Second Lock Puzzle
4 years ago
Illinois, USA

I made note of this in the Discord a while ago, but thought it was worth mentioning here for anyone to see. I figured out that on the second lock puzzle, you can solve it in five steps instead of the usual six. Typically, you would rotate it Cl, Cl, Ccl, Cl, Ccl, Ccl to get what the game says is a perfect score. Instead, you could do it Ccl, Cl, Ccl, Ccl, Ccl, solving the puzzle in five steps. As far as I know, this may only be useful in Any% runs, if at all, as the chapter 12 IL uses Warnado to skip the lock puzzles entirely. If you'd like to use this trick in your runs from now on though, be my guest.

Walgrey et Poooll aime ceci
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After suggestions from the community, we have HD speedruns of this game to a . HD categories here will be archived, hidden from public view. Please submit future runs on those consoles to the new board! Wii/WiiU is unaffected.

Huge thanks to everyon

6 months ago
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Niveau: Chapter 12: Troll Warehouse
Niveau: Chapter 22: Lair of Kaos
Niveau: Chapter 26: Dragon's Peak
Niveau: Chapter 25: Darklight Crypt
Niveau: Chapter 24: Pirate Seas
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