I did some quick maths and added +10seconds for the failed hotkey between Piston it Away and Rock It and the +5 for the delay between the Cortex fight split cause of the visual lag I had experienced on my end for some reason.
[Apr 04, 2018: Pausing the timer manually is not and will never be accurate. For your future submissions, please use the load remover. For this run I assigned the standard loads for Any%. Also the run ends "as soon as you press X to continue after obtaining the Speed Shoes for defeating Dr. Neo Cortex" (source: category rules) and not on the last Cortex hit. ~Toca] [Dec 12, 2018: Re-timed without fadeouts ~Toca]
As of February 20th, 2025, due to Twitch imposing a 100 hour limit of highlights per channel, and the increased possibility of runs being lost in the future as a result, Twitch highlights are no longer accepted as proof for submissions.