Knife damage tied to FPS
6 years ago
United States

So it looks like the knife does more damage the more FPS you have, allowing for defeating G1 knife only at high FPS. How are you handling this for runs? Allowed? 60fps lock?


Lower Saxony, Germany

Mmh, interesting.

I did G1 on hardcore though using 2 shotgun-shells, then cicled around him using 1 knife and then 2 more shells, since I got not more knife. Might be worth doing further checks.


Worth noting that base consoles run at lower FPS than their Pro counter parts so this is not only a PC issue. The newer consoles would benefit from this as well. I'd assume Capcom will patch the knife at some point, I don't really want to limit my FPS to 60 as it looks much worse doing so.

Edit: Not confirmed but I read that lower fps reduces the risk of getting grabbed by enemies as the check is made less often. This would benefit players on base consoles and bad PC's

Diedit oleh penulis 6 years ago
Victoria, Australia

So I've been testing this out on uncapped vs 60FPS. At 120+ G1 is consistently fairly easy to kill with 2+ knives on hardcore. A spare grenade is handy here to help (Not a good runner I'm sure people better than I can do it easier).

On 60FPS it is still possible to do knife but its super risky. Comes down to dodging Birkin's grabs. Interestingly the knife does not degrade any differently from what I can tell. So you can still do it with 2ish knives. Just riskier and longer

Diedit oleh penulis 6 years ago
United States

I have done G1 Birkin on Hardcore eith 2 knives fairly easily on ps4 pro and pretty consistently too so idk

Victoria, Australia

It is definitely slower to kill at 60FPS the risk comes from dodging. If you know the pattern and where to stand it should be consistent then.


Apparently its just to do with which fps setting you use and not your actual game fps.


@Hoobie so enable variable framerate and you're good?

United States

If what people testing have reported is to be believed, I think it just has diminishing returns the higher fps you go. Around 120 seems to be the sweet spot, with crazy high 300+ fps only making fights finish 2 to 3 knife swings faster than that.

Ontario, Canada

The fact that the knife can kill Birkin G1 in 21 swings(lowest I've seen, avg is around 24-25) with no stabs, instead of the intended 70-75 swings (+1 stab) is actually retarded. I hope they patch this out so people with worse setups can actually compete, and we don't need to make some dumb rule like locking FPS. I would almost classify this as a glitch more than anything.

NuZ menyukai ini

The chances of it being patched are slim, this was a thing in RE7 too

Ontario, Canada

I guess it comes down to if the community wants to run the game at the intended framerates that are achieved in game naturally per platform or if there is enough of a reason to separate for it.

Normally I'm am fairly against manipulation of fps that cannot be achieved by the game alone or if the game is intended to be played at a set frame rate to begin with.

So i currently don't have a real opinion on this. As it sounds like it mostly results to pc.

Diedit oleh penulis 6 years ago

Using variable frame rate is fair game tbh, lowering the resolution to make the game look absolute shit on the other hand is dumb

United States

I dunno man. I think we should see the actual damage values because it's really weird that it's only knife damage?

Ontario, Canada

I'm more in line to say that knifing for 4/5 of the 5 bosses being the outright fastest way to kill the boss is extremely uninteresting (routing wise). If speed running this game is going to be a computer hardware check over a game skill check I'll follow Mia's advise and stay away.

Wondering other opinions on this tbh.

NuZ dan CrySloth menyukai ini

60 FPS glitchless vs no fps limit glitchful IMO. I'm not really interested in doing doom-like skips (like the early club key) and they're not so much fun to watch; 60 FPS glitchless means you still do a lot of damage with the knife on some bosses (G1, G2, possible G3, tyrant), but since it's easy to get grabbed you can't do that for the whole fight (at least on hardcore).