Nice run!
Mod Note: Retimed (Start Frame: 93, End Frame: 26630, FPS: 30, Total Time: 14:44.567)
Hej, nie wiem czy zerknąłeś na zasady, ale run musi się zaczynać od kliknięcia Start w menu głównym, a twoje nagranie zaczyna się od menu pauzy już w trakcie gry + timer zatrzymujesz w momencie otwarcia drzwi ostatniego dnia + najwyraźniej audio nie działa :P polecam też ogarnąć jak działają global hotkeye w LiveSplit (czasami trzeba odpalić go jako administrator)
This is promoting something extremely unhealthy for some cheap novelty.
Coś ci zamula przy splicie ;) Ładny run! Zrobiłem retime:
Time starts at 0:00:06.058 and ends at 0:13:04.900 with a framerate of 30 FPS to get a final time of 0:12:58.866.
Retimed using Better Speedrun Timer
You don't need to stream - installation and setup of OBS is not rocket science & takes less than a single game run, done once. If it's enough to discourage someone, then it wouldn't be much value anyways. If I see a run, I want to see how it went. There's always something to learn, as opposed to "text proof" consisting of name & time.
Hey hey,
I've been going through the game recently and seen the top speedrun - how to skip cutscenes?
Thanks! Yeah, the track path seems pretty simple and technical on that one, very prone to wall brushing. I am still not sure whether the car choice is optimal though :D
In each round you have to win (be the 1st to finish) a predefined number of races from a given pool. You immediately advance to the next round after achieving the required number.
Some tracks are clearly not viable, but there are a few where improvements can be made with proper shortcuts.
Round 1 - You have to win 1 of these races:
Kenya (3 laps), approx. time 2:02 [Viable]
England (3 laps), approx. time 1:59 [Preferable]
Chile (3 laps), approx. time 3:42
Round 2 - You have to win 1 of these races:
Mexico (3 laps), approx. time 3:27 [May be viable with optimization]
Australia (3 laps), approx. time 3:02 [Preferable]
USA water (3 laps), approx. time 4:12
Round 3 - You have to win 2 of these races:
Ireland (3 laps), approx. time 2:08 [Preferable]
USA land (3 laps), approx. time 4:44
Egypt (3 laps), approx. time 3:10 [Preferable]
China (3 laps), approx. time 4:01
Round 4 - You have to win 2 of these races:
Germany (3 laps), approx. time 3:32
Arctic (3 laps), approx. time 3:42
Russia (3 laps), approx. time 2:33 [Preferable]
Japan (3 laps), approx. time 2:38 [Preferable]
Round 5 - You have to win 2 of these races:
Italy (3 laps), approx. time 4:04 [May be viable with optimization]
Norway (3 laps), approx. time 4:07
Mars (2 laps), approx. time 3:02 [Preferable]
Spain (3 laps), approx. time 3:44 [Preferable]
Round 6 - You have to win 3 of these races:
Venus (3 laps), approx. time 3:03 [Preferable]
India (2 laps), approx. time 4:15
France (3 laps), approx. time 3:52
Hawaii (3 laps), approx. time 3:07 [Preferable]
Scotland (3 laps), approx. time 3:03 [Preferable]
Round 7 - You have to win this race:
Moon (4 laps), approx. time 3:55 [Mandatory]
Shortcuts are marked with thick green lines
Some maps have checkpoints shown with thin blue lines
- England
- Mexico
- Egypt
- Ireland
- Japan
- Russia
- Spain
- Italy
- Mars
- France
- Scotland
- Hawaii
- India
- Moon
- Kenya
- Chile
- China
- USA (land)
- Arctic
- Germany
- Norway
- Venus
- USA (water)
- Australia
There are multiple versions of the game, which I managed to find over the years - each with some differences. May be of interest to someone some time.
Text version below.
Executable: Racing.exe
Version: ?
Date: 1 Nov 95
Source: Demo CD
Comment: Demo with Mexico and Venus, fixed camera, much lower gravity, no countdown
Executable: Racing.exe
Version: ?
Date: 19 Feb 96
Source: PCPro CD
Comment: Demo with Japan (dog mountain has a different texture)
Executable: Winrace.exe
Version: ?
Date: 20 Feb 96
Source: PCPro CD
Comment: Demo with Japan (dog mountain has a different texture)
Executable: Racing.exe
Version: 2.16R
Date: 15 Mar 96
Source: 031121_1805.iso (Classic Games CD)
Comment: Full version
Executable: Winrace.exe
Version: 2.16WR
Date: 15 Mar 96
Source: 031121_1805.iso (Classic Games CD)
Comment: Full version
Executable: Racing.exe
Version: 2.16M
Date: 15 Mar 96
Source: Mini_games4 CD
Comment: Demo with Japan and USA (water)
Executable: Racing.exe
Version: 2.17M
Date: 18 Mar 96
Source: Official demo
Comment: Demo with Japan and USA (water)
Executable: Racing.exe
Version: 2.19M
Date: 28 Mar 96
Source: Official demo
Comment: Demo with Japan and USA (water)
Executable: Racing.exe
Version: 2.24R
Date: 9 May 96
Source: Big Red Racing (main)
Comment: Full version
Executable: Winrace.exe
Version: 2.24WR
Date: 9 May 96
Source: Big Red Racing (main)
Comment: Full version
Executable: Racing.exe
Version: 2.27R
Date: 7 Jun 97
Source: Big Red Racing 2.27
Comment: Full version - Epson promo - with patches.txt
Executable: Winrace.exe
Version: 2.27WR
Date: 22 Nov 96
Source: Big Red Racing 2.27
Comment: Full version - Epson promo - with patches.txt
Hey, I corrected "Time" field - it's the real time it took you to finish the run, which was slightly under 4min 39sec
Extra categories are ready - feel free to resubmit!
Hey, it's a cool trick, I was wondering if it's possible to use it in a major way!
I guess we'd need another category for such runs, where pausing is used to levitate & catch rocks. That one should stay glitchless & without expoints. Plus your run's real timer is around 3:11 (start at 0:10 and ends at 3:21).
Let me create Any% categories for each level. I'll also try to define some ruleset, feel free to give your input!
The game isn't available via Microsoft's site anymore, but a fellow named Lucas C has managed to patch the installer for modern systems.
MS Plus full installer with Labyrinth Plus! included:
....and that's it, if you want to play the base game on Win10 / Win11.
Bonus Addon pack (adds My Labyrinth mode with 20 extra levels)
In case you're having trouble getting Labyrinth Bonus Addon Pack to work (like I had), here's a Youtube guide showing step by step how to install it:
If you can't watch this for whatever reason (it might be gone in a couple of years), here's the guide:
- Download the addon pack from Microsoft's website:
Try to run it
If it shows an error - "Error creating process (...) cannot find the file specified", then don't close this window
Keeping the error window open, go to:
Note: if the last folder - IXP000.TMP doesn't exist, go ahead and create it, then close the error message and open the installer again
- Double click the Patch003.msp file, which should be located in c:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\
Note: If that method doesn't work, you can open the installer with 7-Zip, unpack the file to any location and run it from there.
Hey! I had no idea about right-click, that's probably pretty useful, might run again :D Yes, I've set sensitivity to reasonable levels. I've spent years searching for this game's name and finally found it. I have version patched for Windows 10 and it's still pretty buggy... can't change resolution, got black screen on the 2nd monitor, and sometimes loading into level causes black screen until I use Alt+F4. Still, it's so fun! Thanks!