11/24/23 Leaderboard Overhaul /-/ All Runs Verified + Updated
1 year ago
सुपर मॉडरेटरKai.
He/Him, She/Her
1 year ago

Hello! I'm Kaixvny/Kai., over the past few months the state of the leaderboards haven't been great, with a huggeee backlog of runs that we're unverified. I was added as a moderator yesterday night, as I had written a huge document with a proposed leaderboard overhaul a few months ago, sorry it took this long to finally enforce it!

What changed?

  • I have gone through all 300+ runs currently on the leaderboard and have retimed them all to the new rules! So don't worry! Make sure to check your rejected runs as I have rejected quite a few for having invalid videos / not meeting new standards though.
  • New rules set up for every category! Make sure to read them and get familiar!
  • Combined Any% and any extra categories into subcategories. Now categories like City Obby Intended and City Obby Any% are as one.
  • Moved Tagged, Tag, All Tagged, and Survival into Levels, they are listed under their respective map.
  • Frame-timing system
  • Split some categories into multiple leaderboards to make up for Caves Update.
  • Will be moving Banned, Encounter a Swear, and Fake Ghost to our Category Extensions soon!

What now? Runs will be verified at a constant pace now, at least with me on the team. If you have a timing dispute or any questions about the new system DM me on here or on Discord for a faster response! (@everhood)

Thank you for waiting for so long, happy running gorillas! - Kaixvny

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 1 year ago
Tlim इसे पसंद करता है
सुपर मॉडरेटरKai.
He/Him, She/Her
1 year ago

Just cleared runs again! - 2/3/24

Tlim इसे पसंद करता है
सुपर मॉडरेटरKai.
He/Him, She/Her
9 months ago

will be doing a pending clear soon!

Tlim इसे पसंद करता है

Thank god at least kai is alive to check my runs

Tlim इसे पसंद करता है
सुपर मॉडरेटरKai.
He/Him, She/Her
9 months ago

Just cleared runs! - 6/1/24

Tlim इसे पसंद करता है
गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार
11/24/23 Leaderboard Overhaul /-/ All Runs Verified + Updated

Hello! I'm Kaixvny/Kai., over the past few months the state of the leaderboards haven't been great, with a huggeee backlog of runs that were unverified. I was added as a moderator yesterday night, as I had written a huge document with a proposed leaderboard overhaul a few months ago, sorry

1 year ago
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