Honestly, formations aren't really vital after that point. You're past the laser encounter already. You avoid the Green Dragon fight too. I don't recall a pincer being in the formations after a reset, but I could be wrong, and if there is its winnable, I've completed plenty of runs having to reset at CC skip. Just use a keyboard for CC skip and problem solved xD
Does anyone know the time difference between psxfin and console?
Just saw you are running on ps4, so use d13sel's tutorial, it should be the same as PC :)
I would recommend watching d13sel's tutorial for PC, which can be found here on SRC under Guides, or davesterio's youtube tutorials for console, which can be found on youtube. There are plenty of others as well.
hey there. You will get the pre-emptive encounter after Aps assuming you are on step count, it isn't an indication that you did the Aps set up correctly. The pre-empt set up for Aps is precise and perfect movement (on console, not quite as perfect on pc) so you are likely doing something wrong on either part 1 in the reactor or part 2 in the sewers prior to the Aps encounter.
Does anyone have an estimate at how much time you lose by not running with the original graphics option turned on for PC? The recommendation for fastest game speed is for it to be off, so it must have some effect. I'm curious though if anyone knows how much that would effect a full no slots run.
Although I would be FreeFPS most likely
I am considering running the route as well. If you'd like to make a new category with a few times to start it off, I would run it once to get a time down
It's difficult, most people run No Slots. There are some good tutorial videos on youtube that can help you out though. It is much like most things in FF7, it takes a lot of practice but you can get there.
The difference between Slots and No Slots is using Cait Sith's Limit Break to one hit kill most bosses in the game. That's about it in a general sense. However, if you decide to run on emulator I don't believe the category is established yet, it might be in progress but I'm not completely up to speed on it Brock.
I'm no switch expert, but since no one else has responded I'll do my best. I believe the guides for PS4 and Xbox are what are used for Switch as well, so I would look at d13sel's guide posteed to speedrun.com depending on what category you would like to start learning.