapping" (maybe also known as drag-clicking, apparently popularized in minecraft). Here's a video of it LeKukie recorded (LeKukie was patient enough to breeze through Turbo Tunnel just to get there, BTW!):

Tionic4 years ago

This is in line with other NES communities such as Ninja Gaiden. With the introduction of the new feature "run-ahead" that allows frames to be skipped in order to achieve "lower" latency, Mesen becomes a significant moderation nightmare and a frustration to non-English speakers who would be forced to switch from their favorite settings should they decide to perform attempts with run-ahead enabled, which is likely due to its benefits. (Run-ahead is capable of removing animation frames, thus alter original mechanics &, if my understanding is correct, deduct frames from the total sum of a given speedrun unrelated to human execution.)

Tionic4 years ago

As mentioned here (https://www.speedrun.com/battletoads_nes/thread/3quel) entire two years ago (!), the background theme for the page is not resource efficient. Please change it to be static!

Tionic5 years ago

So, dot3r is playing on a keyboard. I didn't actually think anyone would speedrun toads at high level not on a controller and d-pad. Is it really fair to compete this way? Obviously, neither am I active nor planning to speedrun this game again, so this isn't something that affects me personally, but it's pretty annoying to think of all the advantages keyboard has over controller and how it affects competing.

I imagine console runners would just go "lol emu", but all of the original hardware bullshit argument aside, keyboard kind of forces every emu runner to play on keyboard because better consistency in general. Like, diagonals suddenly become free, robo manus is 10 times easier because 2 fingers on WASD. In rat race, you can just use 2 index fingers to skip ledges and the consistency is through the roof because 2 separate keys don't wobble like a d-pad... arctic caverns ledge cancelling, etc.

Clearly not fair. I would even consider splitting keyboard to a separate leaderboard, but it would be drastic for a game that has 3 active players. Thoughts?

Tionic5 years ago

I contacted him trying to find out what happened, but the language barrier is a problem. I managed to google translate something about haters, and apparently TGR is no longer confident his run is WR? I think it's quite exceptional that he managed to achieve the credits warp on a gut feeling alone, especially with how much effort it took him, and so that should be recognized. Does anyone know anything about the situation? He also says the run was done on Nestopia 1.40, so I can't see how any illegitimacy could be at play.

Tionic6 years ago

Just to let you know that I added a list of hotkeys to the guides section as well as adding a bit of info to the rules, so that things are more easily understood. I specified that the timing for segmented should be SDA while keeping the convention lurk used for RTA. I also thought "Any% Real-Time" would be more legible as a category name. Hope that's alright, cheers.

Tionic6 years ago

Any activity here? Just a heads up that a new run is out. Questions are welcome if anyone's interested

Tionic6 years ago

Waffel, this page is a complete mess. I'd like you to make me a mod, so I can add some common sense stuff like how to time runs (SDA is fine by me, but suggestions are welcome). The categories don't make sense either, and I'd be interested in addressing that. Thanks.

EDIT: Added various stuff including rules. Post here if anything feels off.

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