RomaniaMad_Ed1 year ago

Nice run

Hayych1 aiment ceci
RomaniaMad_Ed1 year ago

Retimed to 3:27:833

RomaniaMad_Ed1 year ago

Retimed to 3:14:550

RomaniaMad_Ed1 year ago

Retimed to 3m01s783ms

RomaniaMad_Ed1 year ago

Retimed to 25s567ms

RomaniaMad_Ed1 year ago

Accepted, but you have some frame drops and audio issues that you should get fixed if you want to keep doing speedruns :)

I would be very hesitant to accept a submission like this if it was for an important place on the leaderboard (e.g. top 3)

RomaniaMad_Ed1 year ago

Retimed to 11m51s300ms

RomaniaMad_Ed1 year ago

Retimed to 47m58s717ms

RomaniaMad_Ed1 year ago

Retimed to 44s850ms.

RomaniaMad_Ed1 year ago

Retimed to 36s583ms

RomaniaMad_Ed1 year ago

Retimed to 38s500ms

RomaniaMad_Ed1 year ago

Retimed to 28s633ms

RomaniaMad_Ed1 year ago

Retimed to 15:35:300

RomaniaMad_Ed1 year ago

Retimed to 25s817ms. Congrats :) Now imagine if you used your vigil ability to instantly take down the grunt. Would have saved you like 3 or 4 seconds

RomaniaMad_Ed2 years ago

I will talk with the SuperMods about adding a rule to clarify this problem. I will post any updates in this thread.

ClubDread aiment ceci
RomaniaMad_Ed2 years ago

Alright so let me clarify. I'm the one that verified all the recent runs. I saw that there were some older runs were rejected for not putting the MIA in the pod, so I talked about it with leftfornova, and decided that, since the game does count rescues completed when you do not put the rescue in the pod, the runs that don't put the rescue in the pod SHOULD be approved. So I personally retimed all the old runs that were rejected and approved them. And since there is no rule that specifies you HAVE to put the rescue in the pod, the run doesn't break any rules.

RomaniaMad_Ed2 years ago

Me personally, I really don't consider it behind a paywall, since you don't HAVE to pay for it, you can just get bronze once in any maelstrom and buy 12 new gadgets. And so far there have only been 3 released. And the game already has so many separate categories(most of them still with no runs). Adding more categories just for one gadget isn't really a great idea I think, it would just result in MORE empty categories.

HEELZacky et DX23145 aime ceci
RomaniaMad_Ed2 years ago

If your time tracker is only bothering you and stressing you out, you don't HAVE to use it. I time the run myself anyway :)

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