
How can I setup the game to play in this newly decided way?

HA! I was about to say that's happened to me before while you were clicking around without getting the stack, but then that happened and yah, never seen that before! Awesome.

Casually when I got the pS4 releases the first thing I did was play proud mode loading saves whenever I died and never changing equipment so I could get all the trophies on a single game (after beating it just going back for the rest of the trophies on the completed file). This is also what the platinum trophy speedrunners do, albiet with skill in one sitting as opposed to me dying on half the bosses and taking a month just to learn how to get from Riku through the final boss sections.

I wonder what unchanging armour is like on beginner.

Phelps aiment ceci

I believe at least one of my world records has audio failure in it. I also appreciate that Uglie approves runs where my layout covers part of the game.

I've added my version of the guide as well:

It's inevitable that this would be included IMO. I just wonder if there's a granny out there somewhere that demolishes all our attempts and we'll never know it.

What do you think it was that led to the super sudden large influx of views? Do you think there was something specific you did to help or would you guess it's totally just luck? This is the exact type of thing I dream about happening but it's very rare for me.

OMG he got the record already! Bad day for me to chose to leave my mic and camera at work to come home and see new Zoombinis records :D

Uglie aiment ceci

I could be wrong about this, but I think solitaire rankings started a tradition of considering the undo feature as cheating. It's not explicitly stated but I think runs that use undo might even still get rejected from the windows solitaire categories. I don't know if it could possibly optimize the game over not using it, but it can be used to save a potentially very good game.

I don't really have an opinion either way, going for a good game and realizing you need to use undo pretty much means the run is dead for me so I'll probably never submit a run that uses it.

ShadowAlex aiment ceci

Now there's more than one.

Convenient, I don't have to think as much, forward, backward, doesn't matter to me.

Well, no. I can't find any version that has the map puzzle intact. I suppose if someone had a physical copy of the game that would be it.

It's too bad it can't be included, I haven't tried yet, but I hope for any potential full score attempts case that you can still get max points. There's a secret ending and some kind of autosolving animations you can watch if you get it. I could be remembering wrong I was very young, but as I test I hope that max points can be achieved.

Just to share more feelings, I don't mind that a speedrun skips it, even if it were still in the online/downloadable versions. It's easy to move past that and focus on the puzzles, the current category, and one not yet done with no hints used both seem fine the way they are. This would only matter in full score runs, and if they're still possible that's fine.

OK I didn't realize that it's impossible to find a version with all the map levels, and that the new version removed intermediate and expert levels. Interestingly you can still make the island appear on novice difficulty if you read the map correctly.

On harder modes, the castle moves and gets offset with the lat/long indicators so there was legitimate orienteering required beyond the copy protection.

I guess there really is no point in including it in any category where score or difficulty would matter beyond novice, and because of that, it doesn't really make sense to include it in any% or novice only runs even for symbolic reasons. Maybe I will in fact just do it on novice only and any% runs cause what the hey. :( The ingame info even says how you get max points for navigation and can start to build your file score from there. Oh well, I'll probably just make a highlight talking about it so people can remember what it was like.

My mind is kind of going back and forth on this, getting max points for beating novice mode every time still somehow seems more fun than getting max points for clicking as fast as possible and just not counting that part of the game at all. Plus, the island appears when you do it right.

I understand that. I've always been aware of what that part of the game represents, it's a huge part of many games and almost everyone that remembers playing it 'back in the day' brings this up, in fact during a small era, most games had a DRM protected moment. To me, that is no less a part of the game than any puzzle.

I'm a bit saddened by all these hacked versions becoming common use for the game. I fully understand how it makes it more accessible and that people won't remember the locations, or be able to find a manual or whatever. I must say though that the free version isn't stopping me from choosing the correct location based on the manual, even if it's possible to skip. I'm likely to continue using the browser instances of DOSbox versions rather than open my own, so even when I do attempts the map section will be purely symbolic.

I won't ask you to change any rule or adjust any leaderboard, but expect my submissions to include the map for posterity, we'll just adjust time to match this ruleset if you don't want to adjust the ruleset.

Why is the map not included in the full game run? I think the run should show the correct location on the map being chosen, even if it's the version that skips this. The map not being in the video was very jarring.

I didn't even know this game had a hard mode. How do you access it?

There are many large significant differences between the versions. No two levels play exactly the same and could not possibly be timed the same. A new leaderboard for the original version of the game would have to be created for runs submitted using it.

Edit: I want to be clear that you should feel encouraged to do runs on the older version. I would also love to participate in that if I find a way to get it to work for me. All I meant is that it should be ranked as a different game due to the fact that it is a different game.

Some specific examples of not strictly visual differences are: -on allergic cliffs each zoombini waits for the one in front of it to finish crossing the bridge before the next one moves -if you skip the hotel intro cutscene too fast all doors appear boarded and you cannot see the zoombini after it's gone through -Mirror Machine on Very Hard and Very Very Hard difficulties is programmed way differently and is so filled with bugs that it plays like an entirely different level from the original -bubble wonder abyss can potentially load unwinnable layouts, and the triggers for changing color arrows registers long after it appears to when sending a new zoombini toward it -mudball walls machine moves much faster when firing -the mirror machine rotating platform moves much slower when rotating -the game starts with 400 zoombinis at zoombini isle instead of 625 -you cannot take two identical zoombinis out of zoombinis isle -you can press a single button to randomly create 16 zoombinis at the isle

I'm sure there's many more but the point is they are different games.

Uglie aiment ceci
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