There's information (and guides) about this in the intro page of DSDA:
Strongly recommend using Crispy Doom a try, since it's based on the code base of Chocolate Doom, but has been improved ever since.
If you're getting started, I recommend taking a look at PrBoom+, or Crispy Doom.
You probably have the "hide known file extensions" activated in your windows, and your file is actually called: "demo.bat.txt" - which is a .txt. You need to deactivate that option in the windows file explorer to be able to change the file extension to just ".bat".
Option 2 - which is much simpler: Create a shortcut to crispy, and at the end of the target, add: -skill 4 warp 1 1 -record e1m1
Most source-ports (like prboom+ and crispy) have an advanced HUD that show you the total number of kills and secrets. When practicing you should use that to know if the level is done and you can exit, or if there's still monsters left to kill.
I'd recommend starting with PrBoom+ or Crispy Doom. There's more information here: Check under the "Source Ports" paragraph.
That information is outdated. It used to be like that many years ago. But now-a-days the entire time is counted for episode runs, including MAP8! ZM's run is officially counted as 7:52. Check here:
(The information here at might be incorrect and might need to be updated, but DSDA is the official source.)
At the moment, the Level Leaderboards only have the UV Speed and UV Max categories. I wanted to submit a UV-Fast speedrun to them, but the category is not available there, only in the Full-game Leaderboards. Is this something that can be added to the Level Leaderboards?
Thanks in advance.
I recommend using PrBoom+ and record your gameplay to a demo (.lmp file), instead of recording directly with OBS. Then, you can playback the demo later and use OBS to get the video; when playing-back the video I recommend using glboom (included in the PrBoom+ installation) to play back the demo in OpenGL, instead of the software renderer that prboom uses. OBS doesn't seen to like capturing full-screen applications that use the software renderer, for some reason.
If that doesn't work, I heard there's an option to have prboom directly output a video file without even using OBS. Not sure how that works because I've never used it myself, look around for more info.
Also check this post in the doomworld forums, there's more information on how to get PrBoom+ to record demos and other stuff:
Looking back 3 months ago from now - removing the IL runs was the most unpopular and contradictory decision that you took as mods of this game on
Before, there were new runs almost every week and people playing and competing regularly. If you went to the list of games in , and sorted by "most active" doom 1 would be easily in the first page - in the top 30 most run games. Now it has literally zero players / submissions in the last few months. With this decision you killed this game in
If things weren't organized, don't delete them, find a way to organize them! There were other alternatives to solve the problem, such as: only allowing video submissions of runs that were also submitted with a demo in DSDA. Removing the board was an absolute extreme.
I understand the value of submitting demos, and the redundancy problem with having to the keep same records both in DSDA and in, which can get inconsistent over time.
That being said, there is another factor at play here: spectators.
I don't speedrun doom, but I do love the game, and I find it extremely interesting and entertaining to watch videos of speedruns of different categories and maps. However, there is NO WAY I'm going to install a source-port just to run demos in order to watch a certain playthrough - the video format is MUCH more accessible to 90% of the spectators that don't actually run the game.
For me, that's a HUGE advantage of It brings spectators and possibly new players. People who run other games and know doom (well everyone knows doom), get curious and want to check some videos out. They will never do so on DSDA or the doomworld forums (which are certainly very organized - I'll give you that), but they are not as easy to explore and as 'hot' as If a new player/spectator has to resort to DSDA just to know how it's like to run doom, they will most likely give up.
I don't know anything about DSDA 3, but having very easily-accessible videos is a very strong selling point, IMO.
A group of people in the steam community forums have made a thread to record a leaderboard for the highest scores of the Survival Modes. It's not exactly speedrunning (the longer you survive, the higher your score), but it's still a fun way to compete. Here's the link to the thread, for anyone interested:
I was just checking out UV MAX records, and noticed that one of the level records has a broken link to the youtube video:
It's just missing an "h" before "ttps..."
Would be great if a mod could fix it (hope it's not a lot of work to do so).