United StatesSymystery1 year ago

Area 2 Combat Tutorial Checkpoint Restart:

Area 2 Parkour Timesave:

Area 3 Kick Enemies in Water Checkpoint Restart:

Area 3 Deathwarp:

United StatesSymystery1 year ago

Old runs submitted before the rules were changed will be grandfathered in (basically means they won't be removed) but new runs won't be verified

Treqy menyukai ini
United StatesSymystery1 year ago

No, we still don't. Program X is part of Any% though but once it changes all runs in Any% will be archived.

Treqy menyukai ini
United StatesSymystery1 year ago

Put one video in the "video link" section, this will be the main run that people will see when they click the submission, put the other videos in the description section of the run. Don't make multiple submissions for each video

benang: Speedrunning
United StatesSymystery1 year ago

@Symystery rejected my speedrun for reason as: "Try Again" 😭 😭

CyanWes, Oh_my_gourdness dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
United StatesSymystery1 year ago

We don't know if they'll remove content, however they will change or add content. We wanna try and keep Program X out of speedruns as much as possible for that reason. Developers have been pretty vague which is why we're being a bit cautious

benang: Supporter
United StatesSymystery1 year ago

You're able to turn off certain notifications in speedrun.com/user/(Your Username Here)/settings/notifications

You can do it globally and per game too

United StatesSymystery1 year ago

We would highly prefer you don't do anything with Program X outside of Any% since we know its going to change every season of the game.

Tyronetoad_YT menyukai ini
United StatesSymystery1 year ago

We have no plans to add Program X, since it will change with every season. The only category that contains Program X is Any%.

Treqy menyukai ini
United StatesSymystery1 year ago

Yeah, but its faster to delete the files

United StatesSymystery1 year ago

Yeah, to remove the startup cutscenes just delete RedBarrelsLogo.bik and TOT_ThirdParty.bik. I will amend the rules to include that deleting these are allowed.

United StatesSymystery1 year ago

We explained this in an announcement via our community Discord server, but basically Its still a rule, we've just been lenient since this is unlike any other Outlast game to date and we have a huge influx of submissions for all the games in the series still.

Starting within the next few days we're gonna stop being lenient

Tyronetoad_YT menyukai ini
United StatesSymystery1 year ago

I had it happen in the area where the game teaches you how AP works during the tutorial section, 2 minutes into your run.

My game might have gotten a lag spike as it happened, I don't remember. I'm not familiar with the developers previous games or Godot Engine but hopefully its not an fps meme lol

United StatesSymystery1 year ago

I also had this weird glitch happen where Kayleigh teleported to me after I walked too far away from her and when she teleported next to me I launched super far, again no video and I couldn't reproduce it after trying for some time unfortunately

Ecgtheow menyukai ini
United StatesSymystery1 year ago

So, I don't have a video of this, but I found a glitch (feature?) where if you hold a box or a rock or whatever and you jump into a wall you can sometimes get a higher jump than normal.

Don't know how useful or applicable this is, but it is a thing that you can do.

Ecgtheow menyukai ini
United StatesSymystery1 year ago

This game has some fake loading screens, so if you watch some of the runs on the leaderboard you'll see for example there's 2 seconds of black screen and then it pauses the timer. As long as your timer is pausing sometime during these black screens, it should be working

You can take a look at my run for example:

If your still having issues I suggest joining the community discord and asking under the #puppet-combo channel. If you don't use load remover I won't reject your run for it, but I also won't go out of my way to manually remove the loading screens

United StatesSymystery1 year ago

Same server for Outlast, Whistleblower, and Outlast 2 speedrunning, but figured I'd post it here as well.


Simple_Controls menyukai ini
benang: Outlast
United StatesSymystery1 year ago

Nice find, but this is probably a console only strat. Level might load in too fast on PC

United StatesSymystery1 year ago


tofercakes menyukai ini
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