100% information
8 years ago

In 100%, DLC levels are required?

Illinois, USA

I'm unsure. 100% consists of whatever requires the game to say you have 100% completion. I'm unsure if that means three stars in all levels plus DLC or all acolades. Somebody will have to play through the game and see what counts as 100% in the game's eyes.

Pennsylvania, USA

No, 100% would be Story Mode levels only AFAIK. The "DLC" Levels shouldn't count for 100%

Mijern et ShadowKnight28 aime ceci
Maryland, USA
Supprimé par l'auteur


jensj56, AardappelMASTER et 4 autres aime ceci
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New PS3 / X360 / PC Leaderboard!

After suggestions from the community, we have HD speedruns of this game to a . HD categories here will be archived, hidden from public view. Please submit future runs on those consoles to the new board! Wii/WiiU is unaffected.

Huge thanks to everyon

3 months ago
Speedruns récents
Niveau: Chapter 6: Dark Water Cove
Niveau: Chapter 4: Stormy Stronghold
Niveau: Chapter 2: Perilous Pastures
Niveau: Chapter 2: Perilous Pastures
Niveau: Chapter 17: Creepy Citadel
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