धागा: Sea of Stars
Portland, OR, USAptownrock10 months ago

I'm sure there will be a board for the full game once the runners/moderators have determined what the appropriate categories will be. It released two days ago

धागा: Final Fantasy VII
Portland, OR, USAptownrock10 months ago

To be fair DJ, d1esel retired due to inactivity, not because of any issue that I know of. He hadn't verified a run in years

धागा: Final Fantasy VII
Portland, OR, USAptownrock10 months ago

This is also really old news, I'm not discussing this, but Kuma, just do better dude. You have not acquitted yourself well as an ff7 mod so far

धागा: Final Fantasy VII
Portland, OR, USAptownrock10 months ago

The moderators literally refused to ban HypeGhost while the community cried for it

धागा: Final Fantasy VII
Portland, OR, USAptownrock10 months ago

The "We didn't ban him because you asked for it" is blatantly hilarious

धागा: Final Fantasy VII
Portland, OR, USAptownrock10 months ago
यह टिप्पणी हटा दी गई है
धागा: Final Fantasy VII
Portland, OR, USAptownrock10 months ago

I also recognized a few days ago when applying for another server's moderation team that runs are required to be approved in 21 days or they should be reported to the SRC moderation team. I've never had a run approved in 21 days of the dozens I've submitted other than just a few. Going forward I'm going to hold the moderation team to that

धागा: Final Fantasy VII
Portland, OR, USAptownrock10 months ago

It also has nothing do to you you being on top Kuma. Here you are airing people's personal discords, and I could easily go pull up the discussion between the moderators last month on the FF7 discord of all of you saying self verifying was a very poor look for anyone. This is simply about doing your job, just do better

धागा: Final Fantasy VII
Portland, OR, USAptownrock10 months ago

Also, that was meant for all of you to see, so if you think this is a big reveal, you are pretty new around here. RJ is a member of my discord, and I wrote all of that intending for him to see it

धागा: Final Fantasy VII
Portland, OR, USAptownrock10 months ago

The FF7 moderators have a well established track record of poor moderation, so everything you had coming your way there you very much deserved, glad you enjoyed it

धागा: Final Fantasy VII
Portland, OR, USAptownrock10 months ago

As a newer moderator, in my opinion, you have a very poor track record based on your behavior. You threaten to ban people in discord just for disagreeing. Here, you are deleting posts. You are verifying your own runs. What more needs to be said.

धागा: Final Fantasy VII
Portland, OR, USAptownrock10 months ago

And stop verifying your own runs Kuma, you and RJ literally had this conversation on Discord about how that is very bad etiquette, and here you are doing it.

धागा: Final Fantasy VII
Portland, OR, USAptownrock10 months ago

The new SRC design has messed with the guides, the PC Dxtory setup by CreativeEly can't be used due to the strange way it has changed the design of the page, it appears .text documents just continue right off the screen

धागा: Final Fantasy VII
Portland, OR, USAptownrock1 year ago

The resources on speedrun.com aren't updated terribly often, I would recommend checking out the ff7 community discord, where there are updated spreadsheets for any% runners. You can join discord here - https://discord.gg/7jErRb6bts

Shoutblaster इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Final Fantasy VII
Portland, OR, USAptownrock2 years ago

My opinion has changed significantly however regarding turbo after doing 100% runs that take 18 hours. I was really worried it would destroy my hands. However, in retrospect I've had no issues at all, I just have had to learn to mash with both left and right hands, and alternate positions while doing so. Techniques to reduce strain like that can make a big difference.

Phrayse इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Final Fantasy VII
Portland, OR, USAptownrock2 years ago

I use a Nostro Auto Clicker that connects via USB into my laptop that works just fine when I want to use turbo while I practice FF7 and play on keyboard. The turbo is slow, the fastest it can mash is .01, so it won't get fast elevator most of the time, but its better than nothing.

धागा: Final Fantasy VII
Portland, OR, USAptownrock2 years ago

Mic Drop

Vendettavic, xSteaksauce, और sirdubbington इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Final Fantasy VII
Portland, OR, USAptownrock2 years ago

I’d recommend reaching out to MonetaryDragon on Discord, he will have answers to all of those questions as he is a FF7 100% expert, focusing solely on that run. I believe he was researching some of those exact questions recently. Here’s a link: https://discord.gg/VgxGdffn. Sorry I can’t be of more help myself!

JeffreyVII इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Final Fantasy VII
Portland, OR, USAptownrock2 years ago

I like the simplicity of the definition as well, getting really technical with the details will not help the category, only hurt it since mods will have to check every little thing. Although I might amend Midgar Raid Skip: Banned to also add you cannot skip the Turks fight. I did a glitchless race with Toast recently and he unknowingly skipped the Turks fight and didn't realize it, apparently you can bypass the trigger.

Pskaller और Toast_Matt इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Final Fantasy VII
Portland, OR, USAptownrock2 years ago

I 100% agree with Deathtome’s take on this.

zSoloSz और Toast_Matt इसे पसंद करें
ptownrock के बारे में
सामिल हुए
4 years ago
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