Question about runs
1 year ago
United States

Since diablo is an online all the time game, disconnects and other mishaps may happen during a run. how would these be handled from a timers perspective? i get fenris errors a lot and it takes me like 20 seconds to get back in and get moving again does that ruin a run and mean i just need to reset and hope i dont error again? do i just count the reboot time into my run?

United States

I think as long as you don't change scenes, so that your timer is always shown and running, it won't invalidate the run, but you'll still lose the time, just like slower computers losing time to longer load screens.

Hanoumatoi menyukai ini
New York, USA

That is the rough bit of RTA. I have all my settings almost bottomed out and low FX selected. I also disabled crossplay. That all seemed to help with my lag and gamecrashes, especially while recording. I hope that helps!

United States

also @ViTruth, i was watching your speedrun last night, how do u set up that timer? im new to all this and i emjoyed that your timer also had benchmarks for leveling along the way

United States

Just a clarification -

This is an RTA category, so a timer is not required for a speedrun. If a DC happens I think in most cases it's pretty explanatory, and I want to think that the mod team will be reasonably understanding... I know I've had plenty of DC's. I think it's fair to say that the timer is still going, even if it crashes or bugs out, however. Doing the campaign speedrun I think I averaged 2-5 minutes of timeloss from bugs within the game. I don't think I've DC'd yet, but I think I heard someone say that consoles crash often.

Edit - Submissions need to be one vod. If your internet goes out, make sure you are recording locally so you can upload one complete vod. Multiple vods will not be accepted (only exception I can think of is youtube only allows 10 or 12 hour videos and if the speedrun goes beyond that, you may need to create two or more videos...)

Diedit oleh penulis 1 year ago
Hanoumatoi dan ViTruth menyukai ini
New York, USA

@Aamp Jymnasium added a guide on how to setup to get ready for speedrunning yesterday. It is pretty good, and actually shows how to get the setup and make it even nicer than the one I have set up. You should check it out :) I would ask him on any splits questions, but its mostly preference on how you want to do it in the middle as long as you have RTA start and finish. I think the runs will become more specific in splits to compare as they fill in more. CC: @Jymnasium

Jymnasium menyukai ini