Regarding New Runs from Twitch
Since Twitch has announced that they will no longer store VODs from users with 100 hours of footage saved on site, we will no longer be accepting runs with video evidence from Twitch. Thankfully, Twitch makes it easy to migrate footage over to YouTube (see the section "Export Videos" in the link above) which we will still be accepting video evidence from. If you do have runs stored on Twitch that are accepted, we highly recommend that you export your videos to YouTube asap.
Accepted Runs
The board does require that runs retain video evidence. Any runs where the video has been deleted will be removed from the board when discovered. This is nothing new, this has been taking place since the board's creation.
If you wish to change your footage source from Twitch to another video hosting site, please Edit your run that has already been accepted. Do not submit a new run. DO NOT edit anything from the submission except swap out the video link and optionally include a comment mentioning the link has been changed due to this situation.
Runs that have already been accepted will remain up, so long as the video remains accessible.
, we will no longer be accepting runs with video evidence from Twitch. Thankfully, Twi