Clips Guide
7 years ago
Queensland, Australia

I've been having fun playing around with some of the clips in YHtWtG and decided to do a small guide on the topic. The guide can be found on google docs:

The Platform clip is arguably not a clip, but it has an interesting affect on the player some times so I added it.

My main concern is that the Transition clip explanation is possibly hard to understand.

Let me know any feedback.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
MarioBataliJr menyukai ini
Victoria, Australia
Super moderatorstoot
He/Him, They/Them
7 years ago

Nah, the transition clip explanation makes perfect sense.

Does anyone know where exactly the victory screen is on the map?

Queensland, Australia

I'm not sure if it's different in the steam version, but in the non-steam version Consolation Prize is 2 screens to the right of Linchpin and Eponymous is one screen down from Consolation Prize.

I found another transition clip a while ago, here's the link to a video showing it

Queensland, Australia

Cool, thanks for pointing that out. I've updated the google doc to include it. I hope you don't mind but I used a snippet of your video in the doc because I wasn't able to reproduce it with my subpar wall jumping skills.

Oregon, USA

You can pull off the platform clip in Worth It? and Brazen Machines on the horizontally moving platforms, fwiw. Neither seems to be of use since it's only the platform and not any wall tiles that behave semi-solid if Cap would get crushed, afaik. No OoB opportunities. There's also another vertical plat clip in Descent. I couldn't find any other transition clips in the original map besides what's been posted above.

Queensland, Australia

Yeah, I didn't count a lot of the platform clips as they are basically working as intended.

SigAck wrote a basic program to find transition clips but the only new one found was one on the bottom of 'Leap of Faith', but it's so useless/boring it's not even worth showing in the doc. Looking into the game code, the only things that can cause a transition clip is bells, teleporters and screen transitions, so the trail has kinda gone cold. To be fair I have been ignoring the extra spicy map, so maybe there's something there.

You should try to use the program on extra spicy, since that map is pretty glitchy and broken, since you get the walljump and double jump first, which means the clips could actually be useful.

picklewickle menyukai ini
Queensland, Australia

Yeah, I'll give it a go when I can. The only issue is that the Sigack's program requires the game's map files, so I'll have to obtain a copy of the extra spicy map. I've asked the creator to release a spec for the npk format used by his games, which would be ideal, but hopefully at the very least I can get a copy of the map.

OK so my friend on steam MrJillHace found a weird OoB clip using the ARDYH place, I have a video here:

turnipp dan rarelike menyukai ini
Oregon, USA

That's pretty neat! I also didn't even know about ARDYH, so that was cool as well. The initial OOB looks like an issue with where JKP put the rooms when he added the ARDYH section; jumping left from No Fun Without the Danger doesn't actually put you above Solo From Oaks, despite it seeming to belong there.

The clips back to inbounds look like they are all basically the same transition clip outlined by Turnipp. It's just super common up there because the ceilings of the rooms below are mostly flush with the room seams. When there's a divot in the ceiling then you're able to be in transition. It seems to work on any sort of spot in all the rooms you can walk to up there, from Leap of Faith on the left to Brazen Machines on the right. You can also fall into the weird pipe-hole-thing in the top-right corner of Brazen Machines, which has always been an odd looking piece of geometry to me even when inbounds.

It's unlikely to be useful but like you said on steam, there may be some niche utility or interest around it. My game did crash once while OOB but that happens once in a blue moon anyway. The neatest thing to me was that I was able to go off the right side of Brazen Machines and then wallcling left down two rooms, which ended up with me in the textline from the Spider Gloves room:

I hopped on stream to record things during super brief testing. I don't think there's much on here that isn't covered in Mario's vid or anything but it's worth having.

Some information gleaned from doing this:

• There is no kill plane around the game map; if you go off the right and then down you will fall forever. • The game map as linked in the Resources section needs a slight tweak: The first letter-entry room is shown as being directly above Taking the Long Way but this doesn't seem to be the case as you can walk into it as an empty area. The two letter rooms and the exit room are probably located elsewhere nearby in the world layout.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
turnipp menyukai ini
Queensland, Australia

Yeah I was just watching your past broad cast on twitch page 15 mins ago and had no idea where that was. This might maybe be useful in 100%, but I've never even seen a 100% run so idk. Also the ceiling is the password entry screen, in the non-steam version you'd be able to clip into the win/lose screen. Very cool though.

Also the creator released both the steam and extra spicy maps on his account. Sigack wasn't able to find any new clips in extra spicy. but the maps are handy to have for testing/practice purposes at least.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
rarelike menyukai ini

Would this count as a clip or just a map defect?

Queensland, Australia

Well looking at the screen's xml in the map, only the top and bottom of "No Fun Without the Danger" have a remap, which is why you can fall out of bounds from the left. It's definitely more of a developer oversight than a clip. I'll probably update the doc to at least mention it when I get a chance.

Although it might be worth making a slightly more in depth doc about the game's glitches in general. As that would give me an excuse to talk about password storage and hollow king skip.

Also in case anyone is interested, sigack generated an image marking all the potential clip spots in the steam, non-steam and extra spicy maps. I'm currently hosting them here: because most image sites don't like massive images, downloading them is the only way to really look at them tho. The positions of the screens in the images are the same as in the game.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
ZZKer dan rarelike menyukai ini
Oregon, USA

A comprehensive guide including all the different glitches/exploits/bugs would be awesome. I'd be willing to contribute towards that as a project.

Those maps are great, btw, so thanks to sigack and you. Looking at it there's maybe a chance that some of the clipins could be used for 100% but it's really hard to say without actually trying it (and I've never run 100%). Hopefully we can all start testing stuff soon and see what's useful!

turnipp menyukai ini
Queensland, Australia

I started a doc. I send you an edit link on twitch. It has some very basic headings that I'll start adding info to them tomorrow.

rarelike menyukai ini
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