WR Strats
4 years ago
Texas, USA

Is there a reason you turn the robot backward in the maze? Or is it just convenient?


Convenient, I don't have to think as much, forward, backward, doesn't matter to me.

Texas, USA

There are so many more hint charges than I first thought. Using it on the genetics puzzle, crossword, and flamingos has brought my time down considerably.. Of course, I haven't finished a run yet bc I got the game crash after the art room :-(

United States

I got really good RNG on the programming puzzle and the music puzzle to put up that 18:16, just stole most of both of your strats and got lucky. Nice to play through something I loved as a kid. May need to attack lost mind next.

danzel_glovington aiment ceci
Texas, USA

Robot puzzle strats

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Publié 3 years ago
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Publié 4 years ago