United StatesJymnasium2 months ago

For the super chests in AS only el to nef. A3 sewers.. up to ral for sure, but not positive about ort/thul

b1inkzz menyukai ini
United StatesJymnasium10 months ago

It's REALLY bad for YT content. No1 wants to watch someone sit at character creation for 2-5mins prior to a run. And the first 30 seconds of a YT video are the most important. And as a content creator.. this just hurts my business ;)

As far as the verification process goes: prior to the character joining the game (in the lobby) it shows no equipped gear, but once joined into the game you have a sword and shield (pally) or staff (sorc) etc.

United StatesJymnasium11 months ago

For doing Torch, I think adding keys instead of Organs should be the requirement. The mini ubers should be included in the speedrun, and it takes up more space in the shared inventory making it more interesting what items you add to and remove from hell runs. I've done every class thru at this point, and it's very enjoyable :)

Sorc: Pally: Zon: Necro: Sin: Barb: Druid:

MomoTheZenCat, Slivenius, dan Indrek menyukai ini
benang: Diablo IV
United StatesJymnasium1 year ago

For speedruns we already have to farm out extra gallowvine, biteberry, and silver ore. I don't think adding in farming more materials for speedruns is going to incentivize players to want to do speedruns, so I think the table for crafting the hearts should be banned. As far as upgrading potion, crafting elixirs, upgrading gear, it would be impossible for the runner and the verifier to keep track of the materials for upgrading, but the heart materials are not very common. For example: I have had a level 100 Druid for a week and I can craft like 15 of each heart.

benang: Diablo IV
United StatesJymnasium1 year ago

In this season, you can craft hearts at the table (Cormond's Workbench), which requires materials that can be farmed previously to the speedrun. These hearts can give massive advantages and is a problem for this season's speedruns.

These rules are being discussed on the D4 Speedrunning Discord. The community has had various requests for seasonal start, use of obols, and more that are only being heard by half of the moderators here. If you're moderating any game on speedrun.com I think you should have a vested interest. Without communication we do not know the reasoning behind the current ruleset. We also have no knowledge of your involvement other than verifying runs, and without any submitted runs or interest in this game, why are you making the rules?

benang: Diablo IV
United StatesJymnasium1 year ago

Creating a discord for D4 Speedrunning.

Link: https://discord.gg/3jPztwukAd

bludENDguts menyukai ini
benang: Diablo IV
United StatesJymnasium1 year ago

I disagree. If you want to use your time to reroll a stat on a low level item, go ahead. I don't think the time spent will save you time that could be spent outside of town. The bigger time save would be seen in the WT4 unlock because you get higher percentage rolls to things like movespeed, but that run is going to be so long that I'm ok with reducing a few mins on those multiple hour long runs.

benang: Diablo IV
United StatesJymnasium1 year ago

I think as long as you don't change scenes, so that your timer is always shown and running, it won't invalidate the run, but you'll still lose the time, just like slower computers losing time to longer load screens.

Hanoumatoi menyukai ini
benang: Diablo IV
United StatesJymnasium1 year ago

I was about to ask about #10, but figured that's what you meant.

benang: Diablo IV
United StatesJymnasium1 year ago

There are all dungeon speedruns and zone dungeon speedruns. But Capstone dungeons would be a good addition as well as co-op (duos/trios/quads).

bludENDguts dan Almighty_Stryker menyukai ini
benang: Diablo IV
United StatesJymnasium1 year ago

Hey guys, just wanted to say thanks for getting this started. I enjoy speedrunning, and wanted to get an early start in this series. I think IGT will be important to somehow implement, but not sure how? Also, secretbunnyninja's run should be moved to the console section since he's on PS5, no?

United StatesJymnasium1 year ago

2nd way arcane*

United StatesJymnasium1 year ago

There maybe more items that need to be double checked. It is a lot of work for 1 person, so if you plan on doing a run check the gear and post here so we can correct the item.

Slivenius menyukai ini
United StatesJymnasium1 year ago

The players invited to do the 8 man coop speedruns are into speedrunning individual runs. The reason for this is so that you understand some basics of speedrunning D2.

United StatesJymnasium1 year ago

This is becoming childish. What it sounds like to me is that it's too easy to cheat and therefore we need to submit more information than a highlighted video. A couple of examples: Showing the command line in the launcher, and the folder our D2R saves are in. There's probably more ways to check for cheating?

I will say that the Minecraft Speedrunning community maybe on average 10+ years younger, but they do have a much more thorough system of checks for cheating. Mostly because they've had to deal with so many cheaters. And they caught Dream (31.4 million subs on YT) cheating in speedruns that he submitted.

I think D2 is lacking these checks because we've worked on a honor system for so long, but that seems to be eroding away, so lets go ahead and gather more information for future runs on how we're all using Vanilla (unmodified) D2R to speedrun.

LuckyLuciano_6 dan Indrek menyukai ini
United StatesJymnasium1 year ago

Ok, so I've had time to think about it: we should make a ladder category and if the category is competitive, then I'm sorry for suggesting otherwise.

BKSilv3r menyukai ini
United StatesJymnasium1 year ago

Llama did tele sorc for us and he reached 99 first. The point of any% speedrunning is to beat the game as fast as possible. Adding extra steps such as doing ancients in a specific category, that isn't as competitive, and is not simulating a ladder reset (for speedrunners), does not make sense to me. If there was a lot of competition, then adding more fun additions would be fine by me (like how torch was added as an option to do in solo runs).

Sparrow30 menyukai ini
United StatesJymnasium2 years ago

That's crazy

Indrek menyukai ini
United StatesJymnasium2 years ago

Thanks for the work you put in behind the scenes man <3

Absolute42Zero menyukai ini
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