Training and practice uv max
So im focusing on uv max. Iv been just running the first 4 map e1m2 thru e1m9 . I can get secrets but i always seem 2percent off enemies. How do other runners practice
Most source-ports (like prboom+ and crispy) have an advanced HUD that show you the total number of kills and secrets. When practicing you should use that to know if the level is done and you can exit, or if there's still monsters left to kill.
I apologize for my noobness. But how do? .Google didn't help me. Nor do I have a read me for crispy-doom
New moderation for Classic Doom/Changes coming soon
Hey everyone so I'm gonna make this short because I have to go to work shortly.
I was made a moderator for the Classic Doom's here on SRC, and there's going to be changes.
- All IL's/Episode run categories are going to be removed
This is because DSDA exists. There's no logical reason for I
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