United StatesKirinth4 years ago

Hey all, thanks to my friend Retro_Zord and some info found on the net, a consistent way to use the hidden super moves has been found.

If you buffer the super input before each zord round, its possible to drastically reduce the time on runs, to the point where it seems a 4:45 could be possible.

To use the hidden supers you have to input back, down-back, down, down-forward, forward, 6 times in quick succession, then press the heavy attack button.

If you do it correctly the megazord will shoot like a circle beam thing that hits the enemy twice, allowing you to dash up and finish them with 4 jabs. 94's are possible on every single megazord fight with this and good rng.

Be warned this input is extremely hard to do, but its confirmed to work on emulators and the actual console.

franciii dan rai606 menyukai ini
United StatesKirinth6 years ago

So it looks like the knife does more damage the more FPS you have, allowing for defeating G1 knife only at high FPS. How are you handling this for runs? Allowed? 60fps lock?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/comments/ako5uw/re2_psa_knife_damage_is_directly_tied_to/

United StatesKirinth6 years ago

Optimal path is using the Black Ranger's slow axe spin on the small boss stages, and a dash jab cycle with the zoid on the large boss stages. Some of the fights in the game are hugely RNG. These fights have the potential for the enemy to jump over the black ranger while he is spinning, causing him to drag them through him for multiple hits much faster than normal. Green Ranger1, Madame Woe1, and Goldar1 can all have this happen although if you are using regular strats it will never happen during Green Ranger.

I believe if you got multi-hit RNG on Madame Woe1 and Goldar1, along with flawless execution everywhere else, it is possible to get 5:00. No idea how likely that is to happen, in 80 tries I only got Goldar1 multi-hit RNG a few times. Maybe methods exist to coax out multi-hits.

(I use the battle time to tell how well I'm doing in the individual fights inbetween splits. I set the game time to 99. (90s) means that is the time on the clock after the fight.)

Minotaur1: Best RNG - No fire breath or blocks. (90s) Average RNG - He uses 1 fire breath. (88s, 87s if blocks) Notes - It is faster to stop spinning, dash after fire is over, and resume spinning rather than staying in spinning state.

Minotaur2: Best RNG - 4 jabs per dash cycle, no blocks. (~91s) Average RNG - 4 jabs most cycles with a jump or blocks. (88s) Notes - If you dash all the way into his body you can hit him with 4 jabs before needing to dash again.

Green Ranger1: Best RNG - He stands there and takes it with no jumps. (90s) Average RNG - 1 jump. (~88s) Notes - If he jumps, try to time your hit until just after he lands so he won't be thrown backwards.

Green Ranger2: Best RNG - 4 jabs most cycles, minimal blocks. (90s) Average RNG - He jumps a lot. (~87s) Notes - It is possible to get 4 jabs in per dash cycle if the zoid leans forward as the hurt animation. If his head is tilted back it is safer to just do 3 jabs per cycle.

Madame Woe1: Best RNG - She jumps over you and you get multi-hits. (87s+) Average RNG - She jumps back a lot or blocks a lot. (83s) Notes - It is possible to do the zoid dash jab combo on her for a consistent (85s) if you get the timing correct. 3 jabs per cycle. You won't get a multi-hit with this method however.

Madame Woe2: Best RNG - 4 hits per cycle, minimal jumps. (90s) Average RNG - She jumps and blocks. (86s) Notes - Using 3 hits per dash cycle can minimize her blocking and jumping but it is slower than good RNG method.

Goldar1: Best RNG - He jumps and you get multi-hits. (90s) Average RNG - He gets a few hits off on you. (85s) Notes - A lot of runs die here. Sometimes he can hit you before you dash to him. It is possible to dash through his fire attack. Some jump at the start of the round to get to him but he can still stuff you.

Goldar2: Best RNG - Few blocks and you get consistent 3 jabs per dash. (90s) Average RNG - He blocks a lot or hits you with the uppercut. (~86s) Notes - It is hard to get 4 jabs per dash on him, it is easier and still fast to use 3. If your timing is off a little he can punish you quickly.

Cyclopsis1: Best RNG - 4 hits per dash cycle, minimal blocks. (90s) Average RNG - A few blocks or laser fist. (87s) Notes - He can stun lock you with a jab dash combo of his own! There isn't much you can do if he does this except mash your jab in hopes of interrupting his.

Cyclopsis2: Best RNG - 4 hits per dash cycle, minimal blocks. (90s) Average RNG - He dash combos you! (~85) Notes - Once you get him in your dash cycle he is easy to keep stun locked.

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7 years ago
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