Texas, USAConkyJoe8926 days ago

Alas, I sorta figured this would happen at some point (unfortunately a lot sooner than later, too).

It's why, despite running this version almost every day, I wasn't even gonna bother sending in a run unless I knew it was one that was likely to stand atop the LB for a hot minute. It just sucks that as someone who plays this game inside and out SO often, it seems like unless I can get a PC at some point I'll never have a run on the boards haha. I know it seems like such a trivial thing to most of you, bc PC is like the de facto way a ton of games in the community are ran, but having to just invest in a whole ass PC to speedrun ONE game is a huge barrier to entry. It just is.

Duckstation finally allowed me to literally cast my phone to my TV, and boom there we go, running BH2 finally. And utilizing the screen capture function is how I would be able to bypass having to capture it w/ OBS, and blah blah blah all the crap I can't do bc I don't have a PC. I do gotta say, Kaladere above immediately pointed out the exact same thing I was gonna have questions about...bc I mean even doing runs on Android, literally any feature or function you change in Duckstation can be displayed on the screen at all times. Inputs can also be shown. So I really don't know how someone would get around the fact that any parameter you could manipulate for gain will be RIGHT THERE, displayed for any and all to see lol.

Idk...rant over I suppose haha. Not saying any of that to try and sway anyone's decisions or opinions, it's just that after ohhhh...about 7-8yrs of running this game and trying at various points to get a PC that will a) run the friggin' SN version to start with, and b) also not randomly screw up when trying to run SN and also have up the splits, OBS, etc etc it just gets disheartening is all. And Duckstation seemed like such a convenient way to finally get a run up on the boards, ANY run lol. I was just taking my time submitting a run so I could hopefully get one up that I wouldn't have to redo for a good bit.

Anyways, I respect the decision and as always, thanks to the Mods for the time you guys take to view & verify the runs, it's much appreciated 👏👏👏

Zangtu aiment ceci
Texas, USAConkyJoe891 year ago


No lol I meant in regards to the bit about myself also not being a moderator. Maybe I should've worded that differently 😂

Texas, USAConkyJoe891 year ago

Like Dave said, I'm no moderator, but I'm pretty sure it's okay at this point to use Duckstation.

Texas, USAConkyJoe892 years ago

If you haven't yet joined the Discord R2, I'd suggest doing so and asking your query there buddy. It's a lot more active than the BH2 forum on here, and you'll probably get an answer within a couple hours of asking (if ya haven't yet figured it out, anyways).

Good luck, hope you get it sorted out! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Texas, USAConkyJoe893 years ago

I know I'm late to this shit show lol, but as someone who played RE2 since the o.g. version released in '98 (not even DualShock yet haha), one of my main goals in playing was to beat the game as fast as I could, bc that was one of the criteria for unlocking the infinite extra weapons (I mean, what 9-year old in the late 90's didn't wanna blow shit up with rockets, or mow down hallways full of zombies w/ machine guns like Rambo?!?! Amirite?!)

So beating the O.G. RE's on the PSX as fast as I could manage (at that time) was always something I was aiming for, even prior to me learning about speedrunning around mid-2017. And since the old RE's aren't the type of speedruns where you can perform wall-clips, or credit warps, things of that still get to experience like 95% of the game ANYWAYS. You just happen to be doing it quickly and hyper-efficiently. Which, at least imo, shows your total mastery of, and devotion to, that particular game. And to me that's a beautiful thing. Don't come to a site with "Speedrun" in the title and then question the reasonings as to why so many people do it. That's just ridiculous.

Texas, USAConkyJoe893 years ago

Don't quote me on this, but I think at one point back in the day, they were separated. And true, the US version did have some things implemented that make runs less consistent to complete (mainly the one asshole zombie in the RPD Main Hall 2F), and the zombies are SLIGHTLY more aggro too, I think.

But other than those little instances, US version isn't really more DIFFICULT, it's just less consistent due to the rng of that ONE zombie. The extra enemies in the other areas don't really factor into making or breaking a run (usually). And I don't believe it's true that you take more damage in the US version, pretty sure it's the same, and if it is different, it's such a slight increase as to be a non-issue. So it basically just came down to there not really being much of an argument for the US version to have it's own LB, as having a good US run doesn't require more skill than having a good JPN run, it comes down to luck and at that point there's just honestly no reason to run US as BH2 is just plain faster all-around. Extra herbs/FAS's also don't matter, bc the goal is to not get grabbed and fall into Caution in the first place, ya know?

And back when I started running the game (2017ish) I had the same thought process, I was running US RE2 on an SCPH-70012 PS2 slim, bc also back in the day we thought that specific model PS2 ran RE2 faster bc of the type of PS1 driver it uses, and so when we found out it was actually modchips causing the faster times and not that specific PS2 model, they took any runs utilizing modchips and put them on a different LB. And I was sorta pissed, bc I had went outta my way to get that US PS2 bc it was "faster", but I didn't use a modchip to enable me to run BH2, I just ran RE2. And then suddenly it was like if you weren't running BH2 on an import PS2, your run was gonna be viewed as "less than", which I thought was stupid, bc RE2 is harder after all, right? But after starting to run BH2 myself I realized that no, running RE2 doesn't make your run a "more skill-intensive" run, it just makes it more of a hassle to make it to the sewers consistently, and that gets old as Hell after the millionth time.

Anyways, I'm rambling now. But that's just my thoughts on it, having came into the community with that same sorta outlook, and realizing over time that BH2 is just plain better for speedrun purposes. Hope there was some useful info in that novel I just wrote 😂🤣😂🤣

PrinzSichelPickel aiment ceci
Texas, USAConkyJoe893 years ago

@actuallywill That actually makes perfect sense. Bc I see top runs get so close to the last car zombie before the alley that he actually turns and attempts a grab. And then 1 second later round that corner as wide as can be lol.

So I'm almost to the point of thinking it has more to do w/ the opening lines and actually NOT straying too far from Car Zombie Dude that immediately proceeds the alley.

Texas, USAConkyJoe893 years ago

As stated above, the Kendo alley zombie isn't RNG, took everyone awhile to figure out exactly how to make him un-spawn, but yes eventually it was figured out you need to take that corner, the one leading i to the alley, as close as can be.

Perhaps needing to avoid the last zombie leading into the alley is true as well, bc there have been times I took the corner as sharp as can be and still that zombie spawned. So maybe that's true as well, I'm not sure.

N0b0dy__23 aiment ceci
Texas, USAConkyJoe893 years ago

For those of you who run BH2 on the PS2, my first question is: I know that enabling "Fast Disc Speed" will help improve run times, but what about that second option? I believe it's Texture related or something of the like? Will that hurt my time at all to enable it to smooth out the graphics a tad?

And secondly, my more important question: Which of the button layout options is closest to the US version RE2? Where 🔲 is run, ❌ is open doors/shoot, ⭕ pulls up menu, Start pauses, etc etc? Or does a controller scheme that matches the US version even exist in BH2? Please...tell me it does...please lol. I just slapped it on real quick for the first time earlier, and the controls threw me WAY off.

Xenochrome aiment ceci
Texas, USAConkyJoe893 years ago

Sorry friend, it's not an accepted category right now. I doubt it will ever be. Just bc of the nature of trickery phones can get away with.

But if you actually have a good emulator running RE2 on your phone, props to ya! I wish I did lol

Texas, USAConkyJoe894 years ago

@Rei_Leo, that is because Leon uses hitscan weapons, and Claire uses projectile-based weapons.

Claire can deal the same damage, even from far away, because her weapons shoot projectiles. I'm not sure whether or not her projectiles will eventually drop in damage if they're very, VERY far away, but I don't believe they do.

Leon, on the other hand, uses hitscan weapons. Which means that if Leon fires his gun, and it would hit the enemy, it hits them immediately, but if he's further away it will drop slightly in damage.

The reason the G-Mutant fight and the Birkin fight aren't the same in regards to damage (and number of hits taken to finish the fight) is because really only the optimal strat for the G-Mutant can sometimes put you in a spot for it to matter, NOT the optimal strat for Factory Birkin.

You start the G-Mutant fight by running towards it, and you can wind up just SLIGHTLY outside of max. damage range in that instance, requiring one more Magnum shot. In contrast, with Factory Birkin, you run AWAY from him, and then finish the fight as he walks towards you, and regardless of whether you end up getting hit by him or not, he's almost always going to wind up in the same distance areas, at roughly the same times, to take the same amount of damage.

And in your G5 example; it's not quickshots that are making a difference in how many shots it takes to finish him, as whether or not a shot was "quick" doesn't affect how much damage it does. Rather, it's more likely how close Birkin is to Leon when you miss/don't miss quickshots that determines whether there's a difference or not.

Sorry, hope I didn't make all that too confusing to read lol.

Rei_Leo aiment ceci
Texas, USAConkyJoe894 years ago

I only just now saw this, so sorry for semi-necro'ing, but I just wanted to say I find it hella interesting about the modchip skipping checks Carci, how is it you came to find that out?

Also, having used a 1.11 driver (albeit playing on US) I was still pretty surprised at my inability to even approach a 1:09-1:10 range time, given that we thought the driver was what was supposed to be making the difference lol. I routed in a pretty effective FAS to account for the RPD 2F rng and still, it didn't seem to make a fuck.

So it's interesting to find out literally years later that it had something to do with the modchip and not the driver.

Texas, USAConkyJoe894 years ago

Whilst I can't answer this more specifically in regards to how many shots it should normally take to kill G5 with any particular weapon (as I hardly play the B Scenarios, and don't speedrun them as I do the A ones) I can tell you that distance DOES effect damage with certain weapons.

Case in point: The G-Mutant fight (in Leon A, for this example). When the battle starts, you run up to the Mutant with Leon, and start blasting it with Magnum shots. However, Leon's distance from the Mutant will determine how many shots it takes to actually kill it. I believe a "good" Mutant fight is 7 shots, and means you managed to position Leon close enough to deal the extra damage with the Magnum. If you're even something like half a step too far away, it'll take one whole extra shot to put it down for good.

So a "good" fight is 7 shots, "meh" fight is 8 (or it could be 6 & 7, Idr it's been a sec lol), and it's all down to the extra damage you deal by being closer.

Hope this helps slightly.

Tanky aiment ceci
Texas, USAConkyJoe894 years ago

Also, congratulations on your 2nd place time on PS Claire A my friend! Impressive! 👍👍👍

I'm about to purchase a JAP PS2 to compete in Leon A again, you see I actually happened to pick up an SCPH-70012 back in 2017 before there was the LB seperation into mod/no-mod categories. And right in the midst of me competing to get a good time, they split the LB's and suddenly I felt as though any time I submitted would automatically be "less than", bc hardly anyone competes in the mod category. So it put me off the game and I quit.

But I'm just gonna buy a JAP system and start fresh. Here's to more good runs in the future, for both of us 🤙🤙🤙

Texas, USAConkyJoe894 years ago

If it's a totally unaltered JAP PS2, then it would be a no mod chip run.

The mod chip category is for people that are 1) using a mod chip or disc to get their US SCPH-70012's to run the JAP vers. of RE2, or 2) people using a US SCPH-70012 in general, even to run US RE2.

The PS1 Driver in the US SCPH-70012 has been shown to run RE2 at a much faster speed than any other model of PS2. Not FULLY understood why I don't think, even to this day. But we suspect it's just that version of PS1 Driver is most adept at running RE2.

Texas, USAConkyJoe895 years ago

Oh yea my apologies, I should've specified I meant Sourcenext lol. But alright thanks for the info!

Texas, USAConkyJoe895 years ago

Is showing splits for EVERY door in Leon A required? Or can it be splits such as RPD > STARS Office > Ada shot, etc etc?

Bc when I dl'd the autosplitter it had those splits already on it.

Texas, USAConkyJoe895 years ago

Exactly how I learned as well JayCee, great advice.

I vividly remember loading up a Factory save, turning on infinite ammo, and just shooting the Magnum on the G2 fight platform for literally like... an hour straight. Hahaha. Good times!

JayCee7 aiment ceci
Texas, USAConkyJoe896 years ago

I think the timer is technically supposed to start when you gain control of Leon/Claire, but for simplicity I always started mine when I confirmed my difficulty (to get the announcer to go BioHazard...TWOOO lol)

kucouyf aiment ceci
Texas, USAConkyJoe896 years ago

Hey guys! Just curious if anyone with experience running both the console PS version and the recommended Emu PS version finds the Emu to be an accurate experience? Like there aren't any glaring issues are there? Idk what it is (probably 20 years of nostalgia) but I have a real soft spot for the PS version lol. The blocky graphics, the sounds, the whole ambiance it imparts honestly. I don't wanna order an import PS2 though, having just sold my US SCPH-70012. Thanks for any info!

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