धागा: Hollow Knight
Victoria, Australiavichisuki8 months ago

fireb0rn's guide is up to date in terms of learning the actual route - there haven't been any major reroutes (apart from one trick after lurien called "rafter skip" that we wouldn't generally recommend for a beginner). if you're looking for a more up-to-date setup guide, you can check out lep's guide from 2023 here: https://www.speedrun.com/hollowknight/guides/x51mq

if you have any other questions, i'd strongly recommend joining the speedrun community discord (https://discord.com/invite/3JtHPsBjHD, or linked at the top of this page) and asking there in #help or #tech-support

best of luck!

zrm9901 और BlossomtheCellist इसे पसंद करें
Victoria, Australiavichisuki10 months ago

i just did some testing, and there is actually indeed a geo limit! hk wiki listed it as 9,999,999, so i edited my save file to that value and then collected some geo (specifically crystal guardian geo) and while the number did briefly appear to go above 9,999,999, it then capped back down to the limit. dragging the save file back into the save editor showed me that it was still at the limit, which means the visual and the hard limit is the same. which means that max geo would indeed be possible, and as i have been told, has been done before

however, running it nmg would be both boring and slow, so i don't really think anyone would want to run it. running it with all glitches is much more doable. i still don't know who would want to run it though.

slaurent इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Hollow Knight
Victoria, Australiavichisuki11 months ago

no, we don't use that timer as it doesn't count the main menu time and time when paused. almost every hk category features a save and quit, and it would not be an accurate representation of the length of time spent running.

धागा: Super Mario World
Victoria, Australiavichisuki1 year ago

it depends on what you mean by "glitchless".

the reason for the distinction between 11 exit Orb/Cloud/Glitchless is a choice of which type of route to go for. the orb and cloud glitch are both designated as "major glitches", as they are both glitches which involve performing the item swap glitch to obtain an unintended item in the item box. for this reason, "Glitchless" is a bit of a misnomer - it should really be called "No Major Glitches", or something similar.

generally in the speedrunning community, we tend to create categories based on player interest. if there is large player consensus on making a new leaderboard to categorize runs, then there will be one. however, the world 2 category is already a leaderboard extension, which means that there will naturally be a lot less interest in running it. in particular, world 2 is more of an IL speedrun, as most people can submit their gold splits from their PB without losing much time.

tldr: we would consider making leaderboard splits for more relevant categories that are on the main boards, if there is a large player consensus. however, we already have far too large of a category extension boards, and as a result, it would not be that interesting. 11 exit is only relevant in the "glitchless" sense, as in all other main categories, the item swap glitch is banned.

you are more than welcome to submit times to the world 2 leaderboard glitchless though! speedrunning is about doing what you want to do, not to get the best time. do what you find fun first and foremost!

धागा: Hollow Knight
Victoria, Australiavichisuki1 year ago

console autosplits are not possible for a variety of reasons.

i'm paraphrasing here, but autosplitting works by reading certain memory values from the game and then splitting on when those memory values update. this is only really possible on PC. if you'd like to learn more about this, you can read about it on the official Livesplit Autosplitter Component Github.

theoretically, it would be possible to code autosplits onto a console, but the first step that needs to be overcome is access to certain memory values. that can be done via modding consoles, which is already a pretty big step for the average user.

on top of that, the autosplitter would most likely have to run on someone's PC, as it would then be visible on an external monitor. i cant think of a single console that's able to run two different applications at the same time and have them both show on the same screen simultaneously. as a result, the console modded would need to be able to output the status of various memory values to the autosplitter on PC. again, this is all possible, but it's getting into the realm of "realistically, only a few people would even bother to do this".

the problem doesn't lie in that it's not possible, but rather that it would raise the entry barrier of running with an autosplitter on console significantly, and potentially give those with a modded console an advantage. a lot of speedrunning communities have rules against this to prevent people who can pay for better hardware/have access to better equipment having an advantage, and the rules are constructed to create an even playing field for all players.

as a result, there's just not much of a reason/incentive to make an autosplitter for consoles. you'll find this for a lot of console games, and it's why PC games have access to Load-Removed timing (LRT) and why consoles will most of the time have a separate leaderboard, as it's just not fair to the console runners.

ManicJamie और BlossomtheCellist इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Pokémon Red/Blue
Victoria, Australiavichisuki5 years ago

are you following the inputs in this video?

keep an eye on the input display on the right, and look at sound/visual cues. for example, stringflow starts to hold A+B+Start+Select as soon as the screen starts to go white from pressing Up+B+Select. so long as you're following the inputs very precisely, it shouldn't be hard. keep practicing and you'll get there.

guillotine_ इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Pokémon Red/Blue
Victoria, Australiavichisuki5 years ago

as far as i know, it's not possible to do the glitches required to beat the game on the japanese versions of red/blue.

धागा: Undertale
Victoria, Australiavichisuki5 years ago

Rhombu's guide doesn't clarify a few things concerning version 1.05, so I have a few questions:

  1. How do you mash in this version? Is there a Linux version of which makes it faster, similar to Linux version 1.001?
  2. Rhombu's guide states that some glitches (overflows, OWWs) are not possible on version specifically 1.06. Is it also impossible in 1.05 or just 1.06 and above?


धागा: Undertale
Victoria, Australiavichisuki5 years ago

If you want DRM free from steam, go to where the files of Undertale are located, most likely in Windows OS (C:) Project Files x86 steam/steamapps/common/Undertale. Copy all of the files in the folder to another folder on the desktop and delete the file "steam_api.dll". The game should now launch without steam.

धागा: Undertale
Victoria, Australiavichisuki5 years ago

Thanks. I've left it as its normal size and everything seems to be working. I'll try the triple switch PCE with your tips.

धागा: Undertale
Victoria, Australiavichisuki5 years ago

So, I've been learning Neutral, and mainly been practicing on an old laptop that I have, rather than my normal PC. However, today I loaded up the Linux version of 1.001 (same as my laptop) on my PC, and for some reason, I have noticed as soon as I do the first overflow (on the box near the nice cream guy in waterfall) the screen starts to flicker. The way it flickers is regular, but only over the walking paths, so for example in the room with the scripted double moldsmal encounter, the walking path, or anything that you can walk on flickers every 5 seconds or so. I don't know whether it's just my PC, but I have tried restarting and all, and it didn't change anything, so I thought I'd report it here just to see if this is common or not.

Another side note since I'm here anyway - the game crashes after I do the triple switch PCE in the hotlands. I don't know why, but I managed to pull it off once after switching to the original PC 1.001, but never again. I don't know why, I don't understand how, and nobody else that I know has encountered this.

I'll upload videos if needed, but in the meantime any help is appreciated!

धागा: Super Mario World
Victoria, Australiavichisuki6 years ago

From what I can se here you’re using retroarch on a Raspberry Pi, or at least retroarch? It looks like the emulator crashed and reloaded a past saved state or something.

333Rich333 और ReKFrosty इसे पसंद करें
Victoria, Australiavichisuki6 years ago

I would totally run this if I can practice my walljumps. I think this is a completely arbitrary category (which fits perfectly with this page) and I'd love to give it a try.

Possible other categories 2 yumps? P switch yump then Yellow switch yump?

Deakula इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Super Mario World
Victoria, Australiavichisuki6 years ago

A third party add-on allows multitaps, it plugs into the other controller ports opening up other controller ports. The other controllers then plug in there and runners use clamps to hold down those buttons required.

धागा: Super Mario World
Victoria, Australiavichisuki6 years ago

There's a TAS Reznor kill?!

धागा: Super Mario Bros. 3
Victoria, Australiavichisuki6 years ago

By law, I cannot link you directly, but searching for Super Mario Bros. 3 (USA) should get you there.

धागा: Pokémon Red/Blue
Victoria, Australiavichisuki6 years ago

If you are playing on gambatte-speedrun, you will need a Game Boy Color bios. Legally, I cannot link you to one, but a simple google search should get you there.

धागा: Pokémon Red/Blue
Victoria, Australiavichisuki6 years ago

Yes, but he means charmander manip. As in the cooltrainer route.

धागा: Pokémon Red/Blue
Victoria, Australiavichisuki6 years ago

The title is literally “no RNG manip”. ???

luckaffe1312 इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Pokémon Red/Blue
Victoria, Australiavichisuki6 years ago

Samen the new one relies too much on RNG.

Bogdan_mk इसे पसंद करता है
vichisuki के बारे में
सामिल हुए
7 years ago
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