Recorded or Streamed?
3 years ago

Can the run be recorded instead of streaming? i'm asking because i have a potato pc and the cpu is not good enough to stream a decent quality through OBS and the elgato, so recording would be better for me.

MarlonH8 aiment ceci

Possibly one for the mods to confirm but I would assume that recorded runs would be fine. I think the majority are currently streams just because that's more convenient for those that are able to, but I see no reason why a recorded run would be disqualified so long as it wasn't edited.

MarlonH8 aiment ceci
Lower Saxony, Germany

Of course you can post offline recordings! As long as they're one continuous video without cuts/missing parts in between you're good to go. In fact, I'm not aware of any boards on this site that require you to have streamed your runs before posting them.

(Personally, I'm not able to stream stuff either due to bad internet so I can relate.)

foden44 aiment ceci
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