Barcelona, CataloniaAxelSanGo1 year ago

Whenever there's a run with the load remover, i check for inconsistencies, also if the runner is interested in it, I can retime it when there's no lrt already done. I do think people want to see a direct comparison to their pb or to the wr, with just RTA u wouldn't have that.

foden44 et MarlonH8 aime ceci
Barcelona, CataloniaAxelSanGo1 year ago

After 2 different runners submit valid runs for different categories, those will be added, use this thread and/or the #wo-long-pbs-and-wrs channel in the discord server to post runs from categories yet to be added to the boards. Currently in the "to be added" list of categories:

  • All Main Flags (main battlefields only)
  • All Flags (all battlefields)
  • All Main Battle Flags (main battlefields only)
  • All Battle Flags (all battlefields)
  • All battlefields (any% + completing all sub battlefields)
  • Level 1 (sub category for any of the other categories)
  • Low Flags (avoid all optional flags) Again, it is necessary to fulfill the condition of at least 2 runners with valid runs running that 1 category in order to add it
Shredmachine aiment ceci
Barcelona, CataloniaAxelSanGo2 years ago

I'll just update this post with my last Level 1 pb Shame I got the softlock glitch at the end, otherwise i'd have ended with a sub 19, around 18:55 I think

Barcelona, CataloniaAxelSanGo2 years ago

yeah, i agree with niepoko, all endings in this game is kinda pointless, literally the same as all bosses but repeating the final boss several times to change the final answer, not my definition of fun

Shredmachine aiment ceci
Barcelona, CataloniaAxelSanGo2 years ago

Not having double claw and other stuff means you gotta fight differently and use different resources to make up for it. Wanna wait till I solidify my route first, already found some neat setups. Idc if there's no category but for now I think it's a worthwhile run to explore. Btw, the way you posted "19:18:00" would normally be read as 19 hours 18 mins 0 seconds, but I'm guessing you meant to post 19:18.00 (19 mins, 18 secs)?

ninetailorochimaru aiment ceci
Barcelona, CataloniaAxelSanGo2 years ago

Here you go Balneor, afaik no names were changed, but i checked my vods just to make sure.

//Name of the stages (plus the subtitle of it, in the case of the bosses, it's their name) Will mark the bosses with * //

Main Story:

Sea of Tears (The Encounter) La-Lakoosha (Sacred Grounds) Claire Moa Temple (Folgaran the Armor Beast)* Jungle Slider (Raging Rapids) Joilant Fun Park (A Date with Tat) Joilant Plaza (Leptio the Flower Clown)* Volk City (Through the Crossfire) Underground Factory (Bowels of the City) Volk Hall (Mobile Tank Biskarsh)* Volkan Inferno (Imminent Danger) Ishras Ark (On To Mira-Mira) Mountains of Mira-Mira (Alpine Wonderland) Maze of Memories (The Laberynth of Illusions) Indecision Pass (Polonte the Hatchling)* Noxious La-Lakoosha (The Catastrophe) Dark Sea of Tears (Veil of Darkness) Empty Sea of Tears (Beyond the Sands) Embryo Compass (Cursed Leorina)* The Ark Revisited (Countdown) Kingdom of Sorrow (Where Sunsets Dream) The Forgotten Path (Deliverance) Terminus of Tears (The King of Sorrow)*

Finally these are the 2 extras:

Chamber o'Fun (Klonoa's Whirlwind Challenge) Chamber o'Horrors (Klonoa's Hurricane Challenge)

Barcelona, CataloniaAxelSanGo2 years ago

Can we also determine what's the timing for start/end of the runs? For example starting on "yes" when you confirm difficulty, and either on the framedrops after the last hit vs The King of Sorrow (the flash of light is much less noticeable), or when the screen goes white after "vision clear" shows up (or when the boss disappears and "vision clear" appears) in the case of Klonoa 2. Mainly wondering about the final split just in case.

Barcelona, CataloniaAxelSanGo2 years ago

Hey y'all, I'd like to see posts about tricks that work differently, don't work, or new tricks for Klonoa 2.

As far as I know, there's only 1 confirmed trick that doesn't work on this version, the one with the Likuri absorbing but not killing the enemy with the green shell by throwing it forwards while clipping into the side of it (the ones that you are supposed to get from above).

Also, I was messing around with the ILs, got pretty decent runs on all bosses besides King of Sorrow. Noticed that I couldn't do the trick where you pick up a flying moo right after shooting the previous one on the second to last hit vs Folgaran. I don't know if it's just me being slower/not doing it properly, (couldn't play K2 in any decent way until now with this version for the longest time), game being slower, or the moo disappearing faster. Either way, i'd like to know if it's possible in this version, thx.

Barcelona, CataloniaAxelSanGo3 years ago

Yet another update! YAY! So, as seen in SiwyXpl's Wipeout HD any% run, load remover may not trigger properly for some runners (this is probably only on ps5 but maybe I'm wrong) when the game is loading the Zone events, this is due to the progress bar never filling up completly in those. This doesn't happen in my end but if it happens to any of you, there are several ways to fix this, starting with the most precise and automatic that wouldn't require any manual action, but also the most troublesome to do: 1- Make sure you always do the same route (or at least the zone events are always at the same point of the run) and make duplicates of the screenshots used for the autosplitter, so if you have 001 and 002, you'd copy them and make them 003 and 004, all the way until you match the point where you'd do the zone event, and in this case, the even number would not be the same as the 002 but a new one, unique to that zone event (with the first image that pops after the loading screen for it), then the following 2 would be the same as 001 and 002, and so on, until the second zone event, for which you'd have to make another screenshot just like the other), of course, different categories would require a different set of images so if you were to do multiple categories, you'd have to have different folders for each category with the corresponding set of images. 2- Pay close attention to when you are starting a zone event and unpause the timer manually as soon as the loading screen ends, thankfully, after starting a zone event, you don't have to have your hands on the controller, since you can't go any faster, nor you are at any inmediate risk of wrecking your ship. This would give you plenty of time to make sure the autosplit is comparing against the start of the next loading screen (skip split in the autosplitter to do that) so everything works properly afterwards. 3- Forget all of this and don't touch anything, adjust the time later (make sure to mention this in the run submission). If necessary, Marlon or myself will adjust it.

Barcelona, CataloniaAxelSanGo3 years ago

Another thing that helps is covering as much screen as possible on your capture region, as long as nothing in that area changes (keep in mind alerts, chat, etc) the only thing changing in that region must be the progression on that bar, here's an example of a region similar to the one I use: I'm avoiding the timer and splits, the autosplitter window I leave in front to make sure everything is fine, and anything that could change from load screen to load screen (there's more region to cover that's still safe I'm pretty sure but this should be more than enough), after that it's mainly making sure your similarity threshold is high enough that it doesn't trigger accidentally in unintended parts, and low enough that it works every time no matter what load (from my testing, that's usually somewhere between 0.94 and 0.98)

Barcelona, CataloniaAxelSanGo3 years ago

Quick update: Setting up the "Pause time after split (sec)" to 0.50 works better

Barcelona, CataloniaAxelSanGo3 years ago

We'll change things up in the future but the plan is to have all tracks HD/Fury forwards, HD/Fury backwards, and 2048. So we'd have 9 tracks for C and B Class, 10 for A and A+ Class, then for HD/Fury it would be 12 tracks forwards and 12 tracks backwards for each class (Venom, Flash, Rapier, Phantom). Now that I figured out how to do the load remover for the game we're also gonna need to have that in mind when adjusting the leaderboards.

limga aiment ceci
Barcelona, CataloniaAxelSanGo4 years ago

Alright, this is my first time in esa winter (i was at esa summer 2018) and my main regrets are getting an airbnb instead of a hotel room, specially with the weather. I am aware that it's not a simple thing to do but it does makes me want that the winter event was somewhere more to the south of europe for better weather.

  • Overall the event was nice, recreational machines were nice but also felt a bit lacking from my point of view.
  • Free ice cream was good (though ice cream in winter is a bit concerning tbh), popcorn was nice too.
  • Good amount of PCs in the main room, enough for them to not be full whenever i checked.
  • Pretty comfy overall, liked the display that told us when there was something to read, whether it was a message or a donation, gives the runner more control and the reader doesn't have to ask directly, def. something that should be kept.
  • Pics for when we had to do runs are nice, but I'd like some kind of schedule so we know when they are happening, I remember I was asked about it late in the night when i was sleeping before my run that was early in the morning.
  • Open block was nice but i think the results should happen a bit earlier, so there's at least 1 day of preparation (not for the run itself, but for the schedule of it) I think that's about it, overall it was quite the positive experience.
ViperUK aiment ceci
Barcelona, CataloniaAxelSanGo6 years ago
  1. when Xehanort gets hit by the laser is good.
  2. I think having lvl1 for each difficulty is fine, with that said, as it is right now, I agree with proud lvl1 not being a good idea for a speedrun category. Hopefully this will change with later updates.
  3. In my honest opinion, pre-order stuff shouldn't be part of a speedrunning, the reason being that not everyone has the opportunity to use it, This is different from other dlcs that are not related to pre-ordering, since anyone at any point can get those dlcs.
  4. Well, at this point all worlds would be classified as the meme category, kinda hoping for an actual world with a later dlc for that kind of category. Also, while it is technically a world, it is not a world you can travel to like the others with the gummi ship so it's a bit weird but i digress
  5. I've always thought that if the IGT is good it should always be used to avoid all kinds of weird stuff with the load times.On a personal note, this was a big issue in Nioh, where the IGT counted the loads and it didn't even count the seconds, in this game it looks good though so I would recommend using it. I haven't done a run of this game yet but I do plan on at some point.
Barcelona, CataloniaAxelSanGo6 years ago


  • The biggest complain that i have is the temperature of the stream room, it might be just because of me being used to higher temperatures, but it felt pretty cold there compared to the rest of the rooms and i had to wear a jacket just for it.
  • Not having an actual coach for the co-comentators.
  • As said in a comment above, too many CRTs, the TV ratio should be a bit more favorable towards LCD TVs. Positives
  • Arcades, specially Star Wars pod racing were really nice!
  • Really cool atmosphere at the event overall, good people.
  • Free ice-cream machine was great. Overall, I'm really happy with the experience and I hope I can see you all again next year!
RoboSparkle aiment ceci
À propos de AxelSanGo
7 years ago
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Nioh 2
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Monster Hunter: World (Console)
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Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series
Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series
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WipEout: Omega Collection
WipEout: Omega Collection
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Starsky & Hutch
Starsky & Hutch
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Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty
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Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PC)
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PC)
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WipEout: Omega Collection
WipEout: Omega Collection
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Starsky & Hutch
Starsky & Hutch
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Nioh 2
Nioh 2
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Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil
Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil
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God of War
God of War
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Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series
Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series
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Nioh 2
Nioh 2
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WipEout: Omega Collection
WipEout: Omega Collection
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Dernière action 6 months ago
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty
Dernière action 1 year ago