Basement Category Idea
1 year ago

There should be a new category of escaping the maze in basement. There should be a solo and duo category for the regular escape and the secret one.

MrAnon, gaberdo_84, और DinkleVR इसे पसंद करें

i agree!

MrAnon और upside इसे पसंद करें

seems pretty obvious that it should be added

MrAnon इसे पसंद करता है

well then why hasnt it been

MrAnon इसे पसंद करता है

They should be called any% - Get out of the maze as fast as possible. Time starts when you enter the maze. Time ends on the first frame you grow big. Secret% - Get out of the maze in the secret way as fast as possible. Same start as any% would end once you leave the secret tunnel. Exit% - Exit the maze through the door at the end without getting caught. Same start and end as any%

MrAnon इसे पसंद करता है
United States

I agree, Exit% should however be the basement%. Secret% makes sense, and any% makes sense to.

Yes this would be great!

गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार
11/24/23 Leaderboard Overhaul /-/ All Runs Verified + Updated

Hello! I'm Kaixvny/Kai., over the past few months the state of the leaderboards haven't been great, with a huggeee backlog of runs that were unverified. I was added as a moderator yesterday night, as I had written a huge document with a proposed leaderboard overhaul a few months ago, sorry

1 year ago
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