Diposting 2 months ago oleh

this is a big one, and im gonna forget some stuff.

why is this the first update in over a month? the short version is that i encountered a ton of project management issues that i'm still dealing with.

  • new tutorial! this is very unfinished and im gonna change it a lot. if it's your first time playing, it automatically puts you

in the tutorial.

  • physics based hands! i'm using a hybrid method, where your hands are only physics based when they need to be

  • new physics based props in the armory and the tutorial

  • every enemy has had their health and speed nerfed individually

  • graphical tweaks

  • the teleport hover sound should be less obnoxious

  • snap turning now has a bit of motion to it to make it less disorienting

  • enemy arrows move slower

  • new outline shader. it's applied to various things

  • new hand offset system. your changes should actually save now.

  • added more effects to enemy death

  • made teleport more reliable at high framerates

  • tons of misc. improvements and bug fixes that i forgot

  • removed quiver modifier. i wasn't really happy with it, and it was causing a lot of issues in the code.

i'm def gonna revisit it eventually tho so dont worry

also theres a new update naming scheme.

example: UPDATE 0.5.0 = pre-release 5.0. UPDATE 0.4.1 = pre-release 4.1

happy new year!

Diposting 3 months ago oleh
  • updated all 3D lines in the game to use a new line renderer and updated graphics. all lines should look a lot nicer in general

  • the teleport destination now has a visualizer that shows how long until you can teleport again

  • teleport has a glow on it

  • new arrow model

  • added enemy knockback when hit (or i guess just increased it to where it was noticeable. apparently it was already in the game)

  • added a new "Practice" modifier

  • added text that shows your active modifiers on the end screen

  • quest 3 players should now be able to play at 120hz! (pls tell me how this goes, i dont have a quest 3. quest 2 ran ok)

  • fixed a bug where you would be able to have next to no teleport delay by walking for a split second after a teleport

  • shooting the retry or return to armory buttons on the end screen now uses proper level transitions

  • fixed the textures in transport looking grainy

  • tweaked SSIL

Diposting 3 months ago oleh

As of right now, there are 5 modifiers that can be toggled in the Armory:

Precision - If any of your arrows don't hit an enemy, you die

Quiver - You have a limited amount of ammo. Killing enemies gives you ammo. If you have no ammo, you are given some

Omega - Shooting is disabled until you reach a specified point on the map. Your health is doubled

Singleshot - You can only shoot one arrow at a time

Doubles - Every enemy spawn is doubled

More will possibly be added in the future

  • added a stats screen on the time trial end screen that shows you various stats about your run performance

  • there are now teleporters in the armory that transport you to levels instead of magical air

  • teleport distance now compensates for your height! this should make tall players and short players a bit more equal. (for example, you can make those high up teleports in bunker even if you're 5'0!)

  • walking has been buffed. you now move a bit faster, and the penalty added onto your teleport delay for walking has decreased

  • arrows now have visible trails! it's something i've been wanting to do for a while, but only now found a good solution

  • replaced the Strafe enemy in arena with a new enemy called Burst. take a wild guess at what it does :p

  • added levers

  • reworked buttons to not be as annoying and fragile

  • the scout now has a new mesh with some animation! it is definitely still a concept and not final at all.

  • added options to disable turning and walking for people with drift. they can be found in the "turn mode" slider and the "walk mode" slider

  • added interpolation for walking! basically means that walking should feel way smoother now

  • the switch bow hand button is now a lever

  • fixed a bug where arrows would get sucked into the wall if you were shooting close to it

  • tweaked particles

  • tweaked post processing

  • fixed some issues with opening and closing the pause menu

  • enemies now physically collide with each other

  • enemy hit and death sounds are not affected by distance, meaning you can hear them from across the map

Diposting 3 months ago oleh

update 0.3.0


the download to the quest version will be provided alongside the PC version for every update. i plan to keep the pc and quest version in sync as much as possible, and update them at the same time. anyway, welcome quest players!

  • made lighting tweaks on like every level (wouldn't be an update without lighting changes now would it)

  • high graphics settings will now have dynamic shadows for sunlight!

  • enemies now have a glow to make them stand out more against the background (will be tweaked in future)

  • the end screen now looks nicer, with magic orbs instead of textureless blocks!

  • fixed bug where tapping teleport for a very short amount of time would allow you to teleport even if your destination was through a wall

  • lowered the health of the small enemies

  • you now have only 300 health in bunker instead of 9999 (like barely anything i know)

  • when you unpause, it should no longer turn you around (though it's prob still glitchy, which i'll work on later)

  • changed the file name from "DoubleshotWin" to "DoubleshotPC", because i think some people actually thought that "DoubleshotWin_11_3" actually meant Windows 11, when it actually meant the month of November :[

couple changes to arena for future stuff

  • arena's layout was enlargened

  • changed it's lighting for performance reasons (this map is literally just a test level. it's not going to look great)

  • the arena should get harder even quicker now

  • lowered teleport delay in arena

  • killing enemies in arena now makes them drop coins! (they currently do not do anything)

  • the prep station that appears between rounds will now spawn at random locations everytime

  • hid the three buttons and the "Next Wave" text in the prep station because they don't really do anything right now

Diposting 4 months ago oleh

update 0.2.1

  • added back dev screen mode! (PRESS --CTRL + ALT + W-- TO ENABLE IT)

  • made the time trial timer more accurate

  • you can no longer teleport into the abyss in Prison

  • made the player collider wider (this should help when you teleport on the edge of something, then fall off even though you could teleport there)

  • the teleport beam's collider is now smaller (this should your teleport bouncing a little more predictable)

  • added graphics settings

  • added a warning for if you get too far away from the center of your playspace (2m)

  • fixed a bug where pausing after glitchwalking would spawn you outside of the pause menu

  • your head will no longer be locked if your in the pause menu before you started the time trial

  • while glitchwalking, your head is no longer locked on the Y axis, only X and Z

  • tweaked the buttons to hopefully make them a little better (i wanna make then even better in the future)

  • sliders are a little heavier and move slower (should make getting precise values easier)

  • there is now a small delay between when you respawn and when you can start the time trial. this is to avoid accidental starts after dying

  • got rid of enemy spawn randomness in Prison

  • tweaked lighting in Transport

  • changed the stairs in Transport into ramps

  • added version number in the main menu

Diposting 4 months ago oleh

update 0.2.0

  • graphics and lighting overhaul! better shadows, nicer colors, working lightmap probes!!

  • fixed bug where your settings reset if you went back to the main menu

(im gonna make it save your preferences soon dw. i already had an incomplete version of it implemented, and

that's actually why this was a bug)

  • fixed index bindings so now you can open menu on index hopefully

  • added position offsets!

  • added a max fps slider

  • added a system that attempts to deter teleporting through walls (not entirely sure with this one)

  • the teleport movement is now wayy smoother

  • fixed bug where sliders that were all the way to one side would destroy your ears

  • changed the turn mode and walk orientation buttons into increment sliders

  • added a 90 degree snap turn option

  • added placeholder enemy sound effects

  • hopefully fixed issue where the trigger threshold was at an awkward place on some headsets

  • tweaked some enemy spawns in Transport

  • enemy arrows should move slower

  • removed the developer screen mode (i feel like it goes against the entire point of the game, since there's no doubleshotting, and it wasn't even supposed to be in the game in the first place. might bring it back in some form tho)

  • added a killzone underneath the map in the arena

KNOWN ISSUE - you can hold teleport with both hands at the same time, though you can't teleport with both at the same time

For screen mode that’s going to be legacy until I find out if you can play the earlier version of the game

Diposting 4 months ago oleh

Get sub 11 bunker on screens mode for mod

Get sub 15 bunker in vr for mod

Statistik Game
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pre-release 5.0

this is a big one, and im gonna forget some stuff.

why is this the first update in over a month? the short version is that i encountered a ton of project management issues that i'm still dealing with.

  • new tutorial! this is very unfinished and im gonna change it a lot. if it's your first time p
2 months ago
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Diposting 4 months ago
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