AustraliaXertroV2 years ago

Hey Fireburner80, I wanted to let you know about some issues with your run that might be significant if you get some competitive times.

  • Wrong category: we use a separate category for the modded client. I've edited the submission to change the category.
  • Audio: the rules say you should have in-game audio; so competitive runs might be rejected if you don't include audio (b/c that might make it easier to splice it or slow-down-the-game-and-speed-up-the-footage, etc)
  • No white end screen

Just wanted to give you a heads up so as to avoid issues if you get any better times.

WRT the modded client category: I don't think there are any important differences between the clients, but there are some patches to help improve load times and things, and this touches some physics stuff. So we put them in a separate category at the moment. We might combine the categories later, though it's not planned atm.

AustraliaXertroV3 years ago


12/14/2021 9:20 PM ;GameWin=True ;CurrPlayerTime=101.023519310169 ;CurrWorldTime=109.910417686616 loadRoute=2020-12 splits: 2.981 3.579 4.023 5.799 7.121 7.779 8.324 12.398 12.941 13.457 14.720 15.079 15.358 17.081 17.997 18.658 19.601 20.401 21.297 22.022 23.057 25.438 26.097 26.917 27.542 28.223 29.361 29.822 30.417 31.041 31.842 32.863 33.523 33.841 34.161 36.418 37.439 37.941 38.141 40.099 40.622 41.641 44.858 46.900 48.963 51.006 53.442 54.840 56.380 59.901 60.577 60.979 61.438 61.924 62.341 62.759 63.181 63.597 64.043 64.597 65.083 65.702 67.119 69.077 71.258 72.460 73.024 73.577 74.240 75.059 75.878 77.025 78.981 79.961 81.761 82.837 84.457 85.582 87.457 88.158 88.679 89.998 90.839 92.062 93.939 94.798 95.757 96.202 96.556 96.798 97.341 97.778 98.181 98.459 98.980 99.404 99.841 100.321 100.680 101.024 splitOrbs: 43 9 21 48 17 70 94 95 13 98 50 24 29 32 12 28 96 72 46 79 38 23 5 73 16 0 68 67 75 81 30 1 85 78 76 62 54 53 57 41 58 6 92 2 19 90 11 10 14 47 26 25 87 37 4 93 31 52 36 64 59 45 49 84 86 51 80 69 42 66 55 3 27 44 60 33 74 56 83 88 34 7 82 77 63 15 71 39 20 65 40 8 22 89 18 91 61 35 97 99

AustraliaXertroV3 years ago

looking at AC's 1:42 --

I haven't timed it, but it looks like you loose 1 speed in like 3 frames (at 60fps, too), so that's 1/20 s or 0.05s (50ms). That's pretty fast. max speed is 31.68 (approx 32), so losing all your speed (32 -> 20) takes like 0.6s.

Also, AC hits orb 22 (in his 1:42) at like 23.21 speed -- so mb keeping speed high there isn't so important.

AustraliaXertroV3 years ago

Yeah, I find 25 speed is middle of the road for me too. I think like mb 28 is the high end and 22-23 low end. Hitting 22nd orb with 28 speed is pretty rare for me tho.

A few times I've been surprised by how fast you pick up the next 4 orbs. Usually the run dies then b/c I like hit the mushrooms or miss the next trio.

that's actually a bit of an issue in general -- practicing with slow speed is v diff to high-speed. Maybe I could add something to the modded client (I did a little work on it yday)

AustraliaXertroV3 years ago

Splits via

Using 1440p60 YT

(note: often hard to start on exactly the right frame, so mb some wiggle in first frame. Probably need to look at sound waveform to see when movement starts to get exact frame.)

7 - 0h 0m 8s 633ms tutorial - 0h 0m 10s 183ms 22 - 0h 0m 26s 100ms 42 - 0h 0m 44s 600ms 50 - 0h 1m 03s 717ms 62 - 0h 1m 09s 500ms 78 - 0h 1m 30s 100ms 87 - 0h 1m 42s 783ms 100 - 0h 1m 48s 800ms

AustraliaXertroV3 years ago


Here are the splits I recorded during verification (via

7 - 0h 0m 8s 933ms tutorial exit - 0h 0m 10s 433ms 22 - 0h 0m 26s 733ms (Nice!) 42 - 0h 0m 43s 133ms 50 - 0h 1m 02s 700ms 62 - 0h 1m 08s 500ms 78 - 0h 1m 30s 300ms 87 - 0h 1m 44s 033ms 100 - 0h 1m 50s 667ms

Note: there is a graphical anomaly at 0h 1m 04s 067ms (frame 75.26666666666667) I don't think that's enough of an issue to reject the run (verification wise), but I wanted to mention so that you can check your recording setup and things. To me, it looks like an encoding issue, or mb an issue with how the frames are captured. If this hasn't happened before then it's probably not something to worry about, but if it does happen regularly, then I suggest looking into recording at a higher frame rate (50 or 60) or recording with different software or a different encoder / codec.

Link to bit with the anomaly:

AustraliaXertroV3 years ago

Welcome! Love your art of the little villagers :) So cute (they remind me of owls)

AustraliaXertroV3 years ago


gz! super great improvement

AustraliaXertroV3 years ago

for all intents and purposes the WR is 1:42 by AC: (it's using the speedrun-mod client -- the physics are the same, time is measured in ms, there's an inbuilt timer with custom splits, and more).

SSOL is a pretty harsh game wrt inefficiencies -- a small error about when to slow down can mean losing a second or two. The route that AC uses was the best route that AC and I independently found (he capitalized on it, I didn't). Is there a better route? If not, then (excluding glitches) maybe a little under 1:40 is the realistic best, but there's room for it to go lower with a better route.

AC and I used a map of the level (overhead shot via unity decompilation) to find routes -- IDK if that's still around in discord, but it should be in my strats and analysis video (tho probs always with some stuff on top of it). We used path length as a way to find shorter routes, you can use something like inkscape or illustrator to do this (this method isn't perfect -- doing a 180 in SSOL is expensive, but smaller angular changes are often okay; path length doesn't account for the change of direction).

AggressiveCombo aiment ceci
AustraliaXertroV3 years ago

gz! :D

AustraliaXertroV3 years ago

Nice. FYI you might want to check out the modded client (made for speed-running by me) it has fast (near instant) resets, near instant loading times, an inbuilt timer (with support for custom routes and saving your times), and some other features. (at the least, it's v useful for practicing)

See link in rules: (and see videos for samples of features)

Code and releases:

holleh aiment ceci
AustraliaXertroV4 years ago

I made this in December discussing/analysing AggressiveCombo's recent WR.

AustraliaXertroV4 years ago

I think I see what you mean. You could do another episode in your tutorial series if you wanted?

How did you find the game originally?

AustraliaXertroV4 years ago

Get pewdiepie to play it? I'm not sure why it'd get popular besides something like that (a popular person spreading it). But it's not a game with much content or replayability besides as a speed game, so not sure that will ever happen.

AustraliaXertroV4 years ago

I've added a new category for the modded client. The rules read:

The modded client can be found at

The latest version of the modded client should be used, though there is some leeway after a new version is released.

  • Collect all 100 orbs in the game
  • Time is measured using the in-game timer to the millisecond
  • Runs are ranked according to the in-game time shown after 100 orbs are collected
  • Submitted runs should should the in-game timer at all times, though some leeway is provided if you accidentally hit 'T' (just re-enable it when possible)

Videos of runs should start before the game world is loaded and should include the all-white end screen (which shows player time and world time).

Runs may be rejected for poor recording quality or excessive background noise (especially if it would make the detection of various cheating methods harder, e.g. splicing).

Runs may be rejected if the runner pauses during the run (which pauses the in-game timer, too).

AustraliaXertroV4 years ago

I've updated the main category rules to be a bit more explicit. They now read:

Collect all 100 orbs present in the overworld. The in-game timer used to measure speed -- it starts when you first move. Runs are ranked according to the in-game time displayed upon collecting all 100 orbs.

Videos of runs should have clean in-game audio and any important details in the UI should be visible. Runs that have background audio or obscure/crop part of the game window may be rejected. A mic is okay if it doesn't interfere with the in-game audio.

The preference is for videos of runs to include:

  • at least part of the loading screen (prior to the runner gaining control and starting in-game movement)
  • the final end screen with an all-white background that shows both player time and world time
AustraliaXertroV4 years ago

I suggested earlier in discord: we could add a new category for modded clients

It's easier, simpler, and safer to add support for modded clients via a new category instead of changing the rules for the main channel.

I think I'm going to take the above and draft up some rules for a new category.

AustraliaXertroV4 years ago

Thoughts on runs, uploads, quality:

  • good runs should not drop frames. I had an issue with some of my runs due to recording settings () that I fixed before it became an issue. Luckily the linked vid wasn't a super important run.
  • Minimum 720p30 (I can't think of a good reason to allow less), preference is for 1080p60 or higher.
  • Gameplay footage should be unobstructed, nothing over the video for important parts (when streamers have like chat or things over the top, esp when like a WR happens, that's okay, but it shouldn't impede verification; doing it live helps WRT those streamers)
  • Gameplay audio should be clear, a mic is okay but not music or bg audio from other sources

More generally:

  • The in-game timer pauses when you go to the menu; I'm not sure how you might take advantage of that but we might want to add a rule about no menuing during the run
  • I think we should require to see both end-screens, not just the in-level end screen. The world time might help with verification if things are ambiguous, runners exclude at their own risk.
  • Footage should start from before the level loads, since the IGT starts when the player starts moving we need to see exactly how long they waited for before starting (which can give you better patterns with the ppl walking around)
AustraliaXertroV4 years ago

Thoughts on modified clients:

  • cosmetic modification of the UI layer sound okay, provided a modification doesn't remove detail or cover important things up, e.g. the WASD keys on my modded version
  • speedrunning friendly modifications sound good -- like adding timing to 1000ths of a second (x.YYY seconds) -- in-game splits --- would be cool to have support for saving runs or dynamically loading splits --- also to choose from menu, maybe? -- accurate timer shown on GUI layer -- mods like <backspace> to restart level -- could also add stuff like outputting a file with all the inputs made, this would aid verification
  • I think it's fair there are more stringent requirements on modded clients to make it harder to cheat (there are a cheating methods I can think of having gone through the code a bunch)
  • We can endorse a particular modded version that has some additional verification features to make it easier to verify and safer
  • If we endorse a particular modded version, we should require it to be open source
AustraliaXertroV4 years ago

Currently the rules are:

Collect all 100 orbs present in the overworld. Timer starts when player enters the world, in-game timer used to measure speed. Runs ranked according to in-game time displayed upon collecting all 100 orbs.

There's one problem with them atm: the in-game timer starts when you first move, not when you enter the level. If we're using the in-game timer we should take out the part about when it starts (because the game starts it for us).

AggressiveCombo suggested some additions on Discord:

  • Minimum video capture requirements of 480p and 25 fps
  • No excessive stuttering or frame drops
  • Upload runs to youtube, twitch, or provide a direct download link
  • Runs under 3:00 need clean in-game audio to check for e.g. splicing or other manipulation
  • No video of the game play should be obstructued
pigsticks aiment ceci
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