Load Remover Tutorial
3 years ago
Barcelona, Catalonia

Quick update: Setting up the "Pause time after split (sec)" to 0.50 works better

Barcelona, Catalonia

Another thing that helps is covering as much screen as possible on your capture region, as long as nothing in that area changes (keep in mind alerts, chat, etc) the only thing changing in that region must be the progression on that bar, here's an example of a region similar to the one I use: https://prnt.sc/1ahtjhi I'm avoiding the timer and splits, the autosplitter window I leave in front to make sure everything is fine, and anything that could change from load screen to load screen (there's more region to cover that's still safe I'm pretty sure but this should be more than enough), after that it's mainly making sure your similarity threshold is high enough that it doesn't trigger accidentally in unintended parts, and low enough that it works every time no matter what load (from my testing, that's usually somewhere between 0.94 and 0.98)

Modifié par l'auteur 3 years ago
Barcelona, Catalonia

Yet another update! YAY! So, as seen in SiwyXpl's Wipeout HD any% run, load remover may not trigger properly for some runners (this is probably only on ps5 but maybe I'm wrong) when the game is loading the Zone events, this is due to the progress bar never filling up completly in those. This doesn't happen in my end but if it happens to any of you, there are several ways to fix this, starting with the most precise and automatic that wouldn't require any manual action, but also the most troublesome to do: 1- Make sure you always do the same route (or at least the zone events are always at the same point of the run) and make duplicates of the screenshots used for the autosplitter, so if you have 001 and 002, you'd copy them and make them 003 and 004, all the way until you match the point where you'd do the zone event, and in this case, the even number would not be the same as the 002 but a new one, unique to that zone event (with the first image that pops after the loading screen for it), then the following 2 would be the same as 001 and 002, and so on, until the second zone event, for which you'd have to make another screenshot just like the other), of course, different categories would require a different set of images so if you were to do multiple categories, you'd have to have different folders for each category with the corresponding set of images. 2- Pay close attention to when you are starting a zone event and unpause the timer manually as soon as the loading screen ends, thankfully, after starting a zone event, you don't have to have your hands on the controller, since you can't go any faster, nor you are at any inmediate risk of wrecking your ship. This would give you plenty of time to make sure the autosplit is comparing against the start of the next loading screen (skip split in the autosplitter to do that) so everything works properly afterwards. 3- Forget all of this and don't touch anything, adjust the time later (make sure to mention this in the run submission). If necessary, Marlon or myself will adjust it.

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