You are allowed to have MScroll and LMB to the use bind. You aren't allowed to have multiple binds for any other action. To do it, you have to edit the defaultinput.ini text file.
Open it in a text editor (notepad works) and under the section where it says "; - Keyboard and mouse" add this line: .Bindings=(Name="F1",Command="setbind LeftMouseButton OLA_Use | setbind MouseScrollDown OLA_Use")
You can change F1 to whatever key you like. Just press the key when you're loaded into the game, usually it stays working the entire time but you might have to press it a few times, idk why but it breaks sometimes.
There is no reason for a glitchless category on insane difficulty as the optimal run would only be like 5 seconds slower than normal glitchless.
The reason why there is an insane category that allows you to use glitches is because it makes the route very different from the normal Any% run because of the lack of checkpoint but if you don't use glitches it is pretty much identical to the optimal glitchless run like I said.
Thanks for reaching out, but we are not looking to add this category <3
Is there another known way to get the "butterfly" glitch? I keep accidentally getting it just gliding around, and not with the batarang setup shown in the tutorial. Its really weird
Are there any updated Any% tutorials, or is this something I could probably learn watching the WR? The only one on SRC is outdated apparently. Was interested in trying to learn this game and arkham city.
Xbox emulation is pretty terrible right now with the exception of a few games
Could be a framerate difference? Have you tried lowering the framerate on the PC version?