MarioBataliJr6 years ago

Hey guys! So I don't run this game, I just grinded out IL's for the first bomb level, and I saw someone beat my WR. I saw their run to see how they did, but while I was watching it, it seemed slower than mine somehow. So I tried retiming it because maybe I messed up when timing mine, and I got 3.200 seconds. So I thought maybe we timed it differently, so I downloaded the run and timed it and also got exactly 3.200 seconds also. Keep in mind, I'm doing this with Windows Movie Maker, so it's probably not accurate. I don't have a high speed computer, so the most accurate way I could think of was to use the , and . keys on YouTube and count how many YouTube frames it took both of us. Funnily enough, I got that we both had 99 "frames" (idk if they're actually frames or not). So I don't know if we have a different time or we are tied, I timed it using the method above the times; after loading goes away and when the last green light appears. So could somebody retime both of ours better than I did? I'm not sure if the mods retimed it before verifying, but it seems to me that we tied. I'm not trying to get my record back really, but for the future there should be retiming, especially for WR runs so there is no confusion.


MarioBataliJr6 years ago

I think if you don't mind either way, go keyboard. But if you used to play with controller and using keyboard feels awkward and you play worse because of it, stick with controller. Keyboard is technically better, but not better enough to relearn a whole game because of it. This goes for any game really.

MarioBataliJr6 years ago

I think as long as it does not drastically change the sprite at all, it'll be fine. I got away with changing my guy to be flashing colors, so as long as it doesn't somehow give you an edge over people it should be fine. If you just change the colors a bit, there should be no problem. Just don't deliberately change it to get an edge.

MarioBataliJr6 years ago

I don't think having so many categories is necessary, I don't think there is much need for these. Cool idea for a race, but I don't think it's something for a leaderboard.

OrangeCrix dan Adrian menyukai ini
MarioBataliJr6 years ago

Darkid it doesn't seem like it. I didn't see any swirl, and the level said they collected all the gems. I think if he didn't switch heads you would've seen a swirl, but the gems were accounted for.

MarioBataliJr6 years ago

My friend and I were doing attempts of insane chap 1 weaponless runs, and sometimes if you die really close to when someone exits, the game shows the swirl as if the level is going to reset, but then realizes the level is complete, so it only shows part of the swirl, like in 1:11 of the video. But in the first level at 0:30 when I try to die early, the swirl shows, but long enough to show Hatty as well, but then the level finishes. This somehow messes up the game and only gives us the time stamp in the end screen, saying we have no gems. This is a minor timesave, but this can potentially save quite a bit of time if a consistent method is found. I don't know if we're the first ones to find this glitch, but I'm showing it off just in case we are the first. I think this glitch occurs because I died at a specific time that the whole level reloaded, then the level got beaten, so the game thinks we beat the level right as we entered.

final313, GameguySD, dan HaosEdge menyukai ini
MarioBataliJr7 years ago

I think any game you enjoy can be a good speedgame. If you enjoy it and want to speedrun it, go for it.

GameguySD dan Taechuk menyukai ini
MarioBataliJr7 years ago

The All Trophies run I submitted was co op...

MarioBataliJr7 years ago

Should there be co-op categories? I think there should be, or at least have the option to add another player in the normal categories.

Hydro menyukai ini
MarioBataliJr7 years ago

I think we should make a new category which is any% where this is the route run, and use RTA on that category only, pretty much the same as VVVVVV. VVVVVV uses IGT on everything except any%, and any% uses RTA, I think we should do the same thing, since any% is more about exiting and entering, when the rest should use IGT because you never really exit the game. We should also make it like VVVVVV where any% glitchless is the main category featured, and any% is not the main category being run.

ZZKer dan GameguySD menyukai ini
MarioBataliJr7 years ago

Killing low% isn't a bad idea either, or killing lag%. Low% was a weird category to begin with, because it's just a minor route change from any%, it doesn't absolutely change the game enough to be really taken too seriously. But also killing lag%, and making low% with lag glitch wouldn't be a bad idea either, since they are both minor route changes combined into one. So I think we should kill one of them, either having lag% die with new low% rules, or just killing low%. I'd like to hear some thoughts about whether that's a good idea or not.

MarioBataliJr7 years ago

Also, should we make a whole new category with RTA with this glitch? I mean that would make a true any%, and if any newcomers come in and look at "any% no infinite jumps", they might wonder where is JUST any%. I'd like to see mods comment about this and what they think about it. I think it should be, just so we can have a just any%, with no lag glitch or any crap like that, just straight any%. But RTA or IGT is debatable, I wouldn't mind either, but I'm leaning more toward RTA. This also raises the question whether we should have a 100% all glitches category, but I don't see this being a thing until we can find a crashless version of this glitch.

MarioBataliJr7 years ago

So I tried this out on Super Win the Game also, and it doesn't work if you enter in right away, but if you mess around in the select screen, I was able to get it on there. I've done it once, and haven't been able to do it since. I'm saying this because this may be possible on steam version now, and I tried it with no prevail, so maybe someone with more patience and time than me can make it.

MarioBataliJr7 years ago

I think low% shouldn't have the lag glitch in it, because that pretty much turns the category into lag%, since it is just all about nailing the glitch.

MarioBataliJr7 years ago

I'd be interested in seeing the route you came up with, and maybe we can work together on the best route possible. I did that with ZZKer to create the route I used, and I think an extra person would be great on making a new, better route.

ZZKer menyukai ini
MarioBataliJr7 years ago

I think we could do some category like that, but the thing is that most people game on Windows, making it hard for a majority of the players to try out this category.

MarioBataliJr7 years ago

Would this count as a clip or just a map defect?

MarioBataliJr7 years ago

OK so my friend on steam MrJillHace found a weird OoB clip using the ARDYH place, I have a video here: youtu.be/3IZKG83f7uI

turnipp dan rarelike menyukai ini
MarioBataliJr7 years ago

You should try to use the program on extra spicy, since that map is pretty glitchy and broken, since you get the walljump and double jump first, which means the clips could actually be useful.

picklewickle menyukai ini
MarioBataliJr7 years ago

Orangecrix told me about spike entry a while ago, and this route is faster, but not worth it at all, comparing how much time it saves to how difficult it is. This is also at the end of the run, making it even less worth it.

stoot menyukai ini
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